Perspective essays

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1 Page 564 Words
Introduction Did you know that college football is one of the main sources of income of universities? In fact, the highest paid college football teams can generate over 200 million dollars in revenue. This is why student athletes are very respected and why most of them receive scholarships and awards. I extensively researched this topic and I am here to...
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3 Pages 1522 Words
Mars is the next Earth. We have a lot of work to get it there, though. Mars climate is terrible and devastating. One word that describes Mars is freezing. In the summer on a warm day, the temperature may not be warmer than -20 degrees Celsius. However in the same season in the southern hemisphere temperatures can be up to...
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1 Page 531 Words
I chose this topic because we had watched a video in class by Elon Musk on colonizing mars and I took an interest to it since.By the end of this you will have an idea if you think we should or should not colonize Mars. Colonizing Mars would make sure that our species survive,the only home we've ever had is...
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2 Pages 1127 Words
Last but not least, poor language proficiency is the final reason why language shaming should not be normalised in Malaysia. In his article, Galmiche (2018) reveals that group dynamic, teachers and peers are significant in sustaining and boosting learnerā€™s motivation and positive emotions. For this reason, emotions have been acknowledged as an important aspect of learning a certain language. Even...
2 Pages 907 Words
Introduction Home equity loans have become a popular financial tool for homeowners seeking to harness the value of their property for immediate financial needs. These loans, which allow borrowers to access a portion of their home's equity, can be beneficial for funding major expenses such as home renovations, education, or debt consolidation. However, despite their apparent advantages, home equity loans...
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3 Pages 1243 Words
A career is something I would love to do even when Iā€™m having a bad day, it is something I want to feel passionate about which gives my life meaning. Mental health is something I feel passionate about, which is why I want to become a licensed clinical social worker. Clinical social workers normally work in a hospital setting and...
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2 Pages 1005 Words
Introduction Every parent has a big role in the life of their kids. Their parenting is one of the guidelines of their children to live as a good person from their young age, adulthood and till their maturity. All parents are using different techniques or strategies on how they will guide, teach and discipline their young ones. In our essay,...
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2 Pages 1137 Words
I believe that every child is unique, and educators must nurture childrenā€™s love for learning in a stimulating environment to develop them holistically. I strive to engage children in meaningful children-oriented and hands-on experiences while taking the role of a facilitator to equip them with lifelong skills and knowledge (Rowe, 2006). Self-discovery In terms of self-awareness, I tend to get...
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1 Page 664 Words
The difference between courage and bravery is minimal but significant. Though the two words are often used as part of similar sentences they actually relate to slightly different actions and circumstances. Today we're going to help you get to the bottom of this word debate and finally give you the understanding you need to be able to use them as...
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5 Pages 2126 Words
Introduction Communication is defined by Kourkouta & Papathanasiou as the ā€œexchange of information, thoughts and feelings among people using speech or other meansā€ (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014). Good communication is a vital skill for paramedics and is one of the core standards set out within the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) code of conduct (Health and Care Professions Council,...
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4 Pages 1697 Words
As it has been claimed by Agheyisi and Fishman (1970), language attitudes have been the most indispensable concept in sociolinguistics. Ryan (1982) has defined attitude as ā€œa learned disposition to think, feel and behave toward a person or a class of objects in a particular wayā€. This interpretation emphasizes the positive and negative emotional responses that attitude embodies, and thus,...
3 Pages 1155 Words
Sending people to Mars is one of humanityā€™s greatest ambitions this century. We are not just going there, but we plan live there as well. With the climate of Earth heading toward a dire state human might need to leave Earth indefinitely one day. However, sending people to Mars is no easy task and the challenges that lie ahead for...
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4 Pages 1858 Words
Introduction Among some of the best ways of increasing our understanding is trying to explain phenomena that we already know and questioning why these phenomena are happening . A curious mind is an essential tool that helps the bearer increase their learning and understanding of various occurrences to the best of their capabilities. Although there is no rational explanation for...
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2 Pages 847 Words
Humanity as a collective has long wrestled with innumerable fundamental questions, one being how exactly people should live out their single opportunity at life. To begin the quest in search of truth, one shall turn to the classics, which have withstood the test of time, and are still very relevant in the modern era. While both The Bible and The...
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2 Pages 812 Words
Most of the time, we have always considered that the way we view the world is the same between cultures. Thereā€™s up, down, left, right, past, present, and so on. But what if that wasnā€™t the case? What if the language we were raised speaking changes the way we think, and how we view reality? This is the question posed...
3 Pages 1595 Words
Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical method that begun in India. The word yoga is identified to be the practice in Hinduism and Buddhism. Yoga is a Sanskrit word that can also mean yoke, to control or to unite. The goal of practising yoga is to realize your inner self, which only happens when you open your mind and...
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4 Pages 2029 Words
The son of God told, Jesus, told to his disciple a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. He said, ā€œIn a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ā€˜Give me justice...
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4 Pages 1894 Words
In this paper, I will be discussing the parenting style I was raised on. The individual I will be continuously mentioning in this paper is my mother, Monica. She was my primary caregiver when I was growing up. The parenting style that was primarily used was authoritative, and this method stayed fairly consistent over the course of my childhood and...
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3 Pages 1522 Words
In the modern era with the advancement of way of life, the pattern of health illness is also changes. with the modernization of civilization , medical science is also enhancing and innovating cure for such diseases. Ayurveda is the oldest and first medical treatment method originated and evolved in india and its fundamentals remain untouched by present. its existence is...
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2 Pages 935 Words
Introduction You know I read somewhere that around 36.7 million Americans have practiced Yoga at one point in their lives. I am one of those. But Yoga isnā€™t only for women as some may think. Itā€™s even something men doā€¦Iā€™ve seen it personally! Research shows practicing Yoga increases oneā€™s quality of life since it often helps with various health issues...
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2 Pages 1004 Words
Since the discovery of cell culture in 1907 it has rapidly become one of the most frequent and important techniques used by cell biologists and as more modern technology has became available, a greater understanding of the method was gained to further enhance the results of cell culture. With the developments of two-dimensional cell culture to three-dimensional cell culture a...
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1 Page 656 Words
Introduction Hello members of the editorial board, today I present to you a journal article called the ā€˜Mathematical Model for Cell Divisionā€™ by D. McKenney and J. A. Nickel. This article has caught my eye because it is easy to read and understand with some background knowledge. The journal article is constructed in a way that guides the reader step...
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5 Pages 2188 Words
Equity refers to right doing, good faith, honest and ethical dealings in transactions or relationships between individuals. The ordinary conception of equity is,therefore, based on morality and is linked to what is normally exhorted in churches, mosques and other religious establishments. It is also captured by objective XI of the National Objective and Directive Principles of State Policy contained in...
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1 Page 480 Words
Humor in serious or dark topics can be seen more often than just in a novel or in a story. It is used as a type of relief or break between ideas throughout the story or ideas being shared. Humor can also be used as a form of reader identification; To make the writing relatable to the reader. Humor is...
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2 Pages 873 Words
Competition in sports has mainly been emphasized throughout the creation of sports. When people generally think about sport stars and Olympic stars the general picture individuals paint are male superstars. The popularity ratio between males and females has increased for female athletes many years after the passing of the Title IX law. Not only has the Title IX law reduce...
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4 Pages 2008 Words
The use of DNA evidence in courts have grown in recent years, in fact, DNA testing has over the years helped law enforcement identify as well as solve difficult crimes. DNA evidence has over the years has helped prove that most convicted people are, in fact, innocent. However, although DNA evidence can be accurate, there is often a danger of...
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2 Pages 828 Words
For this paper, I chose the text ā€œBorat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.ā€ It is a movie which contains a great deal of information and can be broken down into many different aspects such as race, class and nationality. When deciding to choose a text that fit the requirements of the research paper, this...
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1 Page 618 Words
In a society full of varying people, opinions, and cultures, it is rare that there will be no disagreement over beliefs and experiences. A common topic of these disagreements happens to be the Bible itself. Many individuals argue as to whether or not the Bible is true. In Placherā€™s article, he says that the Bible is true, if focusing on...
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4 Pages 1866 Words
Abstract This research essay provides insight into an argumentative factor of if a mandatory opt-in and opt-out system would be beneficial when it comes to human organ donation. Through in-depth research and academic sourceā€™s, it is clear that there are multiple aspects to consider when it comes to the organ donation system. These aspects will be discussed throughout this research...
Organ DonationPerspectiveStudy
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3 Pages 1261 Words
The 21st century is known for being called a digital era. The rapid development of science and technology has led to significant changes in peopleā€™s lives. Today, it is hard to imagine living a day without using electronic devices and connecting to the Internet. Lots of everyday operations that were time-consuming and tiring before became possible to do on the...
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