Comparative Wilder Larsen, Hughes, Whitman

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An author uses many literary devices to help the reader understand the theme of the poem. Authors use different literary devices to describe how something is or felt. They also use sensory details to show the reader how something is and lets them visualize an image of what is happening. Authors also organize their poems in a way that fits with the theme of the poem. In the poems, “Deciding” by Wendy Wilder Larsen, “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes, and “I Sit and Look Out” by Walt Whitman, all the authors use sensory details, imagery, and organizational structure to convey themes in poems.

One of the main ways an author shows the theme in a poem is by using sensory details to allow the reader to use their senses to understand the theme of the poem. In “The Weary Blues”, by Langston Hughes, it says “In a deep song voice with a melancholy tone, I heard the Negro sing, that old piano man… thump, thump, thump, went his foot on the floor” (line 23). This line allows the reader to visualize a man tapping his toe to the beat of a drum. These lines lead the reader to believe that playing music makes people happy. These lines use sensory details to reach the theme of the poem. In the poem, “I Sit and Look Out” by Walt Whitman, the author uses “I see, I hear, and I observe” to describe what he is seeing and hearing so that the reader can visualize what the author is seeing.

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Authors use imagery in poems to help convey the theme of a poem. In the poem “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes, the author says “droning a drowsy syncopated tune” (line 1). This line represents imagery because it lets the reader hear a tune that can make them tired and fall asleep. In the poem “I Sit and An author uses many literary devices to help the reader understand the theme of the poem. Authors use different literary devices to describe how something is or felt. They also use sensory details to show the reader how something is and let them visualize an image of what is happening. Authors also organize their poems in a way that fits with the theme of the poem. In the poems, “Deciding” by Wendy Wilder Larsen, “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes, and “I Sit and Look Out” by Walt Whitman, all the authors use sensory details, imagery, and organizational structure to convey themes in poems.

One of the main ways an author shows the theme in a poem is by using sensory details to allow the reader to use their senses to understand the theme of the poem. In “The Weary Blues”, by Langston Hughes, it says “In a deep song voice with a melancholy tone, I heard the Negro sing, that old piano man… thump, thump, thump, went his foot on the floor” (line 23). This line allows the reader to visualize a man tapping his toe to the beat of a drum. These lines lead the reader to believe that playing music makes people happy. These lines use sensory details to reach the theme of the poem. In the poem, “I Sit and Look Out” by Walt Whitman, the author uses “I see, I hear, and I observe” to describe what he is seeing and hearing so that the reader can visualize what the author is seeing.

Authors use imagery in poems to help convey the theme of a poem. In the poem “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes, the author says “droning a drowsy syncopated tune” (line 1). This line represents imagery because it lets the reader hear a tune that can make them tired and fall asleep. In the poem “I Sit and Look Out,” the author says “I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men, at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done” (line 2). This line allows the reader to hear what the author is describing. Imagery describes how the author sees or hears something and allows the reader to see or hear what the author does.

Authors also use organizational structure to convey the theme of the poem. In the poem “I Sit and Look Out,” the author starts almost every line with “I sit, I see, I hear, and I observe. This helps the reader understand that the poem is about what the author is visualizing as they are writing the poem. The repetition of “I” indicates an organized structure in the poem which helps develop the theme of the poem. In the poem “The Weary Blues,” the other makes almost every two lines rhyme. This rhyme scheme shows an organized structure which helps to develop the theme in the poem. An organized structure allows a reader to find a pattern and immediately know if it has to do with the theme.

There are many different things that go into developing the theme of a poem. Authors use multiple different literary devices to convey the theme. Authors use sensory details, imagery, and an organized structure to help the reader develop a theme in the poem. In the poems, “Deciding” by Wendy Wilder Larsen, “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes, and “I Sit and Look Out” by Walt Whitman, all used imagery, sensory details, and an organized structure to convey the most important theme of the poem. Most poems have multiple themes, but these devices help a reader to pull out the main theme of the poem.

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Comparative Wilder Larsen, Hughes, Whitman. (2022, March 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 1, 2025, from
“Comparative Wilder Larsen, Hughes, Whitman.” Edubirdie, 18 Mar. 2022,
Comparative Wilder Larsen, Hughes, Whitman. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 Jan. 2025].
Comparative Wilder Larsen, Hughes, Whitman [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Mar 18 [cited 2025 Jan 1]. Available from:

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