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Use of Affirmative Action Policies within the Configuration of Admissions Decisions

4 Pages 1674 Words
Introduction As much as a campus is built with the brick and mortar of physical structures and buildings, it is also built through the composition of its student body. Admission decisions have a critical and distinctive role in establishing diversity and inclusion on college campuses (Winkle-Wagner & Locks, 2014). For this reason, it is imperative that the University establish use...

Multiculturalism As a Dangerous Ideology: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1698 Words
The notion for multiculturalism has been shifting for and against the legal and political alteration of ethnic minorities around the world. Since its first proposal during the late 1980s, there was public pressure for increased recognition and adjustment of ethnic diversity through legislation and policies. Multiculturalists viewed earlier ideas of nations as corrupt and began to introduce acceptance and better...

Impact of Neoliberalism and Globalization on the War on Drugs

3 Pages 1393 Words
Neoliberalism is a policy model that tends to bridge politics, economics and social studies. The ideology of Neo-liberalism emphasizes on free market competition and capitalism that moves away from government regulation, spending or public ownership. This ideology was identified in 1980’s during the conservative governments of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margret Thatcher in the UK (Harp 2010). It...

Evolution of a Public Policy White Paper: Analysis of Medical Marijuana and Marijuana Legalization

3 Pages 1407 Words
Public policy is the means by which government bodies transform their political vision into action to deliver results. Moreover, public policymaking can be described as a vigorous, complex, and iterative system through which public issues are identified and resolved (Fisher & Miller, 2017). Once a resolution is identified, a slow-evolving idea begins working towards acceptability; upon acceptance, a policy is...

Essay on the Legal Idea of European Union (EU) Citizenship

2 Pages 1123 Words
The legal idea of EU citizenship was first systematized in the Maastricht Treaty. In spite of the fact that the idea was not significantly shifted in the Lisbon Treaty, Articles 20-25 TFEU made new political and electoral rights, and above all, they fortified the current privileges of movement and residence officially ensured under the umbrella of EU citizenship by associating...

Codified Constitution Reform: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2363 Words
Section A. The ‘Brexit process surrounds the events of the UK leaving the European Union (EU), which we have been affiliated with since 1st January 1973. It has been a long and continuous process, that still hasn't ended, despite the vote happening on the 23rd of June 2016, and the UK actually leaving the EU on the 31st of January...

Analysis of Roe vs. Wade: To What Extent Is It the Role of the Judiciary to Intervene in Politics

6 Pages 2685 Words
The role of the judiciary in the political process is a complex one, and, as with much else in politics is essentially a question of who wields power. In recent times, it is also an issue that has achieved significant public salience, with high-profile Supreme Court rulings on both sides of the Atlantic occurring at the same time as growing...

Essay about Transportation

2 Pages 684 Words
Land transportation has evolved throughout human history. It started with simple strides, taming wild horses, and the invention of the wheel. History puts it that the initial invention of man-made transportation occurred in Mesopotamia or Asia. This was the time when man invented the wheel at around 4000-3500 BC (Bardou, Jean-Pierre, et al, 1982). The combination of the horse and...

Essay about Inauguration

2 Pages 857 Words
I know very well that you can't touch Trump with a ten-foot pole without getting into some kind of controversy. Whether with his supporters or his opponents, I'm going to try. I'm going to critique Trump's inauguration speech. I am going to try to go as non-political as possible and talk not about the content or the veracity of the...

Essay on Why Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote

2 Pages 833 Words
According to Martin Luther King Jr. “No nation can long continue to flourish or to find its way to a better society while it allows any one of its citizens to be denied the right to participate in the most fundamental of all privileges-the right to vote”. A prisoner, who is also referred to as an inmate, is anyone who...

Essay on Why Prisoners Should not Be Allowed to Vote

2 Pages 1075 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Should prisoners retain their right to vote? Stewart in his article “Terrorism and Human Rights” defined human rights as the essential rights and freedoms that belong to each person within the world, from birth until death. They apply despite where you're from, what you suspect, or how you select to measure your life. They will never be got rid of,...

Trump Administration's Withdrawal from the United Nations: Reasons and Implications for International Law

5 Pages 2089 Words
The between relationship the United States and the United Nations has been bittersweet since the appointment of President Donald Trump into office. This essay is will advocate against the Trump administration withdrawal from the UN several bodies, specifically: the Human Rights Council and the World Health Organization by discussing the reasons and implications of such decision. Firstly, it will begin...

Theme of Isolation and Fear Caused by Totalitarian Governments in '1984' and 'V for Vendetta'

2 Pages 810 Words
The novel ‘1984’ and film ‘V for Vendetta’ are both works that explore how totalitarian governments cause isolation and fear through control. They demonstrate how methods such as propaganda, surveillance and fabrication of information assert control over the lives of their citizens and remove the individual freedom to create a mass of people living in a single unified movement. ‘1984’...

Seed of Destruction Relations to Thomas Jefferson’s Autobiography and the Declaration of Independence.

3 Pages 1136 Words
Whether or not the attainment of independence is different from revolution it has long been contested, and has mostly been debated over the question of violence as legal means to gain sovereignty. In general, revolutions aim only to redistribute power with or without an element of emancipation, such as in democratization within a state, which as such may remain unaltered....

Powerfulness of the Declaration of Independence

2 Pages 709 Words
The Declaration of Independence was composed in 1776, by Thomas Jefferson. Its motivation was to announce that the 13 settlements in America were free and autonomous from Great Britain, get different pilgrims ready, and to urge different countries to support them. Jefferson not just composed how they were part from Britain, yet he additionally gave some careful thinking with respect...

Irony of Martin Espada's Poem 'Bully'

3 Pages 1197 Words
In ‘Bully’ Martin Espada uses the first stanza to introduce the theme of his poem. “In the school auditorium/the Theodore Roosevelt statue/is nostalgic” (lines 1-3). The statue described emanates a nostalgia for the Spanish-American war, which was considered by many to be a morally reprehensible act of hate upon Hispanic people. The author of the poem, Martin Espada, was introduced...

Hypocrisy of Thomas Jefferson and the Hypothetical Promises of the Declaration of Independence

1 Page 636 Words
The statement ‘All men are created equal’ only began to ring true hundreds of years after 1776. The promises of the Declaration of Independence fell short of what was guaranteed at the time and 'all men' were merely hypothetical. The words of Thomas Jefferson and his actions greatly contradict themselves, making him a hypocrite. In this free country, African Americans,...

History of Voting in America

4 Pages 1861 Words
Voting is one of the most important things you can do as an American citizen. It is an extremely special thing that we often take for granted. Voting is not just a right that we have. It is an opportunity to make a difference in our country’s politics and perhaps the course of American history. Throughout history, people from all...

Essay on Declaration of Independence

1 Page 613 Words
The Declaration of Independence was a reaction to the domineering British principle and their want to be free from its force. During 1774, individuals had begun to understand that no person was less than another through Enlightenment. In this sense, they needed to be as free and autonomous as colonizers, with the capacity to make their very own overseeing rules...

Characteristics of Jacksonian Period

4 Pages 1746 Words
Between 1824 and 1848, commonly referred to as the Jacksonian Period, American rights and ideals of the common man were implemented. This idea was pioneered by Andrew Jackson, the self-proclaimed ‘champion of the common man’. Jackson, unlike the candidates preceding the election of 1828, had come from humble beginnings. Jackson grew up in relative poverty with his widowed mother. As...

Should Pets Be Allowed on Public Transport?

1 Page 444 Words
One recently published study shows that In Sydney, dog owners and dogs go to trips together 2.6 million times a week (Kent & Mulley, 2017). Unfortunately, pets are not allowed on public transport in Australia. Many people think pets should not be excluded from public transport. Because pets are part of many people's life, and accepting their lifestyle is a...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson

2 Pages 867 Words
In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson seeks the separation of American colonies from oppressive and oppressive England. He made his position clear to the colonists and most importantly in the world through convincing complaints, syntax and a dictionary. Thomas Jefferson's skillful use of persuasive rhetoric in the Declaration of Independence, conveyed through compelling arguments, sophisticated syntax, and carefully chosen...

Review of 'Why Liberalism Failed' by Patrick Deneen

2 Pages 992 Words
‘Why Liberalism Failed’ provides insight to the beliefs of author Patrick Deneen. Deneen is a political philosophy and constitutional studies professor at Notre Dame, believing that liberalism has failed by succeeding. He believes the contradicting principles have allowed our citizens to take on individualistic beliefs and therefore succeeding in that sense, however this fails to unite the nation and produce...

Pros and Cons of Communism

6 Pages 2692 Words
Karl Heinrich Marx the father of the most effective economic system we know of was born on May 5th, 1818 in Trier, Germany. Marx was the oldest boy that survived of nine children which I would call fate. Marx was born into a Jewish background which exposed him to prejudice and discrimination that may have been a factor in his...

New Political Teams of the Reconstruction Period

3 Pages 1224 Words
During the Reconstruction period of time of the war, there have been 2 new political teams setting out to type. The novel Republican Party gained a number of its greatest members, 2 teams of individuals from opposite sides of the country. The carpetbaggers and scalawags joined forces to reconstruct the South, however they were met with difference and criticism as...

Atlantic Revolutions and Socialist Ideals That Reflected Them

3 Pages 1229 Words
The Atlantic Revolutions were the revolutionary waves that swept Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, playing a crucial role in reshaping the political history of the modern geopolitical climate. It was associated with the Atlantic world during the period between 1770s and 1870s taking place in Europe and Americas between 1775-1783, Spanish America in 1810-1825, Europe and...

Andrew Jackson and Indian Removal Act: Essay

1 Page 572 Words
The White Americans occupied various part of the United States including the western frontier. It is important to note that they viewed the Native Americans as aliens and this generated fear in them. On the other hand, efforts that put in place by earlier Presidents that sought to make Native Americans equal to the White Americans had not succeeded (Cave,...

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