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Isolation and Fear in Totalitarian Governments in 1984 and V for Vendetta

2 Pages 804 Words
The novel ‘1984’ and film ‘V for Vendetta’ are both works that explore how totalitarian governments cause isolation and fear through control. They demonstrate how methods such as propaganda, surveillance and fabrication of information assert control over the lives of their citizens and remove the individual freedom to create a mass of people living in a single unified movement. ‘1984’...

Seed of Destruction: Jefferson's Autobiography & Declaration

3 Pages 1142 Words
Whether or not the attainment of independence is different from revolution it has long been contested, and has mostly been debated over the question of violence as legal means to gain sovereignty. In general, revolutions aim only to redistribute power with or without an element of emancipation, such as in democratization within a state, which as such may remain unaltered....

Powerfulness of the Declaration of Independence

3 Pages 1153 Words
Introduction The Declaration of Independence, adopted on July 4, 1776, stands as a pivotal document in world history, symbolizing the birth of the United States and encapsulating the universal ideals of liberty, equality, and self-governance. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson and endorsed by the Continental Congress, it articulated the colonies' desire to break free from British rule and laid the philosophical...

Irony of Martin Espada's Poem 'Bully'

3 Pages 1197 Words
In ‘Bully’ Martin Espada uses the first stanza to introduce the theme of his poem. “In the school auditorium/the Theodore Roosevelt statue/is nostalgic” (lines 1-3). The statue described emanates a nostalgia for the Spanish-American war, which was considered by many to be a morally reprehensible act of hate upon Hispanic people. The author of the poem, Martin Espada, was introduced...

Jefferson's Hypocrisy and Declaration's Promises

1 Page 639 Words
The statement ‘All men are created equal’ only began to ring true hundreds of years after 1776. The promises of the Declaration of Independence fell short of what was guaranteed at the time and 'all men' were merely hypothetical. The words of Thomas Jefferson and his actions greatly contradict themselves, making him a hypocrite. In this free country, African Americans,...

History of Voting in America

4 Pages 1861 Words
Voting is one of the most important things you can do as an American citizen. It is an extremely special thing that we often take for granted. Voting is not just a right that we have. It is an opportunity to make a difference in our country’s politics and perhaps the course of American history. Throughout history, people from all...

Essay on Declaration of Independence

1 Page 613 Words
The Declaration of Independence was a reaction to the domineering British principle and their want to be free from its force. During 1774, individuals had begun to understand that no person was less than another through Enlightenment. In this sense, they needed to be as free and autonomous as colonizers, with the capacity to make their very own overseeing rules...

Characteristics of Jacksonian Period

4 Pages 1746 Words
Between 1824 and 1848, commonly referred to as the Jacksonian Period, American rights and ideals of the common man were implemented. This idea was pioneered by Andrew Jackson, the self-proclaimed ‘champion of the common man’. Jackson, unlike the candidates preceding the election of 1828, had come from humble beginnings. Jackson grew up in relative poverty with his widowed mother. As...

Should Pets Be Allowed on Public Transport?

1 Page 444 Words
One recently published study shows that In Sydney, dog owners and dogs go to trips together 2.6 million times a week (Kent & Mulley, 2017). Unfortunately, pets are not allowed on public transport in Australia. Many people think pets should not be excluded from public transport. Because pets are part of many people's life, and accepting their lifestyle is a...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence

2 Pages 876 Words
In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson seeks the separation of American colonies from oppressive and oppressive England. He made his position clear to the colonists and most importantly in the world through convincing complaints, syntax and a dictionary. Thomas Jefferson's skillful use of persuasive rhetoric in the Declaration of Independence, conveyed through compelling arguments, sophisticated syntax, and carefully chosen...

Review of 'Why Liberalism Failed' by Patrick Deneen

2 Pages 992 Words
‘Why Liberalism Failed’ provides insight to the beliefs of author Patrick Deneen. Deneen is a political philosophy and constitutional studies professor at Notre Dame, believing that liberalism has failed by succeeding. He believes the contradicting principles have allowed our citizens to take on individualistic beliefs and therefore succeeding in that sense, however this fails to unite the nation and produce...

Pros and Cons of Communism

6 Pages 2692 Words
Karl Heinrich Marx the father of the most effective economic system we know of was born on May 5th, 1818 in Trier, Germany. Marx was the oldest boy that survived of nine children which I would call fate. Marx was born into a Jewish background which exposed him to prejudice and discrimination that may have been a factor in his...
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Political Coalitions in Reconstruction America

2 Pages 1022 Words
Introduction The Reconstruction period in the United States, spanning from 1865 to 1877, was a time of profound transformation in the political landscape. Following the end of the Civil War, the nation grappled with reintegrating the Southern states into the Union and defining the legal status of African Americans. This era saw the emergence of new political coalitions that sought...

Atlantic Revolutions and Socialist Ideals That Reflected Them

3 Pages 1229 Words
The Atlantic Revolutions were the revolutionary waves that swept Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, playing a crucial role in reshaping the political history of the modern geopolitical climate. It was associated with the Atlantic world during the period between 1770s and 1870s taking place in Europe and Americas between 1775-1783, Spanish America in 1810-1825, Europe and...

Andrew Jackson and Indian Removal Act: Essay

1 Page 572 Words
The White Americans occupied various part of the United States including the western frontier. It is important to note that they viewed the Native Americans as aliens and this generated fear in them. On the other hand, efforts that put in place by earlier Presidents that sought to make Native Americans equal to the White Americans had not succeeded (Cave,...

Analytical Thinking of University Students against Conspiracy Beliefs

3 Pages 1371 Words
Conspiracy theories have been around for decades there will always be people who will believe in conspiracy ideation examples: assassination of John F. Kennedy, 9/11 terrorist attacks or government cover-ups of alien visitation. Aaronovitch (2009) describes conspiracy belief as “the unnecessary assumption of conspiracy when other explanations are more probable”. Does this mean that there is something wrong with believing...

Brief Review of John Mearsheimer's Works

2 Pages 927 Words
The main arguments of John Mearsheimer relied on the development, nature and fate of liberal hegemonic order. He is a well-known ‘offensive realist’ and his central argument relied mainly on the long-standing intention of creating the world in the American image through liberal thoughts and institutional arrangements. The concept of liberal democracy started with two fundamental assumptions about human nature,...

Who Won the Cold War? Essay

2 Pages 714 Words
The Cold War A hot war has physical fighting. In a cold war, there is not. The Cold War refers to the time after WW2 when there were tensions between the USA and its allies and the USSR and their allies. USA Capitalism vs USSR Communism The Soviet Union and the USA had different ideologies (a system of ideas and...

Water Crisis Essay

2 Pages 818 Words
Contemporarily there are many global issues that are affecting the citizens of the world as a single community; disrupting natural framework and disturbing the social and economic progress. The unavailability or inadequate access to clean water is one of them. It is also termed as water crisis in the global standards. There is scarcity of freshwater due to depleting sources...

Role of Youth in Democracy Essay

1 Page 452 Words
The action “Role of Youth in Democracy” supports youth participation in democratic life. Our goal is to encourage the active participation of young people in the life of the European community. Through the program, we will enable young people to learn about democratic processes and to become active citizens at all levels – local, regional, national and European. European Union’s...

Lasting Effects of the Cold War

4 Pages 1975 Words
Ronald Reagan once said,“We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth,” but that was in 1985 and there is no sign of the complete destruction of nuclear weapons (thereaganvision.org). This is exemplified in the ongoing War on Terror in Iraq and Syria. For quite some time, Americans have been debating whether or...

Is Populism a Threat to Liberal Democracy? Essay

3 Pages 1473 Words
Populism has emerged as a prominent feature of liberal-democratic political landscapes across the world . These populist surges have drawn significant impact on the systems they gained traction against, and many have questioned whether populism threatens or strengthens liberal-democracy. This potentially ambiguous relationship drawn between populism and liberal-democracy has been connected to the duality within the concept of liberal-democracy itself,...

How Did the Cold War Affect Domestic Policy? Essay

7 Pages 3156 Words
Often, new wars follow closely behind old wars. This was the case with the 1947-1991 “Cold War.” This war was not characterized by thousands of deaths due to bloody battles but by long-term tension between the Soviet Union and the United States with their allies. Starting almost directly after World War II, the Cold War involved numerous countries and several...

Military Spending and Its Role in Ending the Cold War

2 Pages 875 Words
Introduction The Cold War, a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union along with their respective allies, spanned from the end of World War II to the early 1990s. A defining characteristic of this era was the arms race, where military spending soared to unprecedented levels. This essay explores how military expenditure influenced the end...

How Did Competing Ideologies During the Cold War Affect Guatemala

4 Pages 1827 Words
While portrayed by the Soviets as a simple trade deal, transactions such as these amount to something far more sinister. Repaying a loan in raw materials and the purchase of Soviet finished goods only cemented the dynamic between the two countries. Brazil’s position as a less developed producer nation with an agricultural focused economy was strengthened as was the USSR’s...

Essay on Role of Opposition in Democracy

3 Pages 1523 Words
Inclusive participation in the political process: The new constitution of Nepal embraces the concept of multi-caste, multiculturalism and multilingualism. Article 18 (3) provide special provisions for the protection, empowerment or advancement of women, dalits, indigenous peoples, marginalized, medhasi groups etc. It ensures 33% representation of women from each party in both the houses of the Federal Parliament and the state...

Essay on Role of Election in Democracy

4 Pages 1832 Words
In this essay, I will be supporting the argument that states that there is lack of diversity information in Canada and how it is a threat to democracy. I will begin this paper by defining diversity of information, then provide different examples to justify my argument, and towards the end of this paper I will state few advantages of how...

Direct Democracy Essay

2 Pages 937 Words
In the United States and other parts of the world, we have the right to vote for people we believe in and it's our responsibility. Being apart of a process where your options count is the definition to a political system known as democracy. Back in ancient times, the world was mainly ruled by tyrants and kings. It's clear how...

Democracy VS Communism Essay

2 Pages 889 Words
European history from the beginning of French Revolution to the end of the Second World War can be explored as a series of struggles between competing or conflicting ideologies. The events with the ideologies presented brought about the modernisation of Europe as it is in present day through significantly important documents, a rise of public perception and knowledge towards a...

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