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Is Andrew Jackson a Villain? Essay

3 Pages 1527 Words
Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, was inaugurated on March 4, 1829, eventually serving for two terms until 1837. Jackson's early life was difficult, yet filled with accomplishments. He and his brother were held as prisoners after being captured by the British in the Battle of Hanging Rock in 1780. Held in poor conditions, he and his...

Factors Contributing to the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe

1 Page 500 Words
The loss of legitimacy, the arms race with the West and the Economic problems are the main precursor to eventual collapse of communism. While the Soviet government failed to create the correct policies to tackle their social and economic woes, their political actions in the 1980s also proved to be pivotal in the downfall of the Soviet Union and the...
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How Did the US Contain Communism? Essay

1 Page 418 Words
Imagine if you lived in a place where you had no freedom and was ruled by a terrible man named Joseph Stalin. That is what it was like in many countries until America’s policy of containment. The United States made a policy of containment because they didn’t like the idea of communism. Communism is where you have no freedoms and...
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Essay on the Effects of the Iranian Hostage Crisis

1 Page 619 Words
On November 4, 1979, a group of Iranian students seized the US embassy in Tehran, Iran and detained more than 60 people. This action constituted a diplomatic standoff between Iran and the United States. The detainees were held hostage for 444 days by the Muslim student followers who are believed to have followers of the Imam’s line that supported the...

Essay on Why Communism Is Good

2 Pages 719 Words
Communism refers to a system of social organization that encourage for classless and equal community in which all wealth and property is communally owned instead of by individuals or private corporation. In summary, communism is the view that every person in a certain community is treated and receives equal portion of the benefits derived. Communism is structured to enable low-income...
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US-Russia Relations and the Role of Ukraine in Them

4 Pages 1866 Words
Why Tramp indicates Russia as a main direct in National Defense Strategy 2018 after obvious flirting with Putin during the first years of administration? And what role does Ukraine play in American foreign policy toward Russia? Why does US spend on defense of peripheral country? In interview for ‘Lateline’ Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Vali...

Public Policy and Social Integration in Caste Reservations in India

1 Page 607 Words
The two major problems that troubling the human communities are race and caste. Race is from the western context and caste is of India. India is a country where people were divided into four varnas. Untouchability was attained to the people based on their birth. The last section in the four varnas were once considered as Sudras now they are...

Approaches for Solving Multi-Objective Transportation Problem

6 Pages 2547 Words
Transportation is important in the sense that it allows people to take part in human activities. The classical transportation problem can be described in a special case of linear programming problem and its models are applied to determine an optimal solution of the transportation problem required for deterministic of how many units of commodity to be shipped from each origin...

Essay on Communism and Why It Doesn't Always Work

1 Page 632 Words
A political ideology is necessary in order for a country to function but some political theories are more widespread, while some are less, which is a result of many factors and some, such as capitalism and communism, change beyond recognition from the original. Some are better and some are worse. The idea of communism existed for centuries even before Karl...
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Reflections on Why Communism Is Not Historically Inevitable

5 Pages 2309 Words
The conflict between different social classes was once so real and that one could think that it will result in a revolution. Nevertheless, today, 171 years after the idea of communism was founded, things seem to be taking the opposite direction. The social gap is widening every day. The working class which was presumed to be the one to revolt...
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What Did Adam Smith Think the State Should Do and Why?

3 Pages 1461 Words
As a laissez-faire economist, Adam Smith believed in the importance of the free, competitive market. However, he also recognized the importance of the state in maintaining order in society. Adam Smith believed that it was the state’s duty to “protect society from the violence and invasion from other societies” (Sandmo, 2011, pp. 55). He analyzed four different stages of an...

US Military Intervention: Justified Against Nicolás Maduro?

2 Pages 1071 Words
Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in Latin America and one of the leading exporters of oil. Today, Venezuela has the highest inflation rate worldwide and is suffering from political dysphoria. To fully understand the present situation, one must begin with Hugo Chávez’s presidency. Chávez reduced economic inequality and funded many social programs by taking advantage of the surge of...

Should Andrew Jackson Be on the $20 Bill? Essay

1 Page 598 Words
According to Kimberly Amadeo, “65 percent or around $580 billion U.S. bills in circulation are currently used outside the U.S. 75 percent consisting of $100 bills, 55 percent $50 bills, and 60 percent of $20 bills”, which have Andrew Jackson’s portrait on them. To foreign eyes abroad, President Jackson represents our country, our treasury, and our countries financial backbone or...

Why I Want to Attend Texas State Girls: An Essay

2 Pages 759 Words
I first heard about Girls State through my cousin who attended California Boys State, but I did not really learn about it until a good friend, who actually attended Texas Girls State last year, talked about the amazing experience she had in the 7 days she spent in Seguin. What intrigues me most is the opportunity to have a hands-on...

Marxism in William Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet'

1 Page 535 Words
In today’s complicated society, a billionaire CEO of Facebook comes to realize that accumulating wealth is another way of influence. Having been praised for creating Facebook he is a huge influencer in today’s society. An example of his influences the amount of social media platforms he owns and influenced such as Instagram, Snapchat, etc. However, before he was a tech...

Essay on Innovation in Transportation Technology

6 Pages 2684 Words
A world without vehicles and transportation could be harsh for people to survive as trading and traveling are important for certain countries and regions to survive. Many vehicles used for transportation are very convenient and beneficial to our society, however, there is a price to pay for transportation such as money, resources, and more. Because vehicles cause problems in our...

The Issue of EU’s Monitoring Mission in Georgia

3 Pages 1412 Words
On 1st of October 2018, ten years had passed since the deployment of European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in Georgia. For over a decade the EUMM has contributed to enhanced security and stability, conducting over 65,000 patrols on the ground. Over 1,700 EU nationals have served in the Mission over the years (statistics taken from EEAS’s homepage). That staff have...

Adam Smith Vs Karl Marx: A Comparative Essay on Their Key Thoughts

4 Pages 1732 Words
Adam Smith was an eighteenth-century scholar eminent as the dad of modern economics, and a noteworthy defender of free enterprise monetary arrangements. In his first book, 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments', Smith proposed the possibility of an undetectable hand—the inclination of free markets to manage themselves by several methods such as rivalry, free market activity, and personal responsibility. Smith is...

Public Transportation Vs Private Transportation: An Essay

2 Pages 686 Words
Transportation is a way to move a person or thing from one spot to another. People utilize various vehicles to move to better places for work , school and so forth. There are two kinds of transportation: public transportation and private transportation. Public transportation is constrained by the administration and individuals are permitted to go in it for a little...

What Was the Sakoku Policy of Japan and What Were Its Consequences?

2 Pages 752 Words
Can the country survive and continue to run by itself? Japan was a country which is ruled by a number of emperors and they did not allow Japanese people to leave the country and do not allow any foreigner to enter in Japan. Sakoku means closed country and Sakoku policy was in use for many decades in Japan. While Sakoku,...

Clinton Vs Trump: The Power of Opinion Polls

4 Pages 1873 Words
The 2016 presidential election showcased the ever-growing and increasingly hostile partisan divide within The United States of America. The highly publicized battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton catapulted controversial issues like immigration, healthcare and gun reform into the forefront. Aided by the recent explosion of social media, Donald Trump infiltrated an untouched population of lower- and middle-class white Americans...

Essay on Marxism in 'The Great Gatsby'

1 Page 408 Words
Fitzgerald’s characters represent Marxist ideas, through his representation of the different classes, and his interpretation of how their class defines their life. Fitzgerald set this story during post-World War I, where both he, Carraway and Gatsby all fought in. However, it doesn’t mark the active capitalist culture it portrays but unveils the hidden side of society at the time. It...

Britain's Decline as Global Power in 20th Century

2 Pages 1086 Words
The Suez Crisis is another chapter in British history that showcases the themes of imperialism, power struggle and the effects it had on British status as a global power at the disinclination of accepting a new post imperial era. The Suez Crisis of 1956 involved the nationalization of the Suez Canal company by the Egyptian dictator Gamal Nasser in which...

The Individualistic Political Culture of Texas

5 Pages 2054 Words
“Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas. One state, under God. One and indivisible”. I was born and raised in Texas and chances are if you grew up here too these seventeen words are how you began your school day. Reciting this pledge was second nature to me, so much so that I never give much thought...

American Political Culture Transformation through New Deal

2 Pages 740 Words
The famous activist and leader in the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr., once said: “We are not makers of history. We are made by history”. I completely agree with this idea because the truth is that not only did events in history define our society and the ways we think and live, they also shape the political culture...

Public Transportation Problems and Policies to Solve Them

6 Pages 2610 Words
For decades, Canadians have mainly been reliant on transportation in order to get to their destinations such as their place of work, education centers, social hubs and so forth. Public transit has been an emerging urban issue since it is the most used mode of transportation specifically across Toronto since we live in such a dense, multicultural and urbanized city....

China's Political Evolution: The Great Leap Forward Campaign

4 Pages 1984 Words
The Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) campaign was launched to transform the agrarian economy of Republic of China into socialistic economy with an aim to bring rapid growth but, in contrary resulted in famine and disaster. It was introduced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the chairmanship of Mao Zedong. In an attempt to surpass the Soviet Union and...

Communism Vs Fascism: An Essay

2 Pages 1127 Words
During the war period, there was a need for leaders to organize people and prepare for the war, and as a result, forms of government started to emerge. Initially, the ideologies that people had were communism, where everything was owned communally, and people could contribute according to their needs and liberal democracy, which is a political and ethical way of...
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