A Thousand Splendid Suns Dialectical Journal 1 Pages 1-73 In the story, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” Khaled Hosseini tells a depressing story that follows Mariam, an accident of a rich businessman and his servant’s affair. Mariam lives just outside Herat with her bitter mother, Nana in a divided family where she is visited by her father, Jalil Khan, once a...
In Plato’s Alcibiades I, the relationship between Socrates and Alcibiades is a perfect example of seeing beyond the flaws of another and guiding them to be the best version of themselves. Socrates is defined as an erotic character who strives for truth and self-perfection in the form of wisdom and virtue. On the other hand, Alcibiades is young and ignorant...
We all want to feel comfortable and confident in our bodies. No one ever wants to feel like they are being judged on the way they look. We see it every day in movies, television, the internet, and more. The media and its social aspects have brainwashed our society. Social media are “forms of electronic communication through which users create...
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The Harry Potter series, written by the British author Joanne Rowling, is unarguably the most successful series of books of the twenty-first century. After suddenly finding inspiration for her characters on a train, Rowling devoted at least a decade of her life to the lives of the characters she created, and to her readers who waited with bated breath for...
Characteristics can be described as the thing that makes a person who they are. Characteristics are how someone acts, how they feel, and how they identify. In Alice Walker's short story, 'Everyday Use' the characteristics of each character could have been determined by the fire that happened a decade before the time of the story. For Dee, it enlightened her,...
While we all know that Jazz is as much a style of music as it is a style of dance, many people may not realize the importance that dance has played in music. There are many songs out there that mention the importance of dancing and yet we as a society seem to have forgotten the importance or limited that...
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Contemporary consumer culture has experienced a shift from bodies-producing commodities to commodities-producing bodies. Men feel the pressure to get bigger and stronger. Women feel the need to get smaller and thinner. Individuals consistently disregard their physical and mental health to achieve their ideal body image. As these idealizations have become more of a priority in our lives, the fitness industry...
Benefits of Movement Across the Lifespan Movement is vital to every aspect of health and well-being. Our bodies are designed to move and should continue to move as we age (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Movement provides many physical benefits for the body such as increasing physical strength, and cardiovascular function, and can be a positive treatment option to help combat chronic...
Body Image Body image is defined to be a mixture of how and what an individual thinks or feels about his or her physical body. It commonly includes the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs the individual thinks of their body size, figure, or outer appearance (raisingchildren.net.au, 2019; Good Therapy Organization, 2019) Body image is determined by four factors. By how the...
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Kant and Hegel are well known for their contributions to the field of philosophy and history. Their views and ideas have led to different ways of viewing and understanding concepts of history. Their theories of history provide more insight into things such as absolute freedom, self-consciousness, enlightenment and morals in society. Some of their views on these concepts represent similarities...
An ideal female ballet dancer will have large eyes, a long neck, long legs, a flexible back, a flat chest, lean muscles, lots of hip rotation, and a high instep. The catch is that most of these factors are completely or almost completely genetic or possibly forced. This very specific and rarely natural image is perceived as the only correct...
Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2003) offers a sense of mystery and suspense to the readers as they journey with Christopher throughout his town to find the culprit for the murder incident so that he can write his novel. Christopher mentions Prime Numbers, The Monty Hall Problem, and The Case of the Cottingley Fairies...
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Every day I make decisions as part of my regular life. From the article by Eddy S. Ng & Ronald J. Burke, I understand that I make three types of decisions every day. They may be based on personal values, collective issues, or leadership reasons. As a business student aiming to make ethical decisions, I can make leadership decisions. If...
Research Article Summary: Self-Concept in Social Psychology The article I read was called 'The Effects of Religious-Body Affirmations and Religious Commitment on Men's Body Esteem' by Mary L. Inman. The research article discusses how religion can serve as a conduit to create and preserve self-worth in young Western men. According to the article, there is increasing research that young Western...
Since the beginning of time, females have always been perceived as objects who have only one job: to bear children. Men have oppressed, controlled, abused, and limited women in a countless number of ways because of the belief that women are inferior to them. Today, women possess many more rights than they have in the past but men continue to...
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There’s a picture of me from 5th grade, the day I got my leotard, tights, and ballet shoes. I stood in what I thought was a ballet pose and smiled the biggest smile. I still cringe every time I look at that picture, due to my horrendous posture and position, but I also smile because that was the start of...
In this essay, I choose the movie “Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets” as the object, aim to discover its critical and commercial values in the popular culture industry; but more importantly, I will try to analyze key themes and approaches the movie tends to deliver, as well as discussing its strengths and shortages as an artifact from an audience’s...
'I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.' The preceding quote is an excerpt from Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis' which is an absurdist fiction novella about Gregor, a salesman, who unexpectedly transforms into an enormous parasite one morning. 'The Metamorphosis' is an allegoric story that is...
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As companies continue to expand across borders and the global marketplace becomes increasingly more accessible for small and large businesses alike there are ever more opportunities to work internationally (SOURCE). International and ethnically diverse teams are becoming more common, meaning businesses can benefit from an increasingly diverse knowledge base and new, insightful approaches to business challenges. Along with the benefits...
I started listening to “Let’s Go Away for Awhile” (1966) on YouTube after it appeared in the movie Baby Driver, which became my favorite track. While listening to it, I remembered the “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” (1892) from The Nutcracker ballet I watched as a kid on Christmas and YouTube. The pieces are from different musical eras, 74...
Introduction The 1952 film "Singing in the Rain" is widely celebrated not just for its infectious music and memorable performances, but also for its innovative dance sequences. This film stands as an epitome of the classical Hollywood musical genre, showcasing choreographic ingenuity that has influenced dance for decades. The dance style in "Singing in the Rain" is a harmonious blend...
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“You wanted a women’s culture. Well, now there is one. It isn’t what you meant, but it exists.” (Attwood 127). The regime of Gilead claims that it supports the culture of female solidarity and unity, but only creates a culture of tyranny and oppression. In The Handmaid’s Tale by Marget Attwood, the author not only focused on the hierarchy between...
“Everyday Use” tells the story of a rural, African American family from the perspective of a mother who has overcome racism, and obstacles, and endured labor-intensive hard work to provide better opportunities for her daughters. Despite Mama’s efforts to protect her children from the side of the world that has contributed to her rugged exterior, her youngest daughter, Maggie, suffered...
Miriam is a fifteen-year-old Afghani girl who has had a troubled upbringing. Mariam’s mother, Nana, was a housekeeper for a very wealthy man named Jalil. Nana became pregnant with Jalil’s baby, Miriam, and has suffered great shame. She and Mariam had to move out of town into a very small cottage, away from Jalil and his wives and children. Ever...
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The novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon is about a teenage boy named Christopher Boone with a developmental disorder in a hunt to find a portrayed animal killer. This book takes place around Swindon, England in the year 1998. Christopher walks into his front yard one day to see a dog, belonging to...
Beginning: It all started with Buck and his owner Judge Miller who lived in Santa Clara Valley. Buck is a very muscular dog which is worth lots to gold rushers, some men came to beat Buck and threw him on a train to Seattle. The men deprived him of food and water for 2 days, when they arrived he attacked...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second installment of the Harry Potter. This book begins with a visit by a house elf named Dobby during a dinner party back at his horrible relative’s house, the Dursleys. He warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts. Harry tells Dobby that he is going to return to Hogwarts and Dobby...
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A Thousand Splendid Suns is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini. In 2007, the year of its release, the book has already taken the attention of many by becoming number #1 New York Times bestseller. The story is about 2 young girls, Mariam and Laila, having to deal with their cursed fate. The story takes place in Afghanistan more precisely...
Propaganda use in media is far from a new phenomenon in our society. Throughout this course, we’ve reencountered the subject of media platforms used throughout history as a tool to propagate the population. This rooted propagandists’ ideologies into society and gains a following. This led to the success of infamous propagandists such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. This use of...
What if, you woke up in a black, cold metal box? You have no recollection of any memories of anything except your first name. Not your last name, not your friends, not even your family. But thinking that you are there to help solve the problem they haven't been able to figure out for years on end. In James Dashner’s...