Psychology essays

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Religion And Its Relation To Morality

1 Page 494 Words
In regards to religion determining morality, it is not necessarily true for all people. Atheists who don’t believe in a higher force, still have morals. It is an assumption that your morals come from religion. But some argue it comes from the teaching of parents or adult figures growing up which has sticks with them throughout life. There is such...

The Perception Of Tattooed People In Hospitality Sphere

3 Pages 1534 Words
Tattoos have been around for a long time. They are a form of individual, cultural, and artistic expression. Recently, there has been a large disconnect with tattoo culture. Many negatively perceive individuals with tattoos because they have learned and carried on adverse stereotypes. The researchers wanted to observe the changes in perception when an individual has tattoos. Does people’s perceptions...

The Experience Of Anticipated Regret Of Adolescents In Group Decision Making

4 Pages 1827 Words
Regret is a central emotion in reflecting about the past and involves blaming oneself for having done something or not having done something (Gilovich & Medvec, 1995). Many studies have been conducted on the experience of regret in people, with regards to their decision-making process and how they can factor in the anticipated regret into their final decision. In the...

The Concept Of Arbitration Through My Personal Experience

3 Pages 1496 Words
Social psychology explores the psychology behind social interactions. Specifically, “it studies how people think, influence, and relate to one another” (Brouwer 2019). There are many concepts that make up social psychology, but the one that I decided to explore is arbitration. This idea is an effective way of reducing conflict by bringing in a “mediator.” Through research and my own...

Spirituality In Adolescence

2 Pages 897 Words
Adolescence can be defined as a period in a young person's life between the years of 13-15 years old. Adolescence is a time for great change and uncertainty of the future. There are biopsychosocial changes, heightened awareness, and changes in cognition in this developmental period (Rogers,2019). During this time in the young adult’s life, many factors take shape, such as...

Humanistic Theory: Abraham Maslow And Carl Rogers

1 Page 532 Words
Humanistic theory gets its beliefs from the basic goodness and respect of humankind. It is based on the existence of an understanding of the acceptance of one’s life and responsibility. The two leading theorists that made the way to this theory are Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. They made it easily approachable to understand the personality and improvement of the...

Empathy And Sympathy

1 Page 542 Words
Empathy is the ability to recognise and understand what someone is going through.( Burnard 1992) defines it as the ability to enter the perpetual world of the other person to see the world as they see it. Sympathy is feeling sorry for themselves. Empathy becomes a shared experience at both cognitive and emotional levels (Kozier erb and Blais). With sympathy...

Learning How To Play Basketball

2 Pages 1090 Words
When I’m playing basketball, I need to have a good free throw shot for when I get fouled. A free throw could really help the team at any given point and by doing so require a good form that I can always count on. If you ever have watched a basketball game, you will notice that most players get into...

Qualities Of Volunteering

1 Page 595 Words
Starting to take action may be hard, as there are many things that people do not even worry about, but are major problems in the world. Most teens and maybe adults should involve themselves because they may not be involved with current issues surrounding the environment. Getting into a higher society is dependent on the work was done as a...

Emotional Intelligence, Willpower, Social Sensitivity And Creativity As The Factors For Success

2 Pages 988 Words
At outset, I was more focused on the technical aspects of executive leaders. After reading the article ‘The Focused Leader: How effective executives direct their – and their organizations’ attention’ written by Daniel Goleman, I started to understand how important for leaders to master their attention. According to Goleman (2013), attention plays a fundamental role in leadership skills, such as...

Immanuel Kant: Ethics And Morality

4 Pages 1745 Words
Beyond the phenomenological understanding of the world, human ethics and morals are as fermented in human reason as our need for oxygen to breathe. Most discussions about ethics and morals seem synonymous with one association in particular: God. Divine Command Theory argues that what’s good, and what’s not, are determined by a deity, whether that’s the God of Abraham, or...

Cognitive And Social Constructivism Concepts

5 Pages 2172 Words
Constructivism is a unique learning theory, which clarifies how people may gain knowledge and learn in different ways. Constructivism is used as a teaching methodology and therefore, is related to education as it has a direct connection. Constructivism theory proposes that individuals construct and gain knowledge through their own experiences. Many authors have different philosophies when it comes to learning...

The Theories Of Constructivism And Neorealism In The Terms Of International Relations

3 Pages 1539 Words
Thinkers of international relations continue to create new views on the subject. As is typical in most fields of study, theories have gained significance in explaining the phenomenon surrounding global cooperation. While this is the case, it is imperative to highlight the fact that the opinions that these individuals hold differ depending on perspective. At the center of these dialogues,...

The Theories Of The Origins Of Religion By Durkheim And Freud

6 Pages 2979 Words
The origins of religion have been disputed thoroughly over time. Whether an individual is a believer or not, it is hard to miss the influence of religion in society. Great architectural works, poems, art and literature have stemmed from religion globally. Since the early 20th century, secular scholarly traditions have accepted that religious traditions are merely tools, created in order...

The Features Of Personality Concept

4 Pages 1729 Words
With thousands of self-help books published under ‘personality’ each year, and with thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and psuedo-scientists identifying a nondescript number of personality types and the traits which fall into them, the idea of the personality is something of a modern phenomenon. Particularly in modern history, the contemporary understanding of the ‘personality’ finds its origins in ‘the long...

Should Child-Directed Language Be Simpler Than The Language Adults Use Between Themselves?

5 Pages 2082 Words
What is child-directed speech “In comparison to adult-directed speech, CDS or motherese talk is characterized by a drastically altered vocal pitch, amplitude and speech rate. The vocabulary is simplified, and melodic patterns are noticeable (Broesch and Bryant 2015: 1). The main features that makes child different from adult-directed speeches are its short utterances and its omission of past tenses as...

Career Counseling In The Terms Of Covid-19

6 Pages 2683 Words
To explain that how career counseling help in losing jobs and business at this pandemic situation of covid-19, it’s important to first explain the career counseling so it will help to understand what is career counseling how its work and how it can be done and what are its uses and how much it’s helpful. After that we will shortly...

Abraham Maslow: Life And Contributions

3 Pages 1427 Words
Abraham Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 1, 1908. His parents were Jewish emigrants from Russia. Abraham was the first of seven children describing his young childhood as unhappy and lonely. He spent much of his time in the library absorbed in books. Maslow studied law at City College of New York. According to Cherry (2014), Maslow...

Need Of Counseling In Bhutanese Schools

5 Pages 2331 Words
The UK’s NHS website defines counseling as “a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.” Counselling is the development process in our Bhutanese school setting where it has fully established in our country. Guidance and counselling is essential tools and technique to enhance the students’ need and...

Childhood Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

4 Pages 1691 Words
Introduction to the Importance of Childhood Vaccination Vaccination was one of the greatest health inventions of the 20th century. Vaccines have saved millions of lives for more than 50 years. Most childhood vaccines are 90% to 99% effective in preventing disease (Vaccine Safety). The problem here is that some people are concerned about how safe vaccines are and doubt that...

Cognitive Functions And Cultural Differences Of Older Adults

3 Pages 1530 Words
Maintaining cognitive skills is important in life when it comes to aging. Cognitive aging, a decrease in cognitive processes as you age is common in many older adults and is also a predictor of mortality (Sneed & Schulz, 2017). The research conducted by Rodlescia S. Sneed and Richard Schulz in “Grandparent Caregiving, Race, and Cognitive Functioning in a Population-Based Sample...

Issues Of Conflict Experienced By Adolescents With Their Parents

1 Page 667 Words
First of all, the investigator feels privileged to have the opportunity to express deep appreciation and sincere thanks to the District education officer for accepting and making necessary arrangement for co-ordination with government schools for research study as well as giving official permission letter to conduct study from different government schools of Kathmandu. The researcher would like to express Prof....

The Issue Of Racial Bias In Police Training

3 Pages 1377 Words
The journal article Understanding Police and Expert Performance: When Training Attenuates (vs. Exacerbates) Stereotypic Bias in the Decision to Shoot by Jessica J. Sim, Joshua Correll, and Melody S. Sadler discusses several studies that were done to address problems police officers are facing where they have shot individuals of color who were unarmed. Experiments were performed on participants and officers...

Peculiarities Of Personality Formation

3 Pages 1317 Words
Each individual human has a unique thing about them that makes them who they are. Although individuals have different physical characteristics that may set them apart from the rest of the population, it can be argued that there is a more important factor that makes individuals unique from others: personality. Personality is an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and...

Motivation Factors In Athletes

2 Pages 1013 Words
Athletes all across the world have or had some type of motivation during their road to success. Motivation, in my own words, is something that drives you and push you harder so you can accomplish your goal. Every athlete should have motivation. It drives you and gives build confidence in yourself, so you can perform and accomplish what you are...

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