Race and Ethnicity Essays

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Analysis of The Philosophy of Mexicanness

12 Pages 5622 Words
Samuel Ramos dedicates a section in his book Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico to a ‘psychoanalysis of the Mexican character’. In that essay, he writes: Others have spoken about the sense of inferiority of our race, but no one, as far as we know, has systematically used the idea to explain our character. For the first time, in...

Life and Thoughts of Frida Kahlo

2 Pages 1124 Words
Frida Kahlo is a female Mexican artist. You might have even seen her in an animated movie. Coco is just one example of an animated movie that was touched by Frida Kahlo's artistry beside her Hispanic heritage. Despite making a minimal appearance in the film, it conveyed how much of an effect Kahlo's artistic abilities had on her country even...

Arthur Miller’s Ideas about ‘The American Dream’

1 Page 457 Words
Arthur Miller himself once stated that the play is tricky to categorize because none of its characters stand up and make a speech about the great issues which he believes it embodies. This is also a problem for anyone who would attempt to develop a clear idea about what messages Death of a Salesman attempts to deliver and consequently it...

Failure the War On Drugs in Vietnam

5 Pages 2129 Words
Drug users have increased both nationally and internationally. Drugs/illicit drugs are substances that have both positive and negative impacts on the human body. Tye indicates the seven types of drugs include the following; stimulants, depressant, hallucinogens, dissociatives, opioids and lastly cannabis the worst of all. Each year millions of people die using illicit drugs. Drugs come in many shapes and...

The Conjuring of Ridiculous Things: Value of Mexican Philosophy

3 Pages 1524 Words
An occupational hazard of studying, writing about, and teaching Mexican philosophy is that there will always be someone who asks, “What makes it ‘Mexican’?” Or, “What’s so different about Mexican philosophy?” A more pernicious line of questioning might include dismissive queries such as: “Why study ‘Mexican’ philosophy at all?” At some point, I ignore these entreaties as background noise. But...

Counter Insurgency Failures of Vietnam

2 Pages 767 Words
Without a doubt, the United States of America has, throughout recent world history, been considered to be one of, if not the biggest, superpowers and fiercest fighting forces in the world often using “military power as a means of political influence”. With this being said, a highly relevant question is how did a superpower lose a conflict to militarily weaker...

The Remembrance of the Holocaust Survivors

1 Page 576 Words
The Holocaust did not start with gas chambers, it started with hate-filled words. When somebody reads stories about the Holocaust it completely gives a whole new perspective, the reader can feel the pain that the survivors had, sometimes their stories can just stab the reader’s heart, But most of all the holocaust survivors went through something so, appalling, horrific, and...

A Review on “Mexico’s Drug War’

4 Pages 1679 Words
Mexicans were killed in Mexico in August 2011 when members of the Zetas drug cartel entered through the door of a Monterrey based casino and poured gasoline and set it on fire. Former Mexican President Felipe Calderón responded to the killing by condemning it as an “aberrant act of terror and barbarity.” Also, he later asserted that “it is evident...

The Purpose of Maquiladoras

2 Pages 767 Words
A Maquiladora is a Mexican assembly plant that imports materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis. Maquiladoras receive raw materials from companies in the U.S. to assemble and export back as finished products. Maquiladoras are generally owned by U.S. companies that are incentivized to build Maquilas in Mexican border towns in return for low-cost labor and savings ....

Volunteering: Motivations in the Vietnamese Context

2 Pages 834 Words
Introduction Volunteering is a multifaceted phenomenon that functions as a cornerstone of societal development and cohesion. In the Vietnamese community, volunteering has deep cultural roots, intertwined with traditional values and the spirit of collectivism. This essay explores the motivations driving individuals to engage in volunteer activities within the Vietnamese context, an area that has gained significant interest in recent years....

Mexico’s Mitigation and Adaptation Methods

5 Pages 2199 Words
None of the Mexicans I sent the questionnaire to feel they had been personally impacted by any natural disasters however, the most common impact is getting a flat tire because of holes in the roads. Also, my participant from Mazatlán, Sinaloa stated that they lost their car due to one of the really heavy floods. Another one of my participants...

Chinese Dominance and Dynasties: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1558 Words
Throughout the history of the world, powerful kingdoms have existed. These kingdoms included the Chinese dynasties. Within the history of the Chinese dynasties, including the Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang, and Song, many created significant cultural markers such as calligraphy and oracle bones under the direction of ruling families, both good and bad. Together, the emperors, inventions, and conflicts are...

The Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage: An Essay

4 Pages 1795 Words
Introduction to Minimum Wage History and Current Challenges In 1938 during the Great Depression, President Roosevelt established The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which introduced the federal minimum wage to the United States. It was introduced as a way to stabilize the post-depression economy and as a way to protect workers in the labor force by establishing a certain...

President Andrew Jackson's Policies: Successful or Not So

2 Pages 944 Words
President Andrew Jackson was the United State’s seventh president and was surrounded by controversy. Despite this, he was still a fairly good president whose legacy was good for the United States, not so much its Native inhabitants. Jackson managed to help pay off the federal debt by cutting federal spending, accelerated the democratization of American life, and allowed for a...

America’s Injustice to the Natives

1 Page 474 Words
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28, 1830, by United States President Andrew Jackson. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their ancestral lands. The law was signed into law by Andrew Jackson and...

What Is It Like to Be a Chicano

1 Page 567 Words
The story of ‘How To Tame A Wild Tongue’ by Gloria Anzaldua is a tale about how she researches the opposing view towards the Chicano methods for talking and the appalling impact of this pessimistic disposition on the Chicano individuals where they live in the border. Gloria begins the story by utilizing an analogy and recollecting a dental specialist who...

Hispanic Culture and Healthcare

2 Pages 983 Words
The largest minority in the United States are Hispanics. They have many traditions within their culture. There is a predisposition to paternalism within this culture as well as an imbalance in health professional relationships. Due to their underdeveloped economics, they have a high rate of infectious diseases as well as chronic diseases (Valdez-Martínez et al., 2008). With the leading cause...
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Physical Appearance Discrimination Among Employers as an Ethical Issue

1 Page 516 Words
Physical attractiveness means how beautiful someone’s physical traits, such as their nose, eyes, lips, height and weight are. Physical attractiveness is mostly always subjective and varies from one person to another. Some people are generally more physically attractive but that should not be a reason to choose them over someone who is not as good looking, especially in a professional...

Diversity in Business Management: Benefits and Possible Reverse Effects

2 Pages 889 Words
Diversity may come from many perspectives, it can be as observable as gender, age, nationality, religion, or have more complex definitions like personalities and characters of individuals, different backgrounds and cultures, and distinct mindsets. Conventional speaking, diversity is good for boards and businesses. But when it comes to reality, very few boards would see significant changes and positive returns when...

Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community

2 Pages 692 Words
Diversity is a concept that reflects on the many ways we are alike while also respecting our individual differences. There are many aspects of diversity, such as cultural, racial and religion. Racial diversity occurs when many different ethnic groups are represented in a community. Not only is Australia a multicultural nation, it is also the most ethnically and racially diverse...

Segregation in the United States

2 Pages 1046 Words
During the 1800s, African Americans were not the only people segregated against by the whites. In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed on the west coast: this prevented the Chinese from working in the U.S. and immigrating to the Country. The Chinese Exclusion Act began when an Irish immigrant by the name of Denis Kearney blamed the Chinese for...

The Negative Impact of the California Gold Rush: An Essay

4 Pages 2078 Words
Introduction to the California Gold Rush and Its Diverse Impact The California Gold Rush wasn’t solely negative for the people of California and the state’s overall economic situation. However, some groups of people did not experience this ‘California Dream’ some immigrants seemed to have lived. The Native Americans living in California at the time of the Gold Rush went through...

Canada and the Indigenous People

2 Pages 891 Words
The connection between Aboriginal individuals and the Canadian criminal equity framework is broken, and proof is mounting that an extreme change is essential. An October 2012 report by Canada's Office of the Correctional Investigator found that Aboriginal individuals comprise just 4% of the Canadian populace yet 23% of the government jail prisoner populace, and that the number of inhabitants in...

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