Rag Pickers essays

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2 Pages 929 Words
Introduction Electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste, has emerged as a significant and rapidly growing segment of the global waste stream. In India, where technological advancement is paralleled by a burgeoning population of electronic consumers, e-waste presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The informal sector, particularly rag pickers, plays a crucial role in this dual-edged scenario. These individuals extract...
IndiaRag Pickers
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3 Pages 1515 Words
Abstract Now a day, we are facing a problem regarding the management of waste generated daily. This waste includes solid waste from commercial zone, industrial zone and residential zone. Among all these waste management from residential zone requires first priority because if this waste is not properly disposed daily, then it will create problems to public health, affects the aesthetics....
2 Pages 719 Words
Introduction In the tapestry of India's waste management sector, rag pickers occupy an indispensable yet underappreciated position. They form the backbone of the informal recycling industry, salvaging waste materials that would otherwise contribute to the burgeoning landfills. Despite their crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability and contributing to the circular economy, rag pickers often endure abysmal working conditions, minimal financial...
IndiaRag PickersRecycling
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