Reflective Essay Examples

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Social Issues

'Pride and Prejudice' Reflective Essay

2 Pages 782 Words
Imagine a world without money, and wealth is non-existent! It must be a lifeless world. With money, one can satisfy many needs in one's life, and happiness is promised. In the times of Jane Austen, society is in an era where money and wealth are vital contributors to joy. In her book Pride and Prejudice, the aspect is highly unmistakable....

Their Eyes Were Watching God' Reflective Essay

4 Pages 1642 Words
Their eyes were watching God Author: Zora Neale Hurston Nationality: American Purpose: to create the life of a black woman who tries to find herself through experiences while using symbols throughout the story that symbolize different things: eternity, power, love, etc. It also shines a light on the way of life black Americans lived in the South around the 1930s....

Reflection on Artificial Intelligence Essay

2 Pages 801 Words
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Reshaping the Accounting Industry Nowadays artificial intelligence is taking over most industries, and accounting is one of these industries. It is very interesting to see how accountants are benefiting from artificial intelligence by applying it daily. One of the major benefits of artificial intelligence is that it reduces considerably the number of hours required for...

Artificial Intelligence Movie Reflection Essay

5 Pages 2400 Words
Introduction Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) is present almost everywhere and helps us daily, for example in self-driving cars, in virtual assistants such as the well-known Siri or Google Home, or even in the film industry. However, when asking some of my close friends, family, and IB students from around the world if they trusted AI, the most common answer was...

Reflective Essay about Belonging to a Community

3 Pages 1476 Words
Human beings have throughout the years been able to produce identity and character by association and attachment, where belonging to a certain aggregate or collective gives one a sense of security that all is well and good. As social animals, we comprehend our general surroundings by taking a gander at others and emulating conduct that we esteem as the correct...

My 7 Dimensions of Wellness: Reflective Essay

2 Pages 992 Words
After completing the Wellness Inventory and going over my results for each of the seven dimensions of wellness, I was a mix of surprised and shocked. Some results I received were what I was anticipating, others not so much. As a first-year university student and a teenager, sometimes it’s difficult to keep your overall wellness in check. This semester I...

End-of-Semester Reflection Essay

3 Pages 1588 Words
Before this class, I believed that the 'real world' meant the real experiences that people of color face in the United States. I think the 'real world' that I see is that many Americans are fighting for freedom, racism is still going on, and inequality between genders. I also think America allows citizens to have the opportunity to find their...

Reflective Essay about Leo Frank

2 Pages 1016 Words
The main character of my book was Brian Hammet, aka “brainman”, he is the main person followed throughout the book, and the story was based on his actions and history. He is the high school basketball team captain and the kid who everyone looks to for guidance. The secondary character is Amanda, she is the love of his life until...

Reflective Essay on Teenage Pregnancy

2 Pages 1005 Words
In recent statistics and research, the overall level of teenage pregnancy has decreased. Even though there is still too much finger-pointing, lies, stereotyping, and shaming of pregnant teenagers, this article focuses on myths, misconceptions, and stereotyping that teen moms should know. Stop telling pregnancy lies to teen moms! The topic of teenage pregnancy is sensitive, especially since young girls undergo...

Child Field Observation in Child Care Reflective Journal Essay

5 Pages 2434 Words
Introduction When the topic of literacy occurs, literacy is commonly associated with the learning of reading and writing. But within Early Childhood, literacy can be seen in more than just reading and writing. Early Literacy consists of children gaining knowledge about reading and writing before they achieve these milestones. Literacy can be developed in more ways than one, which could...

Reflective Essay on Religious Studies

4 Pages 1789 Words
The Shabbat and its implication of human’s prospects History Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, existing upon the basis that there is one and only one God. The Jews believe that they are “God’s ‘Chosen People’” (Karesh and Mitchell). They follow the principles of the Hebrew Bible, also called Tanakh. Just like every other peoples, throughout...

Reflective Essay on Words to Live

2 Pages 787 Words
Life works out like a pattern on the tapestry of time. Desiderata, a masterpiece of Max Ehrmann, is a truth from a great poet’s pen. Desiderata is poetry that will spur us on, attached with lovely lilting phrases and agonizing realistic realities. It also enlightens us on what we will be dwelling in our workplace and what actions must be...

Respect Reflective Essay

2 Pages 969 Words
Gender issues in society and the healthcare industry have taught me many things that I have never realized before. In this module, we discussed gender differences in religion and culture, gender equality, and unequal power relations. Issues of gender are mostly based on respecting different personalities and identities. Sex and gender are two different things and we should respect every...

Motivation Reflective Essay

4 Pages 1998 Words
Introduction This Professional Development Portfolio aims to explain and critique my personal development goals in the form of SMART goals. Using my own skills to self-reflect on my strengths and weaknesses, I will be able to build and improve the skills that will be essential for my future as a student and as a future graduate seeking employment. This skill...

Reflective Essay on Sufism

3 Pages 1389 Words
As one hears the word “Sufism“ or “Sufi' in today’s times, two things come to his/her mind. One is that it relates to an individual phenomenon and society gains very little from it. And second, it is based on principles not incorporated by the fundamental teachings of Islam. That Sufism is something superfluous to the message of Islam. And that...

Reflective Essay on Bridging the Gap in Education

3 Pages 1138 Words
Background Education is a human right and a force for sustainable development and peace and the very goal of the 2030 Agenda requires education to empower people with the knowledge, skills, and values to live in dignity, build their lives, and contribute to their societies (UNESCO, 2021). Inequality is a barrier to ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting...

Reflective Essay about Evaluation in Education

2 Pages 821 Words
Overview As a part of the Lafayette Parish School System, L. Leo Judice Elementary School’s administrative team is given the option of using a single classroom observation at the end of the school year or multiple observations throughout the school year to evaluate each teacher. The administrative team has selected to use multiple observations throughout the school year in order...

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work: Reflective Essay

6 Pages 2902 Words
Throughout our careers, we all are presented with ethical dilemmas. Regularly reviewing your own professional ethical standards and values is necessary to maintain a balance in practice. As a student in social work, I am faced with the task of continuously challenging my personal values and principles against interactions with persons whom I work with; this is an exhausting responsibility....

Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay

1 Page 451 Words
What matters to you? It’s one of those riddles a kindergartner is sure they can sincerely answer, and one that adults think they can logically answer. I, however, am a teenager stuck awkwardly between simplicity and logic, and so my dilemma becomes evident. Is it my feelings or my actions that matter? Is it what I do for myself or...

Reflective Essay about the Purpose of Teaching

1 Page 654 Words
As I reflect on teaching and its purpose, I continue to see how diverse the act of teaching really is. There are many definitions for a teacher. Wikipedia describes a teacher as someone who helps students acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue. While this is true, the teaching profession and the purpose of teaching is much more than that definition and...

Reflective Essay on Time Management

4 Pages 1673 Words
The way of consciously watching and thinking about our experiences, actions, feelings, and responding to them, and then interpreting or analyzing them so as to learn from them is usually known as Reflection. Reflection helps us to understand our self which eventually makes us more successful. The benefits of reflection are: reflection transforms the experience into learning about own values...

Self-Reflection: Strengths and Weaknesses Essay

2 Pages 1000 Words
The purpose of this essay is to reflect on what I have learned and developed as a student of professional skills and ethics and how I can implement the teachings and frameworks in my professional life. Many of the case studies and frameworks have made me think critically and look at things from a different perspective. Being an international student...

Self Reflection Essay on Biology

2 Pages 757 Words
What I find most intriguing about Biology is that the human body is a natural machine more efficient than any manmade object. Humans cannot dream of creating anything on its level of accuracy and specialization, which sparked an interest in me to become more curious and find out how mechanisms work in such unity. I find it satisfying when information...

Self Reflection as a Writer Essay

3 Pages 1447 Words
The paper is going to cover a summary of the feedback received from the past three assignments. The first part is the strengths and weaknesses in writing. The strength is a love for reading, perseverance, and self-organization. The weaknesses are time management and inadequate confidence. The paper also highlights a detailed plan for improving the areas of weakness, emphasizing good...

Self Reflection Essay on Volunteering

2 Pages 1005 Words
Task 3 of the Personal Learning Plan required students to participate in a form of volunteering within and outside of the school environment. We undertook a series of tasks for volunteering and I will now reflect on my personal experience with those tasks. The first task was to do a class volunteering in which we as a class would give...

Self-Reflection Theory Essay

2 Pages 890 Words
Self-reflection is the capacity of a person that enables us to analyze our behavior and thoughts from our own life experiences. As with our busy lives, we keep moving forward and we don’t stop to reflect on ourselves. We continue to work on our jobs because of our responsibilities even though we hate them. On the other hand, our job...

Teacher Self-Reflection Essay

6 Pages 2890 Words
This assignment will focus on a reflection on my development as a teacher so far and the adaptations I have made to my practice from these reflections. There will be a focus on four strands which are: behavior management, inclusive practice, classroom environment, and professionalism. This reflection will look in-depth at the impact of learning of pupils within these four...

Teacher Assistant Self Reflection Essay

6 Pages 2653 Words
My journey of attending placements and watching teachers with highly skilled learning at a professional level has inspired me to develop several qualities as I engage in practice with my placements. In terms of reflective learning, this essay explains how teachers educate students with music (Primary) unnamed school. ‘Putting theory into practice’ is also an experience for one of the...

Self-Reflection Essay over Success

2 Pages 1051 Words
This success criteria has been come up with to cater to those with different types of smart devices. This will allow my product to reach different types of customers, which means more sales revenue. Furthermore, the more compatible the Smart Suitcase app is, means more people from all over the world will hear about the product and be able to...
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