Reproductive Health essays

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Can Mumps Cause Infertility of Men?

4 Pages 1993 Words
What is mumps? Among many viral infections’ mumps can cause many types of conditions. It is mainly affecting Parotid glands. Earlier children were the target of this contagious diseases. But after the introduction of MMR vaccine this condition had been controlled. When the children are attacked by the mumps virus they are getting a swollen area just below the ears...

The Features Of Surrogacy Systems in Australia

4 Pages 2017 Words
Surrogacy is an intrinsic, complex subject that encompasses many issues - the lack of enforcement in domestic arrangements, illegal arrangements, human trafficking and exploitation, and the legal consequences of leaving children stateless or without guardians. The Australian surrogacy system does not effectively protect the interests of Australian stakeholders nor provide the opportunity for safe surrogacy arrangements. Due to the lack...
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The Dimensions of Surrogacy

2 Pages 958 Words
Introduction Surrogacy, a complex and multifaceted aspect of assisted reproductive technology, has garnered significant attention in both societal and academic circles. It involves a woman agreeing to carry and give birth to a child for another person or couple, who will become the child's parent(s) after birth. The phenomenon of surrogacy is not merely a clinical or medical undertaking; it...
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European Personal and Family Law: Foreign Surrogacy

8 Pages 3774 Words
Introduction Advisory opinions in the world over, have been appreciated and acknowledged as an important source of law[footnoteRef:1], especially in the verge of jurisprudential development. Legal practitioners, diplomats and policy makers in Europe and beyond are agreeable to the fact that the precedents emanating from the European Court of Human rights has contributed positively towards the development of not only...
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Anderson's Use of Kantian Valuation in Argument against Surrogacy

1 Page 555 Words
Andersons argument for the wrongness of commercial surrogacy rests largely upon the idea that through surrogacy, both the women’s labor and the child the labor produces, are treated as a commodity, which devalues both said things (Anderson,1990). She presents the Kantian thesis against the ‘commodification of persons’ to support this stating ‘to fail to value things appropriately is to embody...
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Discrimination Toward Lower Middle Class Sex Workers In Thailand

5 Pages 2180 Words
Prostitution has been described as the oldest profession in the world (Phukaew, 2018; Simmons & McCarron, 2008). However, toward the global lens particularly in Thailand, it is not seen this career as a respectful “profession” as other occupations. This essay is going to discuss some perspectives of the job on how discrimination has occurred, how it functions with the lower...

The Aspects of Commercial Surrogacy

1 Page 567 Words
As advances in artificial reproductive techniques progress, a myriad of possibilities become available for individuals around the world. As possibilities arise, many nuances arise as well, raising several ethical and moral concerns regarding such practices, gestational surrogacy being an eminent one. Recent statistics reveal that one in ten first world couples have difficulty conceiving naturally, and are now actively resorting...
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How To Put Human Trafficking To An End

4 Pages 1648 Words
Understanding Human Trafficking: A Modern-Day Slavery “Slavery is not a horror safely confined to the past; it continues to exist throughout the world, even in developed countries... Across the world, slaves work and build and suffer.” (Kevin Bales). Human trafficking is a multi-billion production that kidnaps victims and forces them to do services against his or her will for benefits...

Surrogacy as a New Reproductive Technologies

4 Pages 1856 Words
In today's society, family and relatedness come in many different forms. The family unit has become much more complex due to a range of factors. One factor being new reproductive technologies. New reproductive technologies have been introduced in order to facilitate, prevent or otherwise intervene the process of reproduction. These technologies are used in human and animal reproduction, including artificial...
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How And Why Does Child Trafficking Affect The US?

6 Pages 2477 Words
Abstract How and why does Child Trafficking affects the US? Child Trafficking is defined as the transportation, transfer and harboring, of a child for the purpose of slavery and forced labor and also for the purpose of adoption. In this paper I am going to explain why Child Trafficking is a really big issue in the US, how it affects...

Depression and Infertility among Maldivian Females

5 Pages 2104 Words
Abstract There is a natural requirement for people to have children and it is profoundly impacted by social and strict estimations of each society (Mohammadpur & Ghodrati, 2018). Religious and cultural values which are unique to every community, play major roles. Having children prompts an ascent to societal position, marital security, social and financial assurance and it also facilitates to...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care: Surrogacy

3 Pages 1288 Words
Introduction Having children is one of the biggest goals of everyone no matter in what country as having children can expand the family tree. However, not everyone can have their own children. So, Surrogacy becomes a controversial way to help the couples and individuals who are not able to give birth, to have their children. Surrogacy violates the morality and...
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The Relation of Abortion and Crime Rates

4 Pages 1917 Words
A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body and her life without other individuals passing judgment on everything she might do. Abortion is an action that all women ought to have the option to perform in the event that she thinks it is fundamental without being detested for it. Abortion is a major issue in...

Human Trafficking In Egypt

3 Pages 1173 Words
What if one day a stranger came into your life and offered you a better lifestyle, a promise, that you believed but instead, it is just a trick to enslave you into human trafficking? Human trafficking is when a person is abducted and most likely used for forced labor; the most common being sex slavery/prostitution. Crimes like organ trafficking, young...

Human Trafficking And The Hotel Industry

3 Pages 1463 Words
The hotel or lodging industry is filled with a wide variety of options and accommodations for its customers to choose from. Any budget and any traveler can be accommodated, from 5-star hotels to no star motels. With so many hotel options, customers and a steady revenue stream, I am wondering if the hotel industry is taking all of the necessary...

Surrogacy as an Effective Method to Solve Infertility Issue

1 Page 415 Words
In the current world, a female who is not capable of bearing a child can have one through surrogacy. In this, a fertile woman carries a baby and gives birth on behalf of the one who does not have the capability of conceiving. Many legal issues are encompassed during surrogacy; hence individuals intending to proceed with the option are recommended...

Woman Infertility as a Global Problem

3 Pages 1562 Words
The American Pregnancy Association points out, “Infertility is a condition that affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples” (“Female Infertility”, 2019). Infertility is a global public health issue that silently affects more people that the average person assumes. Because this issue is not openly talked about, many people are unaware about the topic and it becomes stigmatized. In this...

How Health and Social Care can Help Families with Specific Needs

4 Pages 1941 Words
Health and social care in the UK are the source used to find help and support for our wellbeing. It relates to the healthcare provision infrastructure. Health care are a massive subject. However, it mainly focuses on the basics of our needs if hurt or unwell, agencies such as doctors, nurses and paramedics. Social care is more mental health and...
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Psychosocial Impact of Infertility

3 Pages 1495 Words
Infertility is defined most simply as the inability to conceive naturally after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without contraceptives (Luk & Loke, 2015, p. 610). Having children and starting a family is a conventional staple in society and what infertility represents is an inability to do so. It affects approximately 1 of every 6 childbearing-age couples (Sherrod, 2004, p....

Infertility and Restoration of Function of the Human Reproductive System

5 Pages 2449 Words
Abstract Infertility is a highly prevalent topic that is continuously researched because of the powerful desire to have children worldwide yet numerous problems associated with conceiving one. World Health Organization (WHO) refers to it as a “disease of the reproductive system”. Problems with fertility are seen to be as common with men as it is with women. As more people...

The Issue of Surrogate Mothers Rights

4 Pages 1997 Words
In 2004, the Canadian government passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHR Act) that was designed to “prevent the commercialization of surrogacy and sperm and ova donation” in Canada (Health Canada, 2019). The AHR Act states that “no person shall pay consideration to a female person to be a surrogate mother, offer to pay such consideration or advertise that it...
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Maternity Services and Surrogacy in India

6 Pages 2586 Words
Abstract This article majorly looks at three different works concerning women’s health and the taboos related to it, which includes the maternity services offered by dais in different parts of India and surrogacy. The three works are: Can Maternity Services open up to the Indigenous Traditions of Midwifery by Mira sadgopal, The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 and two Bollywood films,...
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Pregnancy and Postnatal Developmental Outcomes ICSI

6 Pages 2782 Words
SUMMARY Since the introduction of ICSI back 28 years till now ICSI is widely used to treat malefactor as well as female factor infertility. However, studies had shown concern of the pregnancy outcome in ICSI over conventional IVF in couples with non-male factor infertility. Studies had shown an+ altered pregnancy outcome in ICSI compared with natural conception. So far no...

Effects of Infertility on Women's Health and Emotional Distress

4 Pages 1888 Words
Most people consider having a child to be one of the biggest achievements that one could reach in their lifetime. Without the ability to reproduce at a consistent rate the world, along with the species that inhabit it, will parish. Having a child gives a person a chance to not only make sure that their own genic code will live...

Surrogacy as a Reproductive Technology

2 Pages 1013 Words
It has been estimated that more than 80 million people are affected by infertility across the world. When a couple is not able to conceive a child naturally it seems to have a huge impact on the relationship as in most cases women are the normally blamed for being infertile. Society has also created a stereotype for women who are...
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Biological Males Less Susceptible to Infertility Than Females

2 Pages 1115 Words
Infertility is problem affecting many couples with a child wish, affecting almost 15% of all couples. In these couples, half of these problems can be attributed from the male. Infertility is defined as being unable to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year. In almost 20% of male patients, a chromosomal or genetic defect can...

Ethical Issues of Surrogacy as a Medical Technology

1 Page 573 Words
Science and Jewish ethics have begun to occasionally conflict as new technologies increase. While science revolutionises our society, ethics ensures that we still have the right values. Jewish medical ethics uses traditional halacha as a basis. During biblical times, the technology that is available today did not exist and so most rabbinical commentaries do not specifically have as much guidance...
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The Peculiarities of Surrogacy

2 Pages 864 Words
Over the years, surrogate motherhood has become an elevated trend around the globe, but the practice remains controversial. This report reviews surrogacy on the basis of limited data available for analysis whether it is a good idea or not keeping in view the benefits and the adversities associated with the phenomenon. The term 'surrogate' is derived from the Latin word...
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Human Trafficking Must Be Stopped

2 Pages 701 Words
Under U.S. law, human trafficking is defined as a child or adult induced by force, fraud or coercion into performing a commercial sex act or being used for physical labour. Trafficking is a sadistic business in which exploiters, disguised as a kind neighbour or businessman, force young women, children or men to sell themselves for labour and sex. Trafficking is...

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