Research essays

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1 Page 635 Words
The anti-trafficking framework is made up of four different components. These include the “prevention of human trafficking, protection of trafficking victims, prosecution of human traffickers, and partnership across disciplines and with survivors to accomplish the work within each sector” (Ladd, 2019). Prevention stresses the need to be informed and knowledgeable about trafficking. This happens through knowing the signs of trafficking,...
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2 Pages 1035 Words
Millions of people around the world have experienced forms of discrimination or racism. One of the most influential types of discrimination is criminal record discrimination. Each year, thousands of people are denied employment based on past criminal activity. Usually, these people have only committed small acts of improbity, such as minor shoplifting. Despite the fact that they have tried to...
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1 Page 424 Words
Have you been watching stories about video games being blamed for school shootings in the news lately? If you have, you probably know that it’s only showing you one perspective, and it's usually the biased one. Everyone has been blaming video games lately. They don't know the statistics. A few video game blamed school shootings have also been blamed for...
2 Pages 786 Words
Animal research has had a crucial job in numerous logical and restorative advances of the previous century, and keeps on supporting our comprehension of different illnesses. All through the world, individuals appreciate a superior personal satisfaction in view of these advances, and the resulting improvement of new medications and medicines—all made conceivable by animal testing. Such analyses are broadly used...
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6 Pages 2508 Words
In times of crisis, contemporary parody and satire provide content or creative space that can use humor to navigate taboo or tough topics in our democratic society. Parody and satire can only function in a democratic society that values and protects free speech. Parody and satire aren't just entertainment, they are critical tools to speak truth to power during tough...
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1 Page 492 Words
“Obesity is a complex and often intractable problem, and America’s obesity epidemic continues to have serious health and cost consequences for individuals, their families and out nation,” said Trust for America’s Health CEO John Auerbach. The obesity rate continues to rise over the years as it has been for decades. It is defined as an excessive fat accumulation that leads...
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2 Pages 1112 Words
Introduction The prevalence of obesity in the United States has become an increasingly concerning public health issue over the past few decades. Characterized by excessive body fat accumulation, obesity poses significant risks to individual health, contributing to a range of diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and certain cancers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence...
3 Pages 871 Words
School dress codes are a controversial topic in the American education system, often sparking passionate debates about their validity and efficiency. Some argue they encourage an environment conducive to learning, while others assert they can inhibit personal expression and cultivate inequality. This essay will delve into the complexities of dress code policies, their purported advantages, and their potential pitfalls. By...
Dress CodeResearch
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4 Pages 1601 Words
Introduction/thesis statement The United States has gone through major demographic transformations over the past hundred years, one of which is its racial and ethnic composition. Sociologists theorize that racial and ethnic diversity continues to be an important feature in American society to date. As racial inequality continues to affect American societies, we see major shifts in political roles that favor...
Jim Crow LawsResearch
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4 Pages 1926 Words
The hydrogeology of Mars has continued to be an exciting and ground-breaking area of research since early telescopic observations made by astronomers such as Giovanni Schiaparelli, Christiaan Huygens, and Percival Lowell which propelled the curiosity about water on Mars deeper into the scientific community. The understanding of water and its history on this planet continues to improve through the compounding...
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1 Page 576 Words
Religion is a defining factor of every community. Members In a particular community believe their lives and activities are guided by a supreme being. They belief that the Supreme Being is capable of controlling their undertakings, lives as well as their moral behavior. Religion has been a major factor in ensuring the society is in harmony. However, the differences occur...
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2 Pages 857 Words
Introduction DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a rich source of evidence used in forensic investigations. It is extracted from the nucleus from biological samples such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, saliva, urine and the hair of the root. Every individual has a unique DNA sequence. This is known as a ‘profile’. In the 1980s, Alec Jefferey (14) had discovered that a...
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1 Page 605 Words
Soccer has existed for hundreds of years. There are traces of early forms of its existence in the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and the Incas. There are centuries old records of organized teams in Europe. However, in the U.S. soccer is still a fairly new and continuously growing sport which corresponds with the U.S. not being a country with...
2 Pages 919 Words
Introduction DNA fingerprinting, a powerful tool in modern forensic science, has revolutionized the way we approach identification and verification in both criminal justice and personal identification. Developed in the mid-1980s by Sir Alec Jeffreys, this technique leverages the unique genetic makeup inherent in individuals to create a biological signature. DNA fingerprinting involves analyzing specific sequences within the human genome that...
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4 Pages 1866 Words
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” We all need forgiveness, and we all need to give forgiveness. Forgiveness can transfer anger and hostility into peace and healing. Forgiveness can help people overcome feeling of depression and anxiety and help them to not prison themselves into what they’ve wronged to themselves...
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3 Pages 1182 Words
Vaccines save lives; fear endangers lives. While opposition to vaccines is as old as the vaccines themselves, vaccines work. They have kept children healthy and most importantly, alive. Most vaccines given in childhood years are around 90-99% effective in preventing disease. So why would you keep such an advantage away from your child? The anti-vaccination movement has become a global...
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5 Pages 2231 Words
DNA chemical reactions have found a couple of industrial applications. Targeting protein bound to DNA for manipulation of disease prognosis is gaining a lot of interest among scientists. Due to advancement of in silico technology, thousands of molecules can be search for protein interaction. Molecules with the best docking properties to target proteins can then be synthesized in the lab...
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2 Pages 853 Words
Abstract The goal of this experiment was to isolate and sequence the GAPDH gene from Lilac. To extract, amplify, and transform the genomic DNA, we used PCR and nested PCR. This data was observed with gel electrophoresis and plating, which allows us to analyze the effectiveness of the ligation. pJET1.2 provided an essential restriction site that included eco47IR that killed...
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1 Page 425 Words
The marine fisheries sector has a very important contribution to food security and economic prosperity, since fish is an important source of protein, vitamins, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Identification of the proper fish species is important for fisheries management and food product certification. Identification of marine species using traditional taxonomic methods is often a taxonomic inconsistency. To understand, evaluate,...
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7 Pages 3242 Words
What is drug formulation? The definition of the drug (pharmaceutical) formulation states that it is the process in which different chemical substances and/or biochemical substances, such as active chemical substances will be combined together to produce a final medical compound i.e., medical drug . The term ‘formulation’ can however mean not only the inputs and process of manufacturing the drug,...
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2 Pages 874 Words
Introduction The exploration of Mars has been one of the most ambitious and scientifically rewarding endeavors undertaken by NASA. This pursuit is driven by a quest to understand the Red Planet's geology, climate, and potential for harboring life. Over the years, NASA has developed and deployed a range of cutting-edge technologies to explore Mars, from orbiters and landers to sophisticated...
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1 Page 544 Words
Introduction Upon watching these week's videos and reading the weeks course line, I find that the most useful method in my learning about the relationship of the brain and the behavior of people is the DNA extraction method. According to (Yoshikawa, Dogruman-AI, Balaban, & Sultan, 2017), in the recent years, Microbiology labs have been given access to facilities that can...
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3 Pages 1218 Words
In the late 19th century, there was a growing curiosity about the field of molecular biology and how things in our body worked at the molecular level. This led to extensive research in the early 20th century by upcoming scientists to know how genes present in our cells helped in the regulation and functioning of the chemical processes that take...
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2 Pages 989 Words
Judaism was the first of the Abrahamic religions to be practiced, with Jewish history dating back thousands of years ago. Throughout history, there have been events that have affected the long-term effects of the tradition. In 70 CE, the Romans attacked and destroyed the second temple. This attack lead to numerous Jews dying, and many were sold into slavery. In...
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5 Pages 2132 Words
Abstract The human mind has historically been the subject of research on cognitive ability and ways to measure intelligence. In the early 1900s and throughout the twentieth century, an increased interest in this field would lead to the development of theories by prominent psychologists such as Jean Piaget, Alfred Binet, Charles Spearman, and William Stern who coined the term “intelligence...
1 Page 668 Words
It is safe to safe that a majority of people would not complain if it were possible for the world’s population to coexist in complete harmony and tranquility. However, at this point in time that is just not possible, and it has not been possible for quite some time. Throughout history there has been a trend where one group of...
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2 Pages 768 Words
The Role of IP Laws in aiding Colonization of Mars The Intellectual Property Rights, as defined by the World Trade Organisation, means rights that a person has over “creations of his mind”. Thus, IP Laws ensure the protection of enforcement of these rights over one’s ideas, inventions, designs and other technological developments. From one perspective, the scope of IP Laws...
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5 Pages 2323 Words
Abstract This criminal justice research paper is an analysis of the family dynamics affecting juvenile delinquency. This paper will analyze the most pressing problems facing teenagers today. It will show the correlation of traditional opposite sex parents and non-traditional same-sex parents and what role or influence it has on or in the lives of adolescents. The difference between child abuse...
4 Pages 1939 Words
Introduction to Conservative Judaism Conservative Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world that has survived some structural and religious changes over thousands of years. Judaism is an ancient Jewish religion that is predominantly practised in Northern America popularly known as Marti Judaism. Conservative Judaism is based on the basic principles of the Mosaic Law strict observance of...
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3 Pages 1332 Words
The DNA of every individual is unique. Even identical twins have variations in their DNA that makes it unique. DNA can not only be used to identify a person but can also reveal medical issues and project potential health problems that may arise in the future (“DNA test company 23andMe now fueling medical research”, 2018). Law enforcement has been using...
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