Research essays

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1 Page 400 Words
Do you want our sea creatures and our plants to die? Water pollution has been a massive problem for centuries. It occurs when damaging substances such as chemicals enter and contaminate bodies of water, causing water to become toxic to the environment and us humans. I strongly believe that water pollution should be stopped because it kills our sea creatures,...
3 Pages 1293 Words
Homelessness is a serious problem in USA. There are approximately 650,000 people experiencing homelessness every night and every year more than 1.6 million Americans has to sleep in shelters or transitional housing for at least one night (Hwang, Stephen W, et al.). As appeared in Wikipedia, about 12,500 homeless people sleep on the streets or in shelters in Seattle King...
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2 Pages 776 Words
An earthquake is the sudden vibration of the ground caused by movements of the Earth’s crust. These disasters originate from a focus point commonly located underground in a fault zone. A fault is the fracture found inside a tectonic plate where pressure builds up and exceeds causing a release of energy (Seismic Waves) that cause the tremble of an earthquake....
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2 Pages 791 Words
For decades, Russia had been a smouldering cauldron of discontent, bubbling over occasionally in strikes, riots, and assassinations. However, it was The Great War which was to be the tipping point for three of the most powerful dynasties the world had ever seen; The Hohenzollerns of Germany, the Hapsburgs of Austria-Hungary, and the topic of this presentation the Romanovs who...
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1 Page 576 Words
The First warfare had profound social, psychological, economic and political consequences that arguably formed the twentieth Century. it's troublesome to place a time-frame on its impact. Assessing the aftermath of the war will vary between the Nineteen Twenties and therefore the Nineteen Forties and even go as way because the conflict. but regardless of the scope of the conflict is,...
ResearchWorld War 1
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3 Pages 1276 Words
In early 2018, in the idyllic southern English city of Salisbury, two Russian citizens Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia fell dangerously ill. After extensive investigation, the British government accused Russia of using a type of Novichok, which it said was developed by the Soviet Union, to poison the Skripals. Russia has vehemently denied these allegations and claimed that the...
1960sCold WarResearch
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4 Pages 1752 Words
Introduction: The Complexity of Blaming a Single Entity for the Cold War To try place blame on someone is as human as breathing. We always tend to look for a specific cause to any sort of problem, be it in everyday life, historical events, or politics. However, trying to assign the moral responsibility of an event as complex as the...
Cold WarResearch
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3 Pages 1239 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Many individuals remain obsessed with anime. To some people who are not privy to the industry, anime often appears as Japanese cartoons catered for children. While there are certain shows and movies whose target audience are children, many otakus tend to like anime so much for a number of reasons. Contrary to misconceptions, animation is designed for people of all...
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1 Page 652 Words
Imagine a world where you can’t afford electricity for your home. Gas for a car is $15 a gallon and only rich people and upper-middle-class can maintain a vehicle. Imagine a planet that isn’t green anymore. It is truly terrifying to think about the earth dying, and we are the only ones who can preserve the Earth’s magnificent beauty. Think...
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3 Pages 1463 Words
Ever since the mid-1980’s, wildfires have been becoming an ever-increasing threat. Many have linked the increase to climate change and warming temperatures. For example, in late summer-fall of 2018, the Mendocino Complex Fire, which was actually two very close fires, broke numerous records in California. One of the fires, the Ranch Fire, burned a record 410,203 acres. A study by...
2 Pages 1122 Words
Post-world war two was marked by a new beginning, which brought about a new era. Europe and Asia had been reduced to ruined nations. Many of the borders had taken back their expulsions, homecomings, and all the burials taking place at the time (Shoshkes 20). The concerned nations had just received a massive need to revamp themselves and let their...
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3 Pages 1504 Words
During the mid-20th century the outbreak of war proved to devastate and influence the globe into a mass war effort publication to engage the public into supporting the cause to victory. Upon the intervention of the imperial air force on the attack of pearl harbour in 1941 the U.S was sprung into the 2nd world war. However, the U.S needed...
1 Page 417 Words
Hometown, I do think Malvern is my hometown, those are the streets I walked when I was learning to walk. In my hometown, it's where memories are created, and friendship, family, and laughter never end. The town that I love the most, it gives me peace of mind, there are parks with big trees and dams. Malvern is a suburb...
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6 Pages 2584 Words
Introduction to Hisaye Yamamoto and Her Works Hisaye Yamamoto was a Japanese American, Nisei (“Second Generation”) author. One of her most famous works, Seventeen Syllables, and other short stories, was a collection of short stories produced over her 40-year career. Owing to the nature of Realistic Fiction writing, the short stories of Hisaye Yamamoto reveal her perspective on gender roles...
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2 Pages 1043 Words
Handwashing as an intervention is everyone’s responsibility, but for us as nurses, the NMC Code requires us to ‘promote professionalism and trust’ as one of our main standards, this includes nurses and professionals acting as a role models for other colleagues and patients, including children (NMC, 2021b). This demonstrates the importance of working as a collaborative team to provide the...
1 Page 613 Words
Once upon a time in the middle of winter, when the sky was overcast with shadows and the ground was covered with snow, there lived a girl who was very fond of theatre. She took a theater class in her childhood, but she has remembered every single memory she had. That girl was me! When my alarm clock woke me...
5 Pages 2053 Words
The short-term memory is the very first system we encounter when we decide to recall information at the conscious level. The system register also gets information for a brief moment at an unconcious level. But before information can be transferred to the long-term memory, it needs to undergo rehearsal. Rehearsal maintains the validity of a code of information in the...
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2 Pages 1107 Words
Peer review is an essential step when it comes to publishing an article or even a book. It is when you get someone in the same field or a field similar to evaluate work ready to be published. Peer review is extremely necessary as it ensures the quality of work is up to a good standard and has reliable information...
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1 Page 413 Words
Introduction Intersectionality refers to the way race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, status, and other markers of differences intersect to inform individual realities and lived experiences. Intersectionality recognizes that individuals and groups are shaped by multiple and intersecting identities. These identities often inform an individual’s worldview, perspective, and relationship to others in society. The interdepartmental perspective or framework encourages...
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2 Pages 705 Words
Introduction Population growth, economic growth, and demand for better living conditions have led to industrialization for the past three decades. Demand for goods and services worldwide led to mass production, to meet demand companies worked around the clock to supply their customers. For production to take place there should be raw materials that are naturally extracted. Nature was exploited in...
1 Page 459 Words
In the twenty-first century, despite the American Dream do not have an exact definition, Carballo (2019, 22) and Cullen (2003, 06), assume that it became a structure that keeps the character and the identity of the U.S as a nation, which one can see throughout the history. Sometimes, as Cullen (2003, 05) stated, the term American Dream is “more meaningful...
5 Pages 2109 Words
Historians and Philosophers speculate that Aristotle wrote more than 200 separate works, of those around 30 survive. While his former teacher and colleague Plato wrote in a more poetic way, Aristotle writes in a more systematic textbook way. Therefore, a lot of parsing and unpacking of the text is required to understand what Aristotle is saying. Aristotle (384 BCE -...
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3 Pages 1320 Words
Many things in life require a license: driving a car, owning a TV, and previously ownership of a dog. Licenses exist to help regulate such aspects of our society and culture, to keep things civilized and maintain some sort of order, ensuring our safety. With this in mind, I question why there are people free to conceive and attempt to...
1 Page 584 Words
In the memoir Boy by Roald Dahl, he uses advice from another text called How To Write a Memoir. In Boy Roald Dahl tells stories that have stuck with him since childhood and into adulthood. Well, what does this book have to do with “How to Write a Memoir”?In How To Write a Memoir William Zinsser talks about different writing...
4 Pages 1604 Words
In the 19th century, the practice of romantic friendships was commonplace between both men and women. It was a different time which Leila J. Rupp details in her book, A Desired Past. Rupp explains, “Marriage might represent the union of two unlike halves, but intense, passionate relationships between two similar souls thrived in addition to and, for women, alongside marriage...
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1 Page 613 Words
Learning, for me, is now no longer genuinely about being important. It in some way has been very memorable for us. Those experiences we had being experts or a pupil are, for sure, very memorable for us. Education helped us to come to be the individual we are today. Having a lot of knowledge, having a lot of friends, having...
1 Page 678 Words
Introduction In the realm of literature, novels serve as profound reflections of societal norms, individual struggles, and philosophical inquiries. The comparative and contrasting analysis of novels allows for a deeper understanding of these elements, showcasing the diversity and commonality of human experiences across different contexts and epochs. This essay endeavors to delineate the thematic and structural differences and similarities between...
4 Pages 1999 Words
As of late, the crude oil price has changed everywhere throughout the world. A few issues have risen because of the higher oil costs. A typical issue is human beings need to spend more than before for their everyday utilization of oil. In the news, we always hear that the world is coming up short on oil, driving us to...
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2 Pages 903 Words
The American poet, novelist, and environmental activist Wendell Berry once said in reference to Earth Day, “The Earth is what we all have in common.” He said this as a way to get people to take action even starting small for Earth Day by recycling instead of throwing everything away. He wanted them to eventually incorporate it into their everyday...
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6 Pages 2736 Words
Are psychopaths born or made? The nature vs nurture debate has been in motion for decades, looking at the true origins of how some people are psychopaths when others are not. In this essay, I will explore whether psychopathy is a predisposed trait, or caused through upbringings containing trauma, learned behaviors that caused the development of psychopathy ' or perhaps,...

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