Research essays

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1 Page 628 Words
Public smoking bans appear to significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks, particularly among younger individuals and nonsmokers, according to a new study published in the September 29, 2009, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Researchers find that smoking bans can reduce the number of heart attacks by as much as 26 percent per year. “Even...
1 Page 455 Words
One famous quote reads “People do not have to bring a silver fork for eating good food”. It can be referred from this quote that when family members dine together, their relationship is strengthened. But this tradition has started to fade from recent lifestyle. Globally the advancement in technology and modernization overpower the traditional method. However, sometimes, it is not...
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2 Pages 976 Words
Introduction Expository essays are a fundamental component of academic writing, designed to convey information clearly and logically. The organization of an expository essay plays a pivotal role in effectively communicating the intended message to the reader. The structure typically includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion, each serving a distinct purpose in the narrative. The introduction sets the stage by...
2 Pages 1090 Words
In order to understand the biomechanics of pitching, one must be able to define biomechanics kinesiology, and velocity. The purpose of biomechanics is to study mechanical laws relating to the movement of muscular activity. Biomechanics is sometimes known as a form of kinesiology since it is applied to physical activity, exercise, and sports. The definition for kinesiology is “the study...
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4 Pages 2136 Words
Abstract One in four women will suffer from depression at some point in their life. “Depression is the leading cause of disease-related disability among women in the world today.” (Kessler, 2003) 'In the United States, there are about 15 million people suffering.'(2009, February). Young teenage females are more likely to become depressed than young teenage males. In early childhood, males...
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2 Pages 826 Words
Introduction Baking a cake is often perceived as an art, a creative endeavor involving flair and intuition. However, beneath the surface of this culinary practice lies a rigorous scientific process, replete with precise measurements, chemical reactions, and methodical steps. The essence of cake baking is rooted in a series of well-defined processes that, when executed accurately, lead to a delectable...
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2 Pages 898 Words
Introduction Baking cookies is an endeavor that marries the precision of science with the creativity of art. This process not only requires a careful selection of ingredients and adherence to method but also allows room for personal flair and innovation. The process of baking cookies, which ranges from the gathering of ingredients to the final cooling of the baked treats,...
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3 Pages 1222 Words
The first stages of parenting can be quite a challenge for any couple, especially when it comes to feeding the baby. Amidst a range of new experiences and sleepless nights, the time has flown past and your baby is nine months old now At this stage, you do have more options and choices in terms of food. Your baby can...
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2 Pages 914 Words
Introduction In the realm of culinary simplicity, the peanut butter and jelly (PB&J) sandwich stands out as an enduring staple. With origins tracing back to the early 20th century, this simple yet satisfying sandwich has become a cultural icon, particularly in the United States. According to culinary historian John Mariani, the combination of peanut butter and jelly was first published...
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2 Pages 1133 Words
The McCoy Family Identifying Information The McCoy family consists of Ed McCoy aged thirty-six and his 3 school-aged children. The names and ages of the children are Tamara-10, Kayla-8, and Kyle-4. Ed was married to the mother of the children, Tina until her untimely death caused by a connective tissue disorder three months ago. Family Structure and Development The McCoy...
5 Pages 2189 Words
Relationships that a person forms with friends are necessary for one’s social integration because, without social interaction with others and the formation of friendships, one would not have the social skills needed to navigate the world and those around them. We know that girls and boys have a tendency to gravitate, especially at a young age, to friends of the...
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2 Pages 1157 Words
Service-Dominant Logic in the Hair and Beauty Industry Introduction: The beauty salon is a typical service-based industry. We provide our customers with the most sincere and caring services, and customers will always choose to return to your salon. We aim to understand customers' needs and to provide satisfactory services. Therefore, service-dominant logic plays a vital role in salon business management....
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3 Pages 1552 Words
This paper covers five published articles that report on the Wells Fargo case. These online articles show many different ways the Wells Fargo Scandal affected the customers and employees. One article covers what actually happened throughout the whole process and investigation of Wells Fargo. Another talks about how employees still aren’t satisfied with how things are being run at Wells...
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4 Pages 1653 Words
Spoken dialogue in music can be traced back to 16th and 17th centuries however, it was also used more specifically to signify the independent dialogue settings included in an abundance of madrigals, motets and cantatas; and it was for this type of setting that in the early 17th century G.B. Doni coined the phrase, 'dialoghi fuor di scena' (dialogues without...
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3 Pages 1582 Words
The study of obesity is a relatively new interdisciplinary academic field. The community college library shelves should contain two types of resources. First, several kinds of reference materials, and second, a host of broader materials that place the discussion of obesity within a cultural framework. This overview is divided into two major sections, the first is reference materials, and the...
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1 Page 483 Words
Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays in the United States. It is a time when family and friends come together as one and give thanks. However, Thanksgiving can be a complex occasion due to the planning, preparing, and cooking of the holiday dinner. Despite these challenges, everyone can work together to make the dinner go smoothly....
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2 Pages 1055 Words
“As a narrative medium in film, dialogue is overrated”, I agree and disagree with this statement. According to film reference, “Cinematic dialogue is oral speech between fictional characters”. The source goes on to say, “This distinguishes dialogue from other types of cinematic language such as voice-over narration, internal monologue, or documentary interviews, which have different characteristics.” I will discuss narratives...
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2 Pages 853 Words
Introduction S. E. Hinton's novel "The Outsiders" represents a seminal work in adolescent literature, capturing the complexities of teenage life through a lens that is both relatable and poignant. Written in 1967 when Hinton was just a teenager herself, the novel provides an authentic voice to the struggles faced by young adults amidst socio-economic divides. The story follows the Greasers...
ResearchThe Outsiders
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4 Pages 1582 Words
To initiate any scientific investigation, a researcher needs to collect factual information. Based on that factual knowledge; the researcher can understand where there is a gap in knowledge. This process gives birth to the problem, which needs to be solved. A problem is engendered on the ground of the existing gap in knowledge about the concept or contradiction in existing...
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5 Pages 2146 Words
Ethnography exists as an integral component of contemporary anthropology, allowing for the exploration and understanding of culture through the study of subjects and their behaviours in given situations. The practice enables the documentation of accounts of livelihood; producing credible accounts wherein knowledge and understanding is received through observation and immersion with participants to form a representation of a community or...
4 Pages 1680 Words
“to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature: to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure” (Hamlet 3:2). This quote from Shakespeare's infamous play Hamlet seems to be echoing to us a message of power. Specifically the power of not just his own play, but...
5 Pages 2504 Words
Heart of Darkness Activity Foreshadowing “The air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the highest, and the greatest town on Earth”(Conrad, 65). The darkness that spreads above the port creates an atmosphere of despair and mystery as the novel begins. It is this gloomy atmosphere that serves to foreshadow...
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2 Pages 1043 Words
Intro ‘Vita’ in Latin means alive and the term viability may have been derived from this notion and the opposite is considered as non-viable . Therefore, a non-viable pregnancy indicates a fetal demise or most commonly known as a miscarriage in clinical terms. In return it is also known as a spontaneous loss of a fetus before it can survive...
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