In today’s fast moving generation, output is of importance. Each human development has been made to improve our ability to deliver results in the most productive manner conceivable. We try to produce maximal output with minimal input. The saying ‘hard work gets ahead’, has become a cliché, but it is true to some extent. However, simply working hard does not...
The sociological imagination provides fundamental aspects toward constructing a social explanation of the world, beyond common sense ideologies formed from an individual’s immediate social experiences. Sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) described the sociological imagination as a connection derived from critical thinking, linking personal troubles and public issues, biographies and history, self and the world. Three main conceptualised aspects of explanation...
1. Introduction The revolution of the industry from agro based to industrial sector is said to be industrialization (Chappelow, 2019). As the immense need of revolution in the planet, the growth of industrialization has begun from 18th-19th century. The urbanization and industrialization goes hand in hand as the growth of industrialization persuaded people to shift from rural place to urban...
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Introduction: In a competitive business environment, companies need to minimize the cost of production so that they can offer products or services at a lower price and can attract customers. Every company has limited resources to meet the business’s operational requirements. For better business operations, companies apply different strategies. Outsourcing is also a strategy that is used if a firm...
Introduction Mental health (MH) parity of esteem, an investigation into MH and wellbeing strategies in workplaces across Northern Ireland. Good MH can be described as ‘a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to...
Concern with diversity, equity and inclusion have been central to my research, teaching, and advising during my Ph.D. studies and postdoctoral time. I have worked with diverse populations both as a Teaching Assistant at Michigan Technological University and as a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University that prides itself on having a diverse population of students. I describe below my current...
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The third outcome is that the overall adoption of technology will increase in elementary schools. This will be due to the activity suggested which is that teachers will use classroom technology more often. The output for this will be the number of assignments that are given to students that include the use of technology. Research Design The goal of this...
The sociological imagination is a tool that allows us to examine education inequality and its impacts on women in a way that provides an extensive and thorough understanding of the link between private struggles and broader social patterns. Using the sociological imagination enables sociologists to have the capacity to make the familiar unfamiliar and critically analyse how private struggles are...
For this summative piece, I have decided to look at 'What is the impact on parents when having a child on the autism spectrum disorder.' I believe this to be an important topic worth discussing due to the focus usually being on the child rather than their parents. This leaves the parents feeling neglected that they do not have the...
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Rationale: This topic was chosen because the revolutionary war is often blamed on the creation and implementation of the sugar act. The sugar act caused mass protests against the crown when it was levied on the colonists. The tax was added in response to the French Indian War. It was added on top of many other mounting taxes and acts...
Introduction: Significantly over the past years, locavorism has become a growing shift across the country; people tend to be complacent and continue to buy products not acknowledging what impacts it could have on the atmosphere or to themselves. Interpreted by someone who is dedicated to consuming food that is produced or developed within their local area to abstain from eating...
In our daily life, troubles always occur, many people always trapped by an abundant problem. But we do not seem to be aware of how others are feeling of being trapped. In the reading ‘Sociological Imagination’ by C. Wright Mills, it introduces what sociological imagination is and how personal trouble is related to the whole society. In the reading, C....
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People are social creatures and our interactions with other people play a critical part of our lives that, unfortunately, impedes on our individual sense of uniquity. This phenomenon can be described as the advertent and inadvertent influence of social structures that limit our agency. Social structures being the relationships that bring various parts of society closer together (Crossman & Scherer,...
Introduction to the Mass Shooting Dilemma in America Americans are far too used to hearing on the news that a mass shooting has occurred. Regardless of where it takes place, Americans find themselves in the same frustrating position of having to yet again ask, “what can we do to stop this?” It is a question that many countries have addressed...
In this paper will discuss the definition of a case study and point out the advantages and disadvantages of this method. We will also discuss the reasons that case studies are needed in research. We will also discuss how a researcher can go about gathering information and data. Also go over how to distinguish what information and data is most...
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Buddhist ethics was originated in ancient south Asia as a part of Indian Brahman tradition. There are 3 major branches of Buddhist ethics which are Theravada (the oldest branch), Mahayana and Vajrayana. Well, some says there are 2 branches and the third one is the aspect of the 2nd one. Now, Buddhism's emphasis on ethical behavior can be generalized in...
Mills sociological imagination requires each of us to combine our personal experiences with historical context and social factors, rather than just focusing on our own personal experiences. I have a special personal experience, that is, I have experienced a whole decade of exam-oriented education in China, among which the process of preparing for the college entrance examination had the greatest...
Recently in our world, the childhood obesity rate has sky rocketed and is becoming a problem. Nationally, obesity rates of children under the age of fifteen and under is averaged to 20.6% which may not be a high number but in reality, it is. In 1980, obesity rates were at a low of 5% and since then has quadrupled. The...
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Worldwide, at least 2.8 million people die every year because of being overweight or obese. 13% of the world’s adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese in 2014. Lancet findings also say, India is just behind US and China in this global hazard list of top 10 countries with highest number of obese people. They account...
When reviewing income in Princeton, Indiana, the median income is 41,340 with 15% of the population living in poverty (United States Census Bureau, 2017, Income and Poverty section). Although the percent of the population living in poverty is relatively low, 1,971 children in Gibson County are receiving free or reduced lunches (United States Census, 2017, Income and Poverty section). Poverty...
The journal article that I chose to do a journal review on is written by Guido Eibl, Zobeida Cruz-Monserrate, Murray Korc, Maxim S. Petrov, Mark O. Goodarzi, William E. Fisher, Aida Habtezion, Aurelia Lugea, Stephen J. Pandol, Phil A. Hart, Dana K. Andersen, published in 2017. The title of the article is called “Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity as Risk Factors...
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In the 21st century, we can see lots of change in the human body as it evolves mentally as well as physically. Our body is the most important asset of our life so we should keep our body clean and fit because the main problems or diseases we are facing these days are related to our body. The most common...
One of the Leading Health Indicators of Healthy People 2020 is nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. Throughout the progress of Healthy People 2020 from 2010 until now, the target for this indicator is 20.1% for Adults meeting physical activity and muscle-strengthening Federal guidelines, the rate in the most recent year is 20.6%. However, for obesity among adults, children, and adolescents’...
Ethics is important while doing research. The aspects that make ethical consideration important are its usefulness, ecological validity, reliability, validity and bioethics. Usefulness is where the research is applicable to everyday life as it refers to the contribution that it makes to human welfare. This kills two birds with one stone as it has ethical consideration and also improve the...
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Obesity as defined by WHO (2018) is having ‘’abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health ‘’. Most commonly measured using Body Mass Index (BMI) -which is based on height and weight-a score of 30 or more is considered obese. It can lead to several serious and potentially life-threatening conditions such as: type 2 diabetes, heart disease,...
Introduction Obesity represents a significant public health challenge worldwide, characterized by an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. According to the World Health Organization, the global prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with over 650 million adults classified as obese in 2016. As an intricate health condition, obesity is influenced by a myriad of factors...
My personal healthcare management philosophy is underpinned by my personal values and ethics. I am a registered nurse and I follow the Code of Conduct (2018) and The Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia (2018). I am committed to uphold the fundamental rights of people receiving healthcare and to provide and promote quality care for all patients. I help...
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It’s all too common to see someone and make a snap judgement about them. We are all guilty of forming preconceived notions about others, whether they’re regarding race, gender, clothing, or any other superficial feature. Disappointingly enough, one’s weight falls under the umbrella of prejudice. The stigma surrounding obesity is in part due to the stereotype that obese people are...
What is your idea of human freedom? Do you understand it as independent of ecological context? My idea of freedom does not relate to the ecological context, at least not in this moment. This is because of what shaped me as a person, and the experiences that I have had. I believe that freedom is inherently personal, as an idea....
Introduction Numerous of studies prove that obesity becomes a worldwide epidemic. Popkin and Doak (1998) state that, in the last quarter of the 20th century, obesity emerged as a worldwide phenomenon in the developed and non-developed countries. It has been observed a huge increase in obesity proportion in many populations around the world regardless the differences in income, poverty, and...