School Shooting Narrative Essay

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The U.S. has witnessed nearly 40,000 deaths, due to gun violence in the past year, the highest level it’s been since the 1990s. This rating of deaths is very formidable making this nation a place of terror and lack of safety. Many homicides and suicides have been caused because of the lack of gun control. The political debate of gun control laws changing to a stronger base has been going on for years now, and people are still waiting for a revolution. Opponents would disagree saying that the Second Amendment gives them the right to bear arms and use them for self-defense. These laws should be stringent because gun deaths could be reduced, background checks need to take place, and schools need to be safer when it comes to school shootings.

Since the last year, 40,000 people have passed away because of a shooting in America. The amount of deaths is getting higher and higher every day and one way to decrease this situation is by making our gun laws stricter. According to 'This just needs to stop': Hundreds of thousands decry guns”, “People have been dying since 1999, in Columbine and nothing has changed. People are still dying,' Stewart said. 'It could be prevented.' (Lines 29 & 30) Stewart expresses that deaths of guns have been going on for a very long time and still today, deaths are increasing. This should show the government that something needs to be done to control guns. America needs to have a decrease in the number of armed shootings that have taken place in public or private. Too many lives in the U.S. have been taken from them because so many shootings have occurred which are killing others.

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In addition, several gun stores do not take into consideration that they should do major background checks searching for conditions such as having criminal records or any mental issues. This could help know who exactly is trying to purchase guns to prevent the cause of any harmful actions to others or their selves, instead of allowing anyone to have possession of guns. According to “Background of the Issue, Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted”, “Proponents of more gun control often want more laws to try to prevent the mass shootings and call for smart gun laws, background checks, and more protections against the mentally ill buying guns.” (Lines 25-28) This quote expresses how gun control laws should be smarter with their decisions by checking for people’s backgrounds which could help vendors know who are trying to buy guns. The mentally ill are also attempting to buy guns and before accepting them to own one, people need to know exactly why they’re buying it to confirm that they are using it wisely. Stepping forward to determine that everything is intact when purchasing guns could help keep this country safe.

Moreover, many children in the U.S. have witnessed such horrendous school shootings that have scarred them tremendously. The government should try its best to verify that schools are being protected from such dangers, starting by looking out by controlling gun laws and letting anyone get away with purchasing guns. According to “ 'This Just Needs to Stop': Hundreds of Thousands Decry Guns” a girl named Maya McEntyre, who attended a march by the thousands in Detroit claimed “I’m tired of being afraid at school. 'When I come to school, I don't want to have to look for the nearest exit.” (Khalil and Woodward, Line 22-24) The author used an example from a high school student to express how much fear a student has been in a setting that is supposed to be for educational purposes. A recent mass school shooting such as the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas in Parkland, Florida was a petrifying moment for every student, giving them a fear of ever stepping on school grounds again. School should be the last place a kid feels afraid of a shooting happening. School should be a place of education for all students and not a place of fear. Something needs to be done when it comes to making children safe at school.

Many sources believe that guns are used for self-defense and protecting yourself from harm since it is written in the Second Amendment. However, even though the Second Amendment says that humans have the right to bear arms, the act was written years ago when guns weren’t available everywhere for people to purchase. According to “PRO/CON: Is it time to pass tough gun control laws?” According to Newsela staff, “Very few gun-owning individuals have the experience, training, and temperament to successfully defend themselves or others in an emergency.” (Tribune, Lines 15 & 16) This elaborates that not everyone is responsible enough to control a gun in a dangerous situation that protect themselves or another person. Guns could not be handed to just any person without making sure they are eligible to have a gun. If a person wants to own a gun, the consideration of being trained and having a clean record should be done first so that no one is getting harmed.

To conclude, making a difference in keeping the nation safe by binding stronger gun control laws can help with reducing gun deaths, verifying that everyone’s background is checked before purchasing a gun, and keeping our schools safe. The U.S has had far too many deaths due to gun violence which should have a change. The government is not looking out for specific people who are purchasing guns which are putting many people in danger and causing fear to others. This nation has lost 150,000 people in this world and most are due to shootings that occurred in this world because of gun control not being strongly enacted. This country is not getting the protection it needs from the government and something should be done to fix that.

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School Shooting Narrative Essay. (2024, February 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“School Shooting Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 09 Feb. 2024,
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