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Geography as a Science: Informative Essay

2 Pages 1038 Words
Geography is considered to be science because it uses the scientific method, and because of the modernization gadget related to science such as anemometer, remote sensing, global positioning, compass, hydrometer, and pressure sensor would not have existed today without geography. Geography can be categorized into two parts: physical geography and human geography. Physical geography mainly deals with the Earth. Its...

Persuasive Essay on Whether Geography Can Be Considered a Science

3 Pages 1355 Words
Geography is a subset of Earth science one of the natural sciences along with biology, chemistry, and genetics. It studies both physical and cultural features, such as land features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets. Geography has been called a world discipline and a bridge between the human and physical sciences. Alexander Von Humboldt, a German traveler, scientist...

The Earth as a System: Informative Essay

1 Page 493 Words
‘Earth system’ is a term that articulates how the Earth functions as a whole, that is, how each subsystem of the Earth is integrated and interdependent upon the other subsystems of the Earth. Another way of communicating this concept is to point out that every physical, scientific action displayed on the Earth, causes physical reactions within the other aspects of...

Role of Geology in Civil Engineering: Critical Essay

1 Page 681 Words
Charles Lapworth quoted: “All that comes above the surface lies within the province of geography; all that comes below that surface lies inside the realm of geology”. Geology is the study of the Earth, its components, the composition of those materials, and the influence of natural forces on those materials. A basic understanding of geology is so necessary that it...

Informative Essay on the Importance of Protein Synthesis of Haemoglobin and Its Effect on Human Body

4 Pages 1630 Words
Hemoglobin is a protein produced in the bone marrow that is stored in erythrocytes which carry oxygen throughout the body. The main function of erythrocytes is the transportation of oxygen to the body's cells to enable cellular respiration to occur. 97% of the oxygen carried by the blood from the lungs is carried through hemoglobin, whilst the remaining 3% is...

Gregor Mendel's Early Life and Contributions to Genetics: Biography Essay

1 Page 479 Words
Gregor Mendel was born on July 22, 1822, and died on January 6, 1884. He was raised in a rural environment. His academic strength was exhibited at a remarkably young age by local priests, who convinced his parents that he was qualified to attend school. Mendel soon demonstrated substantial intelligence in subjects regarding physics and mathematics at the University of...

Statistics in Everyday Life Essay

1 Page 600 Words
As we go about our daily lives, statistics quietly weave their way into various aspects, guiding decisions, shaping perceptions, and offering insights into the world around us. From simple observations to complex analysis, statistics play a vital role in understanding patterns, making informed choices, and navigating the uncertainties of life. Let's embark on a journey that highlights the ubiquitous presence...

‘Rice for Thanksgiving’: Response Essay

1 Page 658 Words
Introduction "Rice For Thanksgiving" by Sandra Cisneros is a captivating short story that delves into the complexities of cultural identity, family traditions, and the resilience of individuals navigating multicultural environments. In this response essay, we will explore the personal and emotional impact of the story, analyzing its themes, character development, and use of literary techniques. Through a critical examination of...

‘Rice For Thanksgiving’ Analysis Essay

1 Page 595 Words
Introduction "Rice For Thanksgiving" is a poignant and thought-provoking short story written by Sandra Cisneros. In this literary criticism essay, we will delve into the themes and literary techniques employed in the story to explore the complexities of cultural identity, the struggle for acceptance, and the importance of preserving one's heritage. Through an analysis of the characters, plot, and symbolism,...

Libertarianism Essay

1 Page 608 Words
Introduction Libertarianism is a political philosophy that advocates for maximum individual freedom and limited government intervention in both personal and economic matters. Rooted in the principles of individualism, personal autonomy, and free-market capitalism, libertarianism promotes the idea that individuals should have the liberty to make their own choices without undue interference from the state. This essay will provide an informative...

Juan Ponce de Leon Essay

1 Page 569 Words
Introduction Juan Ponce de León, a Spanish conquistador and explorer, holds a significant place in the annals of history for his expeditions and contributions to the exploration of the New World. Born in 1474 in Spain, Ponce de León embarked on daring journeys that shaped the course of exploration and colonization in the Americas. This informative essay delves into the...

Noam Chomsky Essay

4 Pages 1141 Words
Introduction Renowned linguist, philosopher, and political activist Noam Chomsky has had a lasting impression on some academic fields. He is one of the most prominent philosophers of our time because of the breadth of his work, which includes contributions to linguistics, cognitive science, and political philosophy. Chomsky has sparked controversy and altered academic and popular conversation with his profound insights...

Spanish Language Essay

4 Pages 1165 Words
Introduction With a long history and widespread impact, Spanish is among the world's most widely spoken and culturally significant languages. The language is a bridge between many cultures and records, as it is the official language of several nations in Latin America and Europe, including Spain, Mexico, and much of Central and South America. A language praised for its beauty...

Force Essay

4 Pages 1104 Words
What is Force? The fundamental physics notion of force describes an interaction between two things or a push-pull that can modify an object's motion or shape. Its magnitude (strength), direction, and point of application are frequently used to quantify it. Essential elements include: Magnitude The International System of Units (SI) uses units like newtons (N) to quantify this, which measures...

Humanities Should Be Taught at the University: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 449 Words
Being asked whether the humanities should be taught in the university or not, made me question myself on what the profound meaning of the humanities is. After searching it up, I discovered that this is an intellectual pursuit that deals with human society and culture, involving the study and analysis of history, literature, linguistics, philosophy, politics, and the like. Having...

STEM Vs. the Humanities: Compare and Contrast Essay

2 Pages 1016 Words
Is STEM major taking over the world? Conard states that we need more STEM majors because our economy depends in it. Do we really need more STEM majors when some get their doctorate and can’t get a job for their position, how do we need more STEM majors when there not all getting hired for those jobs? STEM major has...

Humanities Deserve to Be Studied: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 423 Words
The humanities traditionally encompass those disciplines that treat human culture, experience, and perception as an object of study, while simultaneously treating the person as a knowing subject, and that pierce to the core of culture and the human condition. According to the editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the humanities are differentiated in terms of substance and process, in a community...

Persuasive Essay on the Dangers of Teenage Speeding

1 Page 628 Words
Before they know it, their life could be flashing before their own eyes. Speeding isn’t the way to go. There are multiple crashes a year involving teens, some can be fatal. 32/100 of fatal crashes involve teen drivers. Speeding for teenagers is bad, it not only puts you in danger but also others. Around the world, teens are dying from...

Critical Essay on Speeding and Its Negative Consequences

1 Page 431 Words
Nowadays, traffic accidents are increasing every year, as a result of which many people are injured, even dead by the accidents. There are many types of traffic accidents that cause many people to die. One of the most issues that happen every day is speeding. In this essay, I want to prove that speeding can kill many people and affect...

The Value of the Humanities': Critical Essay

1 Page 562 Words
One of the hardest choices a college student must make is what degree to go after. With the growth of student loans and the rising price of tuition, many undergraduates, myself included, feel the coercion to choose a major that will make us successful after graduation. The question as to what one plans to do with their major is natural...

Importance of Being Well Versed in the Humanities: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 755 Words
The humanities is a useful subject, especially in any healthcare field, as it promotes an understanding of different cultures and histories, which is useful when caring for people from different backgrounds to ensure the best possible care is provided. Nicholas Kristof in his article ‘Starving for Wisdom’ starts a story of a country that has become so consumed by the...

Reflection on the Completed Humanities Class

2 Pages 796 Words
When I knew that I had to take a humanities class as part of my nurse training, I couldn't understand why. I thought it was a total waste of my time and I sincerely started the class with the idea that I had to pass it with good grades and move on. But just a week later I realized how...

Important Insights I Learned from My Humanities Course: Reflective Essay

2 Pages 903 Words
Art is extremely necessary for our lives. It constitutes one in all the oldest forms and, most significantly, it shows a mean of expression developed by man. It's a language, that is charged with feelings and significance that has sprung up among men inhabitation. For this, I’m glad to experience the wonder of art. Learning about the humanities is meant...

Changes in the Humanities Over the Last 100 Years: Informative Essay

1 Page 510 Words
The last 100 years have been a whirlwind of change, from the Industrial Age to the Technological Age. The question should be what hasn’t changed? As just about everything else has. Politically the landscape has descended into right-wing crazy land for the most part, such as Donald Trump. There was and still is a fight against liberal members with fake...

Informative Essay on the Hubble Space Telescope and its Discoveries

2 Pages 877 Words
The wonders of space and beyond is something that has intrigued and mystified scientists for centuries. From the beginning of time people have wondered what lurks beyond the horizon, what orbits the world, what galaxies exist beyond the Earth, and what in fact is beyond what the human eye can see. The development of the telescope can be attributed to...

IBN Battuta Impact: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1369 Words
Ibn Battuta documented his travels across the Muslim world. On his travels, he detailed the governments, the splendor of the cities, and the attitudes of the people. Many people have questioned his adventures, especially history professor Ross Dunn. To begin with, Ibn Battuta was born in the year 1304 in Tangier, Morocco. He was born into a very wealthy Moroccan...

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