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Causes of 1998 Mars Climate Orbiter Mission Failure

4 Pages 1772 Words
Abstract This paper addresses the possible causations and engineering failures that led to the demise of NASA’s mars climate orbiter mission in 1998 by summarising and analysing the technical and human factors leading to the incident. The primary fault at hand was the failure to programme and operate the trajectory of the spacecraft in the required manor, causing the space...

Genetically Modified Organisms In Genetic Engineering

3 Pages 1590 Words
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and advanced biotechnologies have a very large impact on the environment, agriculture and human medicine. Many people including scientists believe this is the way of the future. These people see all of the benefits of being able to produce solutions to worldwide problems. With all of the supporters, come the skeptics. There are a lot of...

Improving Language With Constraint Induced Aphasia Therapy

4 Pages 1598 Words
Communication: it plays a huge role in our everyday lives. The brain is a fundamental component for communication as it is composed of thousands of pathways that contribute to speech and language abilities. Damage in the brain, post stroke, triggers the process of diaschisis, meaning circuits are rapidly rerouting, and the brain has begun adjusting to the new norms. Oftentimes,...
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The Expression Of Ineffability In Tao Te Ching

2 Pages 938 Words
The Tao Te Ching, Hildegard’s songs and poems, and St. Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures all attempt to express concepts that are ineffable: for Hildegard and Francis, it is the nature of God, and for Lao Tsu it is the elusive concept of the Tao. I will argue that the texts’ complementary treatment of this topic suggests that creating vague...

The Essence of Semiotic Analysis

2 Pages 905 Words
Introduction Semiotics, the study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior, plays a crucial role in understanding how meaning is created and interpreted. This field, rooted in the works of scholars such as Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sanders Peirce, provides a framework for analyzing the processes through which signs convey information and are perceived by individuals. The...
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How Differently Men And Women Use Language

3 Pages 1274 Words
It is not a new questions whether or not men and women truly speak the same language, or if they can ever really communicate with each other. Sure, both genders can physically speak the same language to each other in English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, but is the true intent behind the words the same, or even more so, understood? Studies...
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Teaching And Development Of Oral Language

3 Pages 1326 Words
Words, thoughts, and discourses are critical for teachers to consider when developing oral language in students. These faucets to oral language cannot be separated but rather need to be addressed as a whole because as they intersect and intertwine students grow and develop. How then can teachers develop these faucets in unison? Oral language development can be a challenge for...

Plant Based Burgers

3 Pages 1314 Words
The purpose of this C.T. is to find solutions to reduce the impact of human activity in the world and we are going to try to find positive solutions that could help change the human activity in the world. The problem that we chose to solve is to reduce the amount of meat we eat.We chose this topic because we...

Bacteria That Affect Health: Escherichia Coli In Humans

2 Pages 730 Words
How to prevent and what effects does E. coli produce on the body? The main origin of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli outbreaks are raw or undercooked meat products, raw milk and faecal-contaminated vegetables. Considering that the E. Coli bacteria we all have in our body. We can cite the most important themes that should be known about this bacterium as:...
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Sign Language Interpreter For Hearing And Speaking Impaired

5 Pages 2240 Words
Abstract Sign language interpreter is the essential part of designing and developing an application for American Sign Language(ASL). In this application we are using ASL datasets of images of hands with different skin complexion, sizes and camera angles to build classification system by training a convolutional neural network (CNN). In first phase of this application it works on gesture recognition,...

Salt & Catalase Impact on Hydrogen Peroxide Breakdown Speed

3 Pages 1248 Words
Introduction The purpose of this procedure is to study the impact of various levels of salt in relation to the enzyme catalase during the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. Catalase is important to the body because it breaks down hydrogen-peroxide from its toxic form (H202) into water and oxygen. Salt, or sodium-chloride, is a necessary electrolyte in maintaining homeostasis within the...
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Utility Of DNA In Cross-Coupling Reactions

5 Pages 2231 Words
DNA chemical reactions have found a couple of industrial applications. Targeting protein bound to DNA for manipulation of disease prognosis is gaining a lot of interest among scientists. Due to advancement of in silico technology, thousands of molecules can be search for protein interaction. Molecules with the best docking properties to target proteins can then be synthesized in the lab...

Neil Armstrong And Significance Of Moon Landing

2 Pages 1040 Words
The Apollo 11 mission trip to the moon was very significant in american history. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch or listen to history being made in the United States. For once in the United States history everybody honestly came together as one to root on the astronauts. The Apollo 11 mission trip brought the United States together...

Interpreting Sign Language with Robotic Arms

5 Pages 2122 Words
Abstract The usage of computer vision and artificial intelligence has become an important factor for many real-world applications. The automatic recognition of hand gestures using these two technologies are very much useful in sign language recoginition. In this paper we are going to see about the interpretation of the American Sign Language where the robots will recognize the sign and...

Predicting Fetal Growth with Lower CF-DNA Fractions

4 Pages 1705 Words
Introduction Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is one of the major obstetric complications that has been associated with term consequences as poor postnatal outcomes, perinatal morbidity, and mortality. (1). Nowadays, early prediction of FGR is the primary goal in maternal-fetal medicine, followed by prevention strategies in the antenatal period. Many thriving screening models like combining biochemical markers with Doppler were studied,...

How Does Eugenics & Genetic Counseling Differ?

3 Pages 1328 Words
“We used to think that our fate was in the stars, but now we know that our fate is in our genes,” said Dr. James Watson (After Darwin, 2005). Genes are the physical and functional fundamental units of heredity. Genes are a specific segment of DNA that determine our inherited traits. Every gene has two copies, one copy from each...
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Language From A Gendered Perspective

6 Pages 2783 Words
Language is a complex system of communication that connects people to one another in the means of both verbal and written displays. The language and discourse that society participates in is a product of social construction. From the time when we are born, we are labeled by pronouns “he” and “she” associated with the gender binary of being either a...

Agar Preparation And Incubation Of Bacteria

2 Pages 748 Words
Abstract In the process of agar preparation, the agar powder was used along with the distilled water. Both were poured together in big flask and mixed well. Then, the flask was put in autoclave machine for sterilization with loosely closed stopper. After autoclaving, the solution was transferred to the Petri dishes. Then, petri dishes were put in incubator. The gram...
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The Peculiarities And Roles Of Forensic Semiotics

4 Pages 1956 Words
The subject of criminology is often seen as more of a scientific field and the popular media that engages with crime sources their material from crimes that had occurred or theories that engage with deviance and criminology. However, the emergence of forensic semiotics have placed a new emphasis on the study of the relationship between criminology, forensic sciences, and the...

Language And Communication In Science Teaching And Learning

4 Pages 1729 Words
Scientific language is unique and like every other language it does not come without its challenges. It is full of complex terminology, semitechnical and dual meanings of words, logical connectives, passive voices, diagrams, pictures, mathematics, and of course not forgetting chemical symbols and formulae. This struggle with scientific language is a major issue that has become an important topic for...

The Evolution And Development Of Gene Therapy

6 Pages 2537 Words
Abstract The following paper presented follows gene therapy throughout its journey. Analyzing data from the past to the present and the possibilities that are to come in the future, we gain a better understanding of what gene therapy is and why it is important in our society today. “Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or...
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Political Discourse Analysis

3 Pages 1602 Words
Linguistic manipulation is an authoritative instrument in politics because political discourse is initially focused on convincing people to take specific political action or to make critical political decisions. To persuade the capable electorate in present time societies, politics primarily over powers the mass media, which leads to creating innovative forms of linguistics manipulation. For example altered forms of pressed conferences...

Discourse And Politics: Peculiarities

4 Pages 1636 Words
What is political discourse exactly? Such a broad and vague question has been approached by many theorists in the area of discourse who have each delivered their own results, but none of which have given just one precise definition. Most critics focus on the relationship between the written text and another field, such as politics, culture, racism, etc. Hence, as...

A Multimodal Analysis Study In Smartphone Billboards Advertisement

4 Pages 1848 Words
Abstract This research aims to analyze multimodal in Apple smartphones billboards advertisements. The multimodal theory by Kress and van Leeuwen and generic structure analysis theory by Cheong were applied to analyze this research. The method used in this research was a descriptive research method. The data in this research were images uploaded by photographers of Apple’s smartphone billboards advertisements. The...

The Reasons For Dialects Development

1 Page 383 Words
Throughout the world, people have developed thousands of languages. Each language has its own diversity. In terms of dialect development in a language, there are two main reasons: “geographical variations” and “social variations”. According to Syal and Jindal, living in a different geographical area may occur diversity in dialect. “It is a universal characteristic of human language that speakers of...
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Can Social Media Save Our Planet?

6 Pages 2921 Words
“Twenty-five years ago, people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much about climate change. Today we have no excuse” -Desmond Tutu Research shows that six in ten Americans receive their news from social media (Gladston, I., & Wing, T. 2019). Social media is a fast and effective way to inform its users of the status of the...

Semiotic Analysis Of Teenage Magazine Covers

3 Pages 1363 Words
Before I begin my semiotic textual analysis, I will first establish the basis of my analysis with the use of semiotic practices and semiology. As we have learned from Saussure, semiotics is the study of signs and the systems governing them, for example, hand gestures, facial expressions, colours, typology, camera angles etc. In order to aid my analysis, I will...
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Francis Galton And Eugenics

3 Pages 1317 Words
The rise of eugenics was popularized with Francis Galton in the 19th century. Galton devoted much of his scholarly life to exploring variation in human populations and its implications. Galton established a research program which looked at variations in human populations: mental characteristics, height, facial images, fingerprint patterns, etc. This required inventing measures of traits, devising large-scale collection of data...
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How Might Advertising Be Understood As A System Of Signs?

5 Pages 2321 Words
Advertising is everywhere in our daily lives nowadays; during an average working day, people are surrounded by around 2,500 promotional campaigns. In this essay, we are going to explore how an advertisement is made using different kinds of signs that the reader must decode to understand the promotional meaning of the ad. We are going to investigate this system of...

A Break In Science: Gene Editing With CRISPR-Cas9

3 Pages 1372 Words
Up until recent years, illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, leukemia, and many more diseases have been classified as incurable. These lifelong ailments have brought despair and hopelessness onto the lives of many people. However, with the recent break in scientific technology and the gene editing tool Crispr-Cas9, these once untreatable illnesses could be as easy to cure as the...
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