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Autobiography Essay on Charles Darwin

2 Pages 1070 Words
Humanity remembers major scientific discoveries and some of them continue to influence the way we view the world today. For example, the accidental discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming and Newton’s apple led to the discovery of gravity. These discoveries all have something in common - a brilliant mind and a stroke of luck (or divine providence). In a similar...

Why Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned: Essay

2 Pages 801 Words
The beginning stages of testing involve a process called Vitro (“Read”). When you think of the common everyday products such as cosmetic companies, medical research, and even new forms of technology people are quick to assume it involves abusive animal testing. In many cases, people choose not to support these types of companies. They assume without knowing the facts behind...

Essay on Why Is Animal Testing Unethical

2 Pages 810 Words
Over the past few years, animals have been exploited for testing purposes, experiments for medicinal safety, and other scientific methods have been conducted on these animals to confirm that these methods are safe for mankind. In 2017 statistics show that over 3 million animals were tested in England (‘’Understanding animal research,’’2018, Para. 3). Animal testing is unethical because it is...

Essay on the Effects of Animal Testing

3 Pages 1533 Words
Animal testing was first introduced around 300 BCE when the Greek Philosopher Aristotle performed tests on them. This practice became widely known in the 17th century when Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was put forth. Approximately 26 million animals are tested each year in the United States. Animal experimentation has been used to create treatments and to assess the safety...

Animal Testing Pros Essay

1 Page 632 Words
Is morality valuable when it comes to medical progression or human success? Animal testing is a familiar concept but many do not know the extent of what is involved when it comes down to what the scientists use or how they experiment. Whether it is called animal testing, research, or killing, it is a cruel practice that reveals the results...

Animal Testing Is Expensive: Essay

2 Pages 1034 Words
When you use the cosmetic products, perfumes, hygiene products, and pharmaceutical drugs you see in your local drugstores, supermarkets, etc., there is a big chance that animal test subjects went through the pains of being abused, tortured, or poisoned in order for those said products to be able to be put on the shelves and be marketed. According to Humane...

Research Essay on Animal Testing

2 Pages 743 Words
Animal testing has long been a social issue among the masses. It is a method of medical and biological research that investigates the reaction of drugging living animals on behalf of humans. These experiments greatly contributed to the functional explanation of life, but on the other hand, the cruelty of the experiments raised the question of whether it was necessary...

Essay on Animal Testing in Medical Research

2 Pages 733 Words
Have you ever wondered how producers of food products, cosmetics, and medicines make sure their products are safe to use or consume? Most of them test their products on animals even though the idea of animals suffering in the name of beauty is not well-accepted. It’s hard to condemn scientists who want to search for cures to treat various ailments...

Pros and Cons of Animal Testing Essay

2 Pages 978 Words
Mom, please do not leave me says 5-year-old Cathy Lucky she and over one million other kids still have their mom since 1989 present day more than half a million women have successfully been treated for breast cancer in the United States alone according (DePolo, J 2019) the medical journal of Cairo university (Yurtoğlu, N 2018) also estimates about 1.7...

Exemplification Essay on the Rock Cycle and the Karlu Karlu Rock Formation as a Great Example of How It Works

2 Pages 851 Words
A couple of days to millions of years, this process takes time. In this essay I am going to focus on the rock cycle, how it helped create the Karlu Karlu rock formation (the Devil’s Marbles), and how indigenous Australians use rocks and minerals in their everyday lives. Rocks are the hard substances that make up the Earth and are...

Essay Why I Want to Be a Linguist

2 Pages 711 Words
Introduction Linguistics, the scientific study of language, delves into the complexities and intricacies of human communication. It's a field that spans the sounds of speech, the structure of sentences, and the nuances of meaning, offering a window into the human mind and social interaction. My personal motivation to become a linguist stems from a deep fascination with how language shapes...

Why I Want to Be a Mechanical Engineer Essay

1 Page 703 Words
Introduction From the first time I dismantled a toy car to understand its workings, my fascination with mechanics was ignited. This early curiosity evolved into a profound interest in mechanical engineering, a field where innovation meets practical application. Pursuing a career in mechanical engineering is not just a professional choice for me; it's a passion driven by my love for...

Reflective Essay on Statistics

2 Pages 793 Words
Public Health England (2017) projected that smoking costs the National Health Service £2.5 billion. A study by ASH Action on Smoking and Health (2016) that smoking costs Cheshire West and Chester £89.3 million a year, nearly £1,673 per smoker per year (Inside Cheshire West and Chester, 2017). When reflecting, the latest statistics report by the National Health Service (NHS, 2019)...

Self Reflective Essay about Math

1 Page 454 Words
The two videos I watched were Why Mathematics is Important! and Math Anxiety Both videos changed my views, feelings, and thoughts about math. It was amazing to learn how math is very powerful and useful. It was also interesting to find out how to deal with the stress or fear of dealing with math. Each video had its...

Essay on Diversity in Animals

1 Page 483 Words
Taxonomy is the method by which all animal species can be classified, with a hierarchical system that uses at least seven of the 12 classifications from Kingdom to Species. One example that uses human beings is as follows: Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Subphylum - Vertebrata Class - Mammalia Subclass - Eutheria Order - Primates Suborder - Anthropoidea Family...

Structure of the Hubble Telescope Essay

4 Pages 2043 Words
Ever since the invention of telescopes, there has been more demand for research and observations of the universe. With a growing number of diverse telescopes, each new one that came out improved, advanced, and changed our perspective on how we see the cosmos and gave us sharper and brighter resolution. With the combination of engineering and astronomy, it has marked...

Genetics and Obesity Essay

2 Pages 940 Words
Do you know if you are in good health? Maybe BMI can tell you the answer. BMI values can be obtained by dividing weight(kg) by the square of height(m). The BMI values in the range of 18.5-30 are normal, but the values up to 30 are defined as obesity. If you are obese, I'm sorry to inform you that you...

Essay Paper on Eating Disorders and Genetics

3 Pages 1161 Words
The sun was casting its last orange rays into the sky, marking the end of the day. Sarah just got back home from school. She looked pale, almost malnourished. Her skin had wrinkles, and her face looked hollow. She quickly tossed her bag to the side of her bed and ran to the mirror. In a split second, all of...

Essay on White Collar Crime Theories

5 Pages 2431 Words
The type of white-collar crime exposed by the Banking Royal Commission is difficult to explain using criminological theory. White-collar crime consists of law-breaking actions that business and government-appointed officials in workplace environments have committed. The crimes are usually nonviolent, and primarily focused on financial gain. (Loy, n.d.) The Banking Royal Commission investigated the improper behavior of businesses in the banking,...

Discoveries of Hubble Telescope Essay

3 Pages 1645 Words
Introduction The development of space-borne telescopes has heavily influenced our astronomical research and broadened our fundamental understanding of the universe. They have paved the way for astronomers to view and understand the cosmological evolution of galaxies that ground-based telescopes could not fully uncover. In recent years, advancements in space telescopes with the achievements of the Hubble Space Telescope and the...

Life of Pi' Discovery Essay

2 Pages 825 Words
“The lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soar” (Life of Pi, page 283). In “Life of Pi” Pi grows up in Pondicherry, India, as a little boy who is the son of an owner of the Pondicherry Zoo. They set an immigration to Canada, after selling their Zoo, and their ship sinks. Leaving Pi on a...

Life of Pi' Animals Essay

4 Pages 1812 Words
Emotions, reasons, and beliefs are three important tools of the human mind. They all operate in the human mind but in different ways. Mohandas Gandhi once said, “Faith must be enforced by reason, when faith becomes blind it dies,” (Seshagiri 59). This quote shows that reason is more important than belief. Without reason, humans will never have faith and belief....

White Collar Crime Theories: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1297 Words
It is not every day we hear about white-collar crimes but these “non-violent” crimes are on the rise. But throughout the years the federal government has been recording and documenting white collar crimes amounting to a staggering $300 billion every year (Cornell University, 2010. White-collar crime is dated back ​with different forms of bribery and embezzlement or even monopolistic price-fixing...

Homelessness and Its Perspective in Conflict Theory: Essay

1 Page 529 Words
Homelessness has been an arising issue since before the 1980s. Research shows that before the 1960s, homelessness was seen as a situation that can be curbed by those who were affected by it. It was seen as a situation caused by them due to the lack of responsibility. During the 1960s-1980s, homelessness was caused by factors beyond the control of...

What Is Electricity: Informative Essay

1 Page 408 Words
Electricity is an essential part of modern society. Many humans depend on it. Electricity helps power our computers and mobile devices, making work easier for millions of people. Electricity helps power stoves and microwaves, making it more convenient to cook and warm food. Electricity has made a huge impact on technological advancement and will continue to in the near future....

How to Take Care of a Cat: Essay

1 Page 536 Words
Our pets are not just our animals, they are part of our families. No matter which one you have, a dog, a cat, a bird, etc., they make us feel loved because their love is pure and kind. Therefore, the best way to give them back part of that love is to take good care of them. Caring for a...

Life without Electricity: Essay

2 Pages 844 Words
In this day and age, our society is heavily dependent on electricity. Although we may not realize it, we use electricity to do nearly every daily activity. In the hypothetical situation that the United States lost power for up to seven days, the consequences of this scenario could become extremely severe. The first day without power would be an inconvenience...

Inductive Essay on Scientific Method

2 Pages 1069 Words
In this essay, I will first give a brief introduction to the inductivist and Popperian accounts of science. Then I will explain how an inductivist might respond to the claim that “Knowledge comes from experimental falsification of a hypothesis rather than from experimental confirmation of one”. I will then explain my opinion of the inductivist response and consider the reasoning...

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