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A Break In Science: Gene Editing With CRISPR-Cas9

3 Pages 1372 Words
Up until recent years, illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, leukemia, and many more diseases have been classified as incurable. These lifelong ailments have brought despair and hopelessness onto the lives of many people. However, with the recent break in scientific technology and the gene editing tool Crispr-Cas9, these once untreatable illnesses could be as easy to cure as the...
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MSC Chemical And Bioengineering: Use Of Microfluidic Bioreactors For High Yield Industrial

1 Page 612 Words
Extracellular Vesicles (EV’s) are unique therapeutic biological molecules exhibiting numerous applications such as natural nanocarriers for drug delivery systems, stem cell-based tissue regeneration, immunogenic response regulators, etc. Their endogenous presence in all living organisms renders them the properties of low toxicity, high stability, and biocompatibility; making them excellent candidates for utilization in the biomedical and healthcare sectors. The major limitations...

The Process Of Puerto Rican Language Recolonizing

2 Pages 1110 Words
The development of language is a fascinating chapter in the analysis of culture and its components. Language often helps us understand the nuances of ethnicity and ethnic identity among different peoples. With this in mind, it is important to analyze the development of important words that are indicators of a culture’s social identity. This paper thus, analyzes the word “Boricua”...

First Language Acquisition vs. Second Language Learning

4 Pages 1749 Words
Relational abilities or the capacity to chat is likely the most fundamental ability that people have as it enables us to move data to each other. People built up the utilization of language so as to impart hundreds of years back, it rearranged the way toward moving and assembling data. Over the time frame we began to gain dialects from...

Should We Colonize Mars?

1 Page 531 Words
I chose this topic because we had watched a video in class by Elon Musk on colonizing mars and I took an interest to it since.By the end of this you will have an idea if you think we should or should not colonize Mars. Colonizing Mars would make sure that our species survive,the only home we've ever had is...

Bilingualism And Education vs. Identity

5 Pages 2221 Words
In the original version of Ferguson’s model, ‘bilingualism’ referred to the coexistence of two unrelated languages within one speech community. In more recent literature, this term is used as a psycholinguistic term referring to a speaker’s proficiency in two or more languages. The existence of two languages for a long period of time sets the scene for the language ideology...

Should We Send Humans To Mars?

1 Page 471 Words
Going to Mars is a SERIOUS topic. Space experts throughout the world are debating whether or not we humans should go to Mars. We think it's a bad idea to go to Mars. It's very dangerous, for example, and it's a waste of money. So, people aren't willing to go to Mars. To start, it's a very dangerous task to...

Apoptosis And Necrosis Through Differential Staining With Hoechst 33342 And Propidium Iodide

2 Pages 982 Words
Apoptosis and necrosis Cellular death is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Cells often die due to a harmful environment or through a regulated process of death, with the former termed necrosis and the latter termed apoptosis. While apoptosis is regarded as cell death resulting from normal healthy processes, necrosis results from external factors or disease. (Fink and Cookson, 2005) When cells...

Russian As The Language Of Erudites

2 Pages 747 Words
With the advent of Globalization, barriers of communication are but a trivial issue nowadays and not a source of impediment anymore in this fast-paced world. People can turn to a number of reliable sources to get rid of the language barriers. Analytical, Business and Communication skills tend to improve when students study a foreign language. Language and culture have always...

Police And DNA

5 Pages 2262 Words
Are our privileges being dismissed when police use DNA databases, for example, 23andme to get suspects? Cases that started the discussion, for example, the Golden State Killer began the discussion regarding the matter. This has also led to the debates about if it is an ethical action to take and if it dismisses our rights to privacy. Will this lead...

The Peculiarities Of Space Mission To Mars

7 Pages 3191 Words
As the global population explosively grows over the past decades, the exhaustion of energy has become a hot topic among scientists. Thus, scientists started to care about the potential colonial life on another planet, the Mars. Whether there exists a biological or microbial life on Mars become crucial for understanding the Martian living conditions. To study this, one can study...

The Handmaid’s Tale: The Manipulation Of Language And Information

6 Pages 2699 Words
Today, the world is full of information and most likely everyone has access to information through all the different sources available internet, television, and the news. Although information is available, facts and context are always manipulated to the benefit of those in power to inform. The novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood shows how control, oppression, and manipulation of...

Ojibwe as Endangered Language

2 Pages 962 Words
Ojibwe is a language that is spoken by early native people in Minnesota. This language is one of the world’s most endangered languages. The reason why Ojibwe is dying is because of the age range of speakers in this language. Not many children are learning this language anymore and it is because ‘“the government banned the practice of native traditional...

Hydrogen and Recycled Materials

3 Pages 1225 Words
The use of recycled materials and hydrogens engines can help the environment and the economy at the same time. Hydrogen engines produce less dangerous emissions than other engine technologies that are currently available to the public. Industrial processes use hydrogen for processing metal, ceramics, electronics, edible oils and other various applications. Once it is used it is then released into...

Sustainability Of Low Carbohydrate Diets

3 Pages 1429 Words
Introduction Between the years of 1960 and 2000, the presence of obesity in adults aged 20 to 74 years old in the United States increased from 13.4% to 30.9% (Bravata, 2003). There were an estimated 325000 deaths due to obesity and a staggering number of $39-$52 billion dollars in direct health care costs to treat obese individuals (Bravata, 2003). According...

Language Shaming Should Not Be Normalised In Malaysia

2 Pages 1127 Words
Last but not least, poor language proficiency is the final reason why language shaming should not be normalised in Malaysia. In his article, Galmiche (2018) reveals that group dynamic, teachers and peers are significant in sustaining and boosting learner’s motivation and positive emotions. For this reason, emotions have been acknowledged as an important aspect of learning a certain language. Even...

Effects Of Gender And Bilingualism

4 Pages 1853 Words
ABSTRACT The idea that being bilingual gives people an advantage on cognitive functions has gained more popularity throughout the years . Be as it may, the specific cognitive advantages of bilingualism seem to be hard to pinpoint. Some studies that focused on the advantages of bilingualism on facets of executive control, and many of these pointed out how inhibition and...

How A Plant Bases Diet Can Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

1 Page 583 Words
The topic of reducing your carbon footprint by adding a more plant-based diet is pertinent to the environment. Eating a plant-based diet is a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Eating a vegan diet does not include any type of animal product; a vegetarian diet does not consist of animal products except for items such as milk,...

Plant Based Diet: Is It The Future?

2 Pages 974 Words
A plant-based diet is composed of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It is highly encouraged by the government and health organizations because it can have a positive impact on animal welfare as well as climate change. Plant-based diets are also known to have numerous nutrients and minerals which are known to do wonders physically and mentally for the human...

Hydrogen Economy Challenges And Opportunities

3 Pages 1188 Words
ABSTRACT Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. When used as a fuel hydrogen produces clean energy and water (H2O). The Hydrogen economy is considered as a sunrise industry which would help to achieve as many goals. Such as reducing energy consumption and emissions, also stimulating economic growth. Hydrogen economy is also the long term goal of many...

Hong Kong’s Language Education Development

2 Pages 1036 Words
Language is a very meaningful word. There are two important elements in language One is the expression through our mouth, the other is the expression in writing. Reading, writing, listening and speaking are the basis in the language education. The biggest problem in Chinese education is the system is not comprehensive. In mainland, the language test in school only focus...

Biotechnology: Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC)

4 Pages 1685 Words
Introduction An analytical technique is a method used to determine a chemical compound or chemical element concentration. There is a wide range of analytical techniques which can be used, ranging from simple weighing and titrations to highly advanced procedures utilizing highly specialized instrumentation. According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), chromatography can be defined as: 'A...

Amylase Concentration And Enzyme Production

6 Pages 2607 Words
Abstract The purpose of the investigation was to examine the correlation of enzyme production in response to the evolutionary impact of AMY1 gene copy numbers in individuals. Based upon research obtained in previous studies, there was an assumed positive correlation between gene copy numbers and the production of salivary amylase protein levels in mg/mL. Variances in copy numbers can be...

Role Of Protein Kinase Enzymes In Apoptosis

3 Pages 1469 Words
Introduction Protein Kinase A kinase is an enzyme serves as catalyst which facilitates the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy, phosphate-donating molecules to specific substrates. This process is known as phosphorylation, where the substrate gains a phosphate group (and become phosphorylated substrate) and the high-energy ATP molecule donates a phosphate group (and become as ADP). On the other hand, the...

What Is DNA Fingerprinting?

3 Pages 1556 Words
DNA fingerprinting otherwise called hereditary fingerprinting, DNA composing, and DNA profiling is an atomic hereditary technique that empowers ID of people utilizing hair, blood, semen, or other organic examples, in light of extraordinary examples in their DNA. One of a kind DNA fingerprints emerge because of confinement catalyst processing of a person's couple rehash loci. In people having a place...

Influences Of Bacterial Cellulose To Avert Needs Of Plant Cellulose

3 Pages 1502 Words
ABSTRACT In the Current era, rapid urbanization, industrialization, and declining forest which are ultimately leading to a global climate changes. The huge scale of lessening of forestation for firewood, building, paper products, textile and many other applications are gradually imposing a serious negative impact on the environment. Inherently, it has limit application due to the presences of hemicellulose and lignin....

Current Issue Of Heritage Language Acquisition

4 Pages 2019 Words
For many households, especially those that are bilingual. Language acts as the bridge that leads us to the essence of who we are and to the fundamental core of our heritage. Montrul, a voice in the domain of heritage language, depicts to us the current issues in the acquisition of heritage languages. She demonstrates in the article, with great determination,...

Language Literacy And Numeracy

2 Pages 987 Words
Language is described as a central feature of human development; it is the way of human communication; Language allows a child to be able to express emotions. The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) explains the value of language. It’s important to encourage your child’s language development by constantly exposing them to it, this could just be by repeating simple words to...

Giardiasis: Microbiology, Pathogenesis, And Management

4 Pages 1659 Words
Abstract Giardiasis also known as beaver fever; is a worldwide diarrheal disease caused by the protozoan Giardia duodenalis (also known as G. intestinalis and G. lamblia). (Esch KJ, 2013) It is found in food-producing animals and in pets .Also , this infection can reduce weight gain and may become a apprehension for zoonotic transmission .(Ortega and Adam, 1997) Giardiasis is...

Language Of The New Social Media

3 Pages 1274 Words
The advent of social media meant that individuals could easily connect, communicate, and also share their opinions with a broader audience. Different online platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and so on have unique features, with each having its limitation to how a user can communicate with others. The limitations and free use of the platforms have led to...

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