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Plant Molecular Biology and Genomic Innovations

2 Pages 777 Words
Introduction Plant molecular biology and genomics have revolutionized our understanding of plant life, providing unprecedented insights into the complex mechanisms governing plant growth, development, and adaptation. As the global demand for sustainable agriculture increases, the significance of these fields becomes ever more apparent. By dissecting the molecular intricacies of plants, scientists aim to enhance crop resilience, improve yield, and address...

Protein Concentration: 2% V. Almond Milk

1 Page 429 Words
Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine the absorbance and concentration of two samples (2% milk and almond milk) compared to standard concentrations. The absorbances were found through spectrophotometry of each sample. The result of this test showed that the amount of protein in the 2% milk and almond milk were less than the majority of the standard...

IR Quantification Of Ethanol

2 Pages 807 Words
Introduction Infrared Spectroscopy is the study of matter and its interaction with electromagnetic radiation and it can be used in order to determine the functional group within a sample (2). When infrared light hits a certain molecule it can cause pulling and bending between the bonds present, which also determined the amount of absorbance there is. The intensity of an...
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Possible Consequences Of Sending People On Mars

3 Pages 1155 Words
Sending people to Mars is one of humanity’s greatest ambitions this century. We are not just going there, but we plan live there as well. With the climate of Earth heading toward a dire state human might need to leave Earth indefinitely one day. However, sending people to Mars is no easy task and the challenges that lie ahead for...

Applications Of Bioengineering In Mechanical Engineering

5 Pages 2292 Words
INTRODUCTION As curiosity leads to discovery, innovation continues to grow and develop to serve its purpose. For centuries, humans find a way to make their lives easier and try to alleviate the problems presented to them. Along the way, humans were able to integrate engineering principles to the field of medicine and thus creating a new concept called Bioengineering. According...

Purification Of Plasmid pBR322 DNA From E. Coli Cells

2 Pages 797 Words
Abstract An important method used in biology is plasmid purification. What makes this method so important is because a purified plasmid sample is essential for many experiments, including important techniques like DNA sequencing. Purified E.coli plasmid pBR322 using gel electrophoresis and a calibration curve were used in this experiment to quantify the size of the purified plasmid. Examples were examined...

Impact of Competing Risks on Space Travelers

2 Pages 882 Words
Introduction Space exploration represents one of the most formidable challenges of modern science, requiring astronauts and cosmonauts to confront a multitude of risks that can affect their health and performance. The complex interplay of these risks—ranging from microgravity and radiation exposure to psychological stressors—can have profound implications on the human body and mind. As space agencies plan longer and more...

Analyzing Ads: Women in Domestic Roles

3 Pages 1393 Words
There is often much more meaning behind the language used in speech, texts and advertisements than what appears on the surface. Ideologies, from a critical point of view, are considered to be descriptions of worldly features which build, support and challenge the dynamics between different groups of individuals (Fairclough, 2003). Dominant groups embed these ideologies in different methods of communication...

The Role Of DNA In Forensic Science

4 Pages 1792 Words
The origin of DNA fingerprinting was discovered in 1984 by Dr Alec Jeffreys (Jackson and Jackson, 2011, p. 158). Over the decades, with technical developments in genetics, the original DNA fingerprinting procedure has undertaken a variety of modifications and refinements. DNA profiling has become so precise and sensitive that in the United Kingdom it is no longer allowed to be...

Genetic Modification And Food Security

3 Pages 1482 Words
Food insecurity is the lack of access to enough nutritious food, and is an occurrence that hundreds of millions of people face daily (P. Webb, 2006). Genetically modified crops provide great opportunity to improve food quality and to improve yields of crops without increasing the need for fertilisers and pesticides (R. Goodman, 2008). This suggests that genetic modification could help...

DNA Damage By Sun

2 Pages 971 Words
The effects of the sun can be seen within minutes on some people as freckles appear, skin tone darkens and (perhaps) redness begins to spread. However, what these visible changes within the epidermis of the skin are caused by, is much less obvious. The damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure - produced by the sun - on the DNA...
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The Aspects Of Plant Based Teaching

3 Pages 1535 Words
Introduction Encouraging as many students to study botany is becoming a major priority for universities across our globe. The Royal Society of Biology have highlighted the lack of plant based teaching in current tertiary education [1]. Out of a total of 130 UK universities only 22 offer any sort of plant/botany based degree as of October 2018. The Boyer Commission...

The Origins Of Semiotics Approach

3 Pages 1334 Words
Images play on the habitus of their audience. The fifties brought mass marketing’s ubiquitous use of imagery, spurring on the permeation of everyday life by those who control the image. Of course, this isn’t simply limited to consumption purposes, though particularly in contemporary cultural studies we must be aware of the often-deceptive function that can be both attributed and distributed....
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The Definition And Meaning Of Apoptosis

1 Page 445 Words
Apoptosis goes early back into the 1970’s where kinetic studies of development of tumour growth stated that cell loss from cancerous tumours were high and rates that were observed show less than 5% predicted of tumour growth that of measurements of proliferation (Kerr et al., 1972; Wyllie et al., 1980) Vast impact on tumour growth could have been from the...

Anxiety over Physical Deterioration and National Efficiency

3 Pages 1481 Words
In the late 19th and early 20th century, Britain was seen as one of the strongest empires across the world; and was also spread with an imperialistic attitude which can be seen from the 20 year reign on the Conservatives which was the party of the empire. However, this imperialistic atmosphere within Britain was soon to be stopped by the...
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The Theories On Whether Language Is Learned

3 Pages 1473 Words
Language is defined as “a system of communications which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by people from a particular country or region” (collins-dictonary, N/A). It is split into several key components including phonemes which are defined as “smallest unit of sound” (mitchell & ziegler, 2013) which when used in varying combinations form morphemes...

Microbial Growth on Agar Plates: An In-Depth Exploration

2 Pages 964 Words
Introduction Agar plates are indispensable tools in microbiological research, serving as a medium for cultivating microorganisms. These plates, composed of agar—a gelatinous substance derived from red algae—are enriched with nutrients that cater to various microbial needs. The growth of microorganisms on agar plates not only provides insights into microbial ecology but also aids in the identification and characterization of bacteria,...

Language, Literacy And Numeracy Development

3 Pages 1545 Words
There are 6 stages of language development. Firstly, the Prelinguistic stage occurs early in a child’s life when they are exploring speech and sound. They will often cry, babble and try to mimic others. Approximately, around 10-13 months is when the child reaches the holophrase or one-word sentence phase. They are not yet able to speak full sentences so they...

Gesture, Semiotics And Physiognomy In Visual Narrative

7 Pages 2996 Words
Introduction Storytelling and narrative have always been at the core of the human conscience that is full of curiosity about the world around us (The science of storytelling. Will Storr) Storr 2019). Narrative explains the world in a way that we can digest it, and visuals in the form of paintings, illustrations and various other images is yet another way...
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EPQ Germline Gene Therapy

3 Pages 1374 Words
Germline gene therapy has developed a wide spread of opinions into the regards of its ethics with many very relevant positive and negative opinions being expressed amongst the breakthroughs occurring within its progress. There are lots of varying factors contributing towards these ethics which both overlap and contrast in many ways. The argument on the ethics of this therapy has...
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Student Research Methods: Interviews, Mapping, and Ethnography

6 Pages 2927 Words
For this project we had to investigate and research how we can make the National Museum of Cardiff more appealing to students in Higher Education. I engaged in research methodologies which helped me develop my independent research and analytical skills. To aid me in my research I used several methodologies. These include: Interviewing, Journey Mapping, Questionnaires, Semiotics and Ethnography. Interviewing...
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The Myth Of Correct English Language

2 Pages 983 Words
‘Correct’ or ‘proper’ English is something that is highly regarded, not only today, but has been throughout history. However, the notion of there being a ‘correct’ way of performing English, whether spoken or written, is a myth. This article will explore the reasons why language can never be ‘right’ and how the belief in this idea continues to affect English....

The Green Approach Of Process Engineering

3 Pages 1321 Words
Abstract Process industries produce products that many people can use, but they also yield pollution to the environment. This paper focuses on the significance of sustainable development and processes that are environmentally friendly and integrate the role of green engineering in designing these processes. Green process engineering defines the development of new technologies that reduce pollution generated by the industries....

Effect of MgSO4 Concentration on P fluorescens Diversity

2 Pages 736 Words
Introduction The variation in phenotype amongst all organimsis can be produced by genetic different and ifluences from the environment. Whilst this field is widely and effectively investigated, Phase variation remains significantly untouched in the field of research. (Astauroff, 1930; Falconer and Mackay, 1996). Phase variation, being the difference in phenotypgic expression caused by the effect of environmental factors on the...

Extraction Of Heavy Metals From Contaminated Water

3 Pages 1334 Words
Heavy metals can be defined as having high-density atomic weight or the atomic number, for example, heavy metals can be distinguished based on density. Some heavy metals are either essential nutrients usually Iron, cobalt, and zinc or relatively harmless such as ruthenium, silver, and indium. Other heavy metals like cadmium, mercury and lead which are considered highly toxic. Heavy metals...

Why Sometimes There Is Resistance To New Scientific Theories

3 Pages 1210 Words
New scientific theories are developed every day all around the world. For these theories to be accepted and recognised, it must go through a range of different testing. This testing allows for the theory to bring more facts which therefore bring more evidence and the more evidence you have from tests the more strength your theory holds. However, there may...

Should We Use More Gender Neutral Language?

2 Pages 797 Words
We have come a long way with the acceptance and respect for women however sexism and inequality is still alive and well. Hate crimes, sexual harassment, the wage gap and social exclusion are just some of the discriminatory acts that are still in use today. And one of the least known being gendered language. The words and expressions we use...

Compassion through the Lens of Social Representation

2 Pages 876 Words
Introduction Compassion, a fundamental human emotion, plays a pivotal role in fostering social cohesion and promoting well-being across societies. Simultaneously, Social Representation Theory (SRT) provides a framework for understanding how shared beliefs and values shape collective consciousness. By examining compassion through the lens of SRT, one can unravel the complex interplay between individual emotions and societal constructs. This essay delves...

The Origin Of HIV In Humans

3 Pages 1392 Words
Introduction In 1981 the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was firstly identified as a new disease caused by a retrovirus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). It was the cause factor of the most devastating disease that emerged in the last 35 years. HIV-1 also spreads by percutaneous and perinatal routes, or exposure at mucosal surfaces, but primarily via sexual...
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Copper Supplies To Remain Relatively Tight

1 Page 488 Words
Base metals grew after a series of tumbling sessions with the progress in US-China trade talks. The two countries are expected to get a deal where a portion of the $250 billion US tariffs on Chinese goods may be rolled back. The US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin wrote about the productive talks between the two countries. China announced a stimulus...
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