Introduction The movie "Pearl Harbor," directed by Michael Bay and released in 2001, depicts the events surrounding the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Central to the film's narrative is the pivotal "Message to the Nation" scene, where President Franklin D. Roosevelt addresses the American people in the aftermath of the attack. This essay will critically analyze...
Introduction On December 7, 1941, the world changed forever as the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack left a lasting impact on the nation, not only in terms of loss and devastation but also in shaping the country's response to the war. This essay will explore the events of...
Introduction The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is considered a classic of American literature. It tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious and wealthy figure in 1920s New York, and explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream. However, despite its critical acclaim and literary significance, The Great Gatsby has faced numerous challenges and attempts at...
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Introduction "When the Emperor Was Divine" by Julie Otsuka is a powerful and haunting novel that delves into the lives of Japanese-American individuals during World War II. Through its poignant storytelling, the book offers a critical exploration of themes such as identity, loss, and the devastating impact of prejudice and wartime hysteria. This essay aims to provide a critical analysis...
Introduction Taking a public speaking class has been an enlightening and transformative experience for me. As an introverted individual, the thought of standing in front of a crowd and delivering a speech used to terrify me. However, throughout the course, I have learned valuable skills and gained confidence that has not only improved my public speaking abilities but has also...
Introduction The rule of law is a fundamental principle that forms the backbone of a just and democratic society. It ensures that all individuals, regardless of their status or position, are subject to the same set of laws and are held accountable for their actions. In this narrative essay, I will share my personal understanding and experiences of what the...
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Introduction The American flag is a symbol that evokes a sense of pride, unity, and patriotism. Its iconic design and vibrant colors have come to represent the values and ideals of the United States of America. In this informative essay, we will explore the rich symbolism behind the American flag and what it truly stands for. Body The Stars and...
Introduction The documentary film 'Waiting for Superman' directed by Davis Guggenheim shines a spotlight on the challenges faced by the American education system. Through personal stories and compelling statistics, the film exposes the flaws within the system and highlights the urgent need for reform. This summary essay will provide an overview of the key themes and issues explored in 'Waiting...
Government, in the broadest sense, is a mechanism through which ordered rule is maintained, its central features being the ability to make collective decisions and the capacity to enforce them. It refers to formal and institutional processes by which rule is exercised at community, national, and international levels. It exists whenever and wherever ordered rules occur. People in every part...
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Wherever you go, whatever you do, there will always be an occurrence worthy to be shared. Due to the advancement of technology, information spreads so fast, but is that information that you have received actually happened? Is that information accurate? Does it come from reliable sources? These are some questions that we should consider asking ourselves before we believe in...
Empathy has become a rare and valuable quality in modern society. Unfortunately, many people seem to lack empathy, which is the power to understand others’ feelings and emotions. Ignorance of one another’s emotions is a leading factor in discrimination, wars, holocausts, hate crimes, and any other acts of violence. It is extremely important to acknowledge that others perceive the world...
Have you ever thought about how powerful the words we speak are? As for me, I firmly believe that the words we speak have the power to make or break. Undoubtedly, they can fundamentally change the world in which we live, both at the level of society and at the level of an individual. And my experience, which I am...
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Separation of power refers to the division of a state’s government into different branches, where each branch shares differentiated responsibilities and independent powers, so the powers of one branch do not conflict with the other. Thus, instead of centralizing government agencies, these separate branches make it possible to do government work much more efficiently. Namely, these three branches are the...
‘Warriors Don’t Cry’ by Melba Pattillo Beals is a true story based around the discriminatory events in Little Rock, Arkansas. Melba and eight of her other friends risk their lives on September 25, 1957, as they decide to integrate into an all-white school. They face extreme racism when once enrolled in the school; people would call them threatening to bomb...
Many people say that women should not be able to combat alongside men because men are more capable. Women should be allowed to combat for their country based on whether they can pass the test. Women are just as capable as men to fight for our country. People view women as too fragile to complete some of the same tasks...
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Literature grants a voice for an individual to project their thoughts, feelings, and experiences enabling them to escape from reality. In both 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' and 'The Kite Runner' the novels explore the impact of relationships in a war-stricken Afghanistan as a mechanism to convey the voice of the people in Afghanistan. Hosseini centralizes the female narrative at the...
The color purple and pop culture The Colour Purple is a film that manages to encompass the reciprocity of language, race, gender, and power divisions. The film through its use of black American language produces new narratives, which serve to offer new perspectives and tell the stories of 3 black women, which would otherwise remain unheard. African American women in...
People believe the teenage years to be a difficult time for young adolescents because there are a lot of changes going on in their bodies and minds. They are making choices about who and what type of person they will become. A friend, or group of friends, can be a large factor in how teenagers make their decisions. As a...
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Terrorism, by definition, attempts to change the psychological and sociological state of its targets. terrorists are often people who haven’t found their place in society; they are excluded from it and don’t have the chance to change their situation. This case explores the overall view of terrorism in Pakistan and around the world, its effects, and more importantly its root...
The expression 'popular culture' was issued in the mid-19th century and is interjected into the cultural traditions of the people, in opposition to the 'official culture' of the state or governing powers. In general use today, it is represented in qualitative expressions—pop culture is frequently analyzed as a further superficial or minor type of creative expression. In today's society, We...
Introduction According to the American Psychological Association, 40% to 50% of married couples in America go through a divorce. (USA Today, 2019) Divorce is common in America and is constantly increasing, with six out of ten divorces having children involved. (, 2006) As stated by multiple sources this action has been known to affect a child’s behavior. Society tends to...
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In the United States, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds. That is nearly 2,400 divorces per day, 16,800 divorces per week and 876,000 divorces a year (Irvin, 2012). Divorce is experienced much more than is realized. It is experienced, seen, and studied; however, the thought of who it affects is never automatically thought about. In all likelihood, scholars...
Drugs are shaping the way that kids are growing up in today's age, some of the main reasons for kids starting drug addiction include depression, anxiety, stress, peer pressure, life circumstances, stress, and teenagers following trends. If we want to stop this drug problem then we have to understand the root causes for why teenagers are starting drugs and focus...
My father had assumed that I was not going to graduate from Samoana High School because I was hanging out with the wrong crowd. He thought that the peer pressure was getting to me and taking me off the island was his solution to this problem. According to an online resource (Good Therapy, Peer Pressure, 2019), Research has long shown...
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Hiraya Divorce Support strengthens the legalization of divorce in the Philippines. The purpose of this group is to help people who suffer from a miserable relationship. Where we advocate divorce to help them get out of those relationships and start a new life. Our group will focus on the movement for divorce legalization. Many suffer from failed marriages that can't...
Filipinos have always been regarded as family-oriented citizens. The Philippine Constitution considers family as the basic unit of society thus, ideally, couples who are joined in marriage are expected to have children, build stable bonds as a family, and stay together until the end, which is the common Filipino concept of family life. However, Sta. Anna-Gatbonton & Hunt claim that...
We cannot expect every marriage to be a successful one and if shall works then the partner involved in marriage should specialize in the division of work and resources in every aspect. Although divorce rates have increased over the years it has a major impact on the couple, children, and society as well. It includes psychological and emotional crises such...
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Arguably one of the most controversial aspects of prisons around the world, the death penalty poses an interesting question to society; is it morally permissible to take a life as punishment for a crime? In my opinion, capital punishment is not a good fit for modern society, as proven by many statistics throughout the decades. First of all, the cost...
Shiri, the 1999 South Korean action blockbuster changed Asian cinema forever. 20 years ago, when Shiri was released, it outperformed Titanic in South Korean cinemas. This was a big deal as Titanic grossed USD 4,599,796 in Korea. Shiri was an integral part of the success of the Korean cinema wave. Kang Je-Gyu, the director of Shiri, kept the content strictly...
Audiences’ multi-role in cultural co-production and its impact on masculinity and feminism in Asian popular culture. What is the role of audience reception in the co-production with blurred boundaries between producers and consumers, does it affect the social condition of femininity and masculinity and what are the consequences? The audience reception can be both producers and consumers. As a producer,...