Speech Essay Examples

88 samples in this category

Ever sat blankly staring at your screen, not knowing how to start your speech essay? You’re not alone, and the good news is there are speech essay examples out there that can be your guiding light! Let’s plunge in headfirst and see if we can figure out how to write...

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Social Issues

Stop Ocean Pollution: Persuasive Speech

2 Pages 914 Words
Stop ocean pollution!!! On a yearly basis, thousands of tonnes of plastic and other harmful pollutants end up in the ocean. Where do these pollutants first originate? Where do these pollutants...eventually end up? And why is it remotely tolerated? the pollution in the oceans is killing animals and killing the plants and killing the microorganisms that we need to breathe....

Speech Outline: Reporting Domestic Violence

3 Pages 1380 Words
After examining previous research in the field of domestic violence abuse and social scrutiny, there has been interest in the cultural and social consequences, of the views and opinions people have over the topic of abuse within a relationship (Citizen Advice, 2015). What is relatively noticeable from this information, is an apparent trend towards those who have experienced these crimes...

Speech on Technology

1 Page 706 Words
Technology… hmm… Though the question can be easily asked, its answer is not that straightforward. The word Technology can be seen in many different contexts and can be defined or explained accordingly. Still, the simplest form to answer “What is Technology?” is “Putting the knowledge into action to meet the needs.” Let’s explore It is to be taken into account...

Speech about Ocean Plastic Pollution

2 Pages 800 Words
We live in a world that is full of plastic. Plastic shopping bags, water bottles, toothbrushes, and even parts of your clothes are among the everyday items that are made from plastic. But plastic isn’t always the answer to everything, and the current state of our environment is rapidly going downhill. People have been mass-producing plastic items since the 1950s....

Speech about LGBT Community

2 Pages 997 Words
Imagine if you were restricted by vendors because of who you’re married to. Now imagine if someone fired you from your job because of the person you were dating. These are real-life scenarios that people in the LGBT community endure each and every day. To clarify, LGBT is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. Although you may not...

Speech about Climate Change

3 Pages 1225 Words
A lot of people claim that climate change is a hoax or it is made up, but there is scientific evidence to prove that the emission of Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere blocks infrared radiation from leaving the earth’s atmosphere, basically tapping heat in the planet, therefore creating a greenhouse effect which warms up the planet. This warming of the...

Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized: Persuasive Speech

4 Pages 1675 Words
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, euthanasia was first introduced to the world in the early seventeenth century. The word derived from the Greek word euthanatos meaning “ easy death.” (Merriam-Webster) Ever since then, euthanasia has served as a controversial issue that over time has come to mean a way to attain death. Controversial issues have been brought up from different...

Rising Minimum Wage: Persuasive Speech

2 Pages 749 Words
General Purpose:  To persuade Specific Purpose:  To convince my audience that raising the minimum wage is not a good idea. Central Idea:  Increasing the minimum wage is not beneficial to the economy. Introduction I. Lately a popular source of debate has been the topic of minimum wage. Although there are many who will argue raising the minimum wage will be...

Physician Assisted Suicide Speech

3 Pages 1501 Words
Modern medicine is a double-edged sword. With new innovations and treatments, Americans are now living longer than ever. Predictably, this voyage into uncharted territory brings its own host of new dilemmas. Over the years, there has been a notable shift in the leading causes of death in the United States. From the beginning of time until fairly recently, the vast...

Student Council Speech Essay

3 Pages 1520 Words
Speech 1: A Message of Unity Dear fellow students, As we embark on another school year, I wanted to take a moment to speak about the importance of unity within our student body. We come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, but we share a common goal: to learn, grow, and succeed. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential...

Student Council Secretary Speech Essay

1 Page 513 Words
Hello fellow students, My name is Nick Jameson, and I am running for the position of student council secretary. I am excited about the opportunity to serve our school community and be a part of the team that helps make our school a better place. As your secretary, I promise to bring organization, enthusiasm, and creativity to the table. As...

Pre School Graduation Speech Essay

1 Page 611 Words
Speech 1 Good afternoon, parents, teachers, and fellow graduates. It is with great joy that we gather here today to celebrate the graduation of our little ones from pre-school. As parents, we have watched our children grow and learn over the past few years, and it is truly remarkable to see how far they have come. Our children have learned...

Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Speech ‘I’ve Been to the Mountaintop’: Critical Essay

2 Pages 1021 Words
‘I’ve Been to the Mountaintop’ by Martin Luther King Jr. is a remarkable moving speech that emphasized the fight for racial equality and the unfortunate reality of society. On April 3, 1968, he delivered what would be his final speech, ‘I’ve Been to the Mountaintop’, in Memphis, Tennessee, at the Mason Temple (Church of God in Christ Headquarters). Most of...

Why You Should Go Vegan: Persuasive Speech

2 Pages 1098 Words
Why you should go vegan Do you know how many animals are being killed this year for food in the United States so far? 5,542,850,346 and counting. (accessed on Feb 7, number changes by second) This connects to our water supplies. 1,800 gallons (6,800 liters) of water is used to produce one pound of beef. This matches 7 years of...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Persuasive Speech

3 Pages 1325 Words
Sexual harassment happening in the workplace has been a perpetual problem for many decades. However, in October of 2017, The Me-Too Movement finally drew public attention to this timeless issue. Various celebrities started speaking out about the sexual abuse they experienced while working in Hollywood. Providing evidence of how common sexual harassment in the workplace may truly be. Throughout, I...

Speech about Foster Care System

3 Pages 1310 Words
Significant Issues Faced by Youth Aging out of Foster Care In 2018 there were over 438,000 children in the United States foster care system and more children are being added every day (“Foster). These children have often seen or felt horrible forms of abuse or neglect. They are usually left in the system for months at a time and some...

What Were Three Root Causes of the Great Depression: Informative Speech

1 Page 642 Words
In the 1920s, new manufacturing methods and industries made the American economy grow because it was able to produce more commodities and equipment. Many citizens have increased profits, especially in the stock market. However, this period lasted only 8 years and in the ninth year, the economy began to decline, and this led to panic among the citizens. Therefore, the...

Stress and Its Effects: Informative Speech

3 Pages 1236 Words
In this module, I was able to measure my knowledge of just how much stress I'm under and how that's impacting my mind and body. I was however astonished to find out about the effects of long-term stress on both my brain and my body. APA Quiz Results When I took the WebMD quiz, I managed to score 92 percent,...

Speech on Gender Inequality and Discrimination

2 Pages 1021 Words
Sweat. Blood. Tears. Decades of strain, pain, and discrimination revolutionized the lives of our grandmothers, our mothers. Anger over the unjust constraints of our society ran thick in the blood of our loved ones. For too long, women in Australia have fought for their rights to live. To vote. To be heard. Lives once led in the darkness; screams of...

Speech for the Legalization of Medical Marijuana

2 Pages 1091 Words
One of the most controversial, social, and legal issues in the United States today is the legalization of marijuana. Just like with every issue, there are pros and cons that come along with it. I believe that the benefits of legalizing marijuana outweigh the negatives that are associated with it. This paper will focus on some of those benefits, which...

Speech Against Gun Violence

2 Pages 987 Words
It is December, cold as ever, and the guns are as loud as ever. A few days ago, several shootings took place one by one in Chicago, Baltimore, and Minnesota. Across these states, at least 28 people were shot. Some of them are dead, some are wounded. However, those gunmen are still at large... The United States has the largest...

Speech Against Domestic Violence

1 Page 636 Words
Today, at this very moment, we are living in a world plagued with domestic violence. We are living in a world in which people are scared of being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by someone they love; their partner, or any other member of their family. Our concern for gender violence has been ignited from the 1970s till now. yet...

Speech about Discrimination

2 Pages 733 Words
Age discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or less favorably due to their age compared to someone in a similar situation of a different age. The discrimination could be because the person is considered too young or too old. An example of what age discrimination can look like in the community is when, in the workplace, someone younger is...

Rhetoric Analysis of Barack Obama Gun Violence Speech

2 Pages 873 Words
Have you ever wondered what the president has to do when they are in the process of preparing to give a speech? Well back in 2015 former President Obama was delivering a eulogy for Reverend Clementa C. Pinckney, who was a former member of the South Carolina Senate and he was a pastor of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church, but...

Policy of Affirmative Action: Informative Speech

2 Pages 807 Words
America Torn Apart By Affirmative Action “​Who​ is accepted into the finest professional programs and colleges? What candidate should be employed or promoted? After all, affirmative action is about fairness: What is fair in America?” Terry H. Anderson questions said issues in his book “The Pursuit of Fairness,” where he speaks on the core issues of everyday citizens: equality, choice,...

Persuasive Speech Outline on Domestic Violence

3 Pages 1136 Words
Good afternoon all, As a citizen of America, I am here to let you know that we are all under attack. World War 3 is rapidly evolving in front of our very eyes and we are oblivious about it. This silent but deadly killer is mutilating over three hundred thousand harmless citizens every 12 months – however, 80% are scared...

Police Brutality: Persuasive Speech

2 Pages 1116 Words
July 17th, 2014, Eric Garner, a 43-year-old man, died in Staten Island after being put in a chokehold by a police officer after resisting arrest for selling untaxed cigarettes. He was later refused medical assistance after losing consciousness. I was recently watching the documentary Bowling for Columbine, and I couldn’t help but notice the amount of brutality caused by police...

Speech about Racism

4 Pages 1673 Words
The issue of race in the 21st century is a touchy subject, but one that needs to be talked about. Racism is a cultural creation that continues to wreak havoc on multiple countries, one of which includes the United States, which has a long history of racism. The issue of race has not gone away but has rather taken another...

Why Freedom of Speech Should Not Be Limited: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 962 Words
Freedom of speech is a fundamental liberty but not all speech acts contribute to either the development of an individual or society. A distinction should be drawn between the speech that is necessary for democratic politics, and speech that undermines public deliberation. This essay will assess if freedom of expression includes the right to offend or should be limited to...
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