Substance Abuse Essays

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Substance abuse has a major effect on individuals, households, and communities. The outcomes of substance abuse are cumulative, appreciably contributing to costly social, physical, intellectual, and public fitness problems. These issues are teenage pregnancy, HIVAID, home violence, crime, and suicide.Ā 

Substance abuse refers to the set of associated stipulations associated with...

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5 Pages 2113 Words
Substance Abuse can also be called drug abuse. This can be defined as usage harmful substances. The individual either uses a significant amount of the substance or uses harmful methods to ingest the substance. These substances are usually heroin, cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes and other tobacco products. In todayā€™s society many adolescences fall prey to substance abuse. A teenager who...
2 Pages 708 Words
In recent years, substance abuse and habits have become an epidemic. Many students have easy access to or are peer-pressured into addictive substances, alcohol, and drugs. The constant use of these substances leads to troubled students who can possess criminal behaviors, violence, and a withdrawing interest in education. This current and prevalent social issue can be controlled through the supportive...
2 Pages 949 Words
Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO) substance abuse can be defined as the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances. This definition of substance abuse not only includes the use of illegal drugs but also the dangerous use of drugs that are legal for example alcohol, tobacco, the detrimental use of prescribed medicines by exceeding the recommended prescribed...
6 Pages 2718 Words
According to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the transtheoretical model of change, ā€œfor most people with substance abuse problems, recurrence of substance use is the rule not the exceptionā€ (Enhancing Motivation for Change, 1999, p. xvii). Relapse can and most likely will occur in recovery, and should be recognized as well as anticipated by substance abuse recovery counselors....
2 Pages 1030 Words
The American School Counselor Associationā€™s (ASCA) purpose is to support school counselors in their efforts to help aid students in their academic endeavors, this includes future goals such as career planning and higher education. It also means providing the students an outlet to discuss their social and emotional expansion so that they may do the utmost best in their education...
3 Pages 1251 Words
Substance abuse during pregnancy is when an expecting mother takes in harmful chemicals such as prescribed drugs or street drugs. Itā€™s a relatively poorly researched topic due to underreporting of this condition. This paper will describe possible signs and symptoms as well as treatments used to treat this condition. It is also vitally important for the nurse to understand her...
2 Pages 788 Words
Hypothesis There are many controversial issues in the world, and many people have stances. The certainty or uncertainty of an issue can be determined by oneā€™s ethical view. As for the Christian worldview, truth, glory, character, and being consistent with the mind are components an individual should adhere to. Introduction Molarity is of the highest importance ā€“ but for us,...
5 Pages 2295 Words
Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are the providers of our communities. They use their knowledge, skills, and technology to heal our wounded and treat our ill. Even with so much education and experience gained from their hard work, there is still the problem of some of these professionals succumbing to alcohol and/or drug dependency. Most with these substance dependencies...
2 Pages 1088 Words
Substance Abuse Counseling: Definition This term describes therapeutic coaching offered to an alcohol or substance addict as a way of encouraging, supporting, and even guiding them on better ways to shun their addictive life. Similar to how sports persons need training to achieve a definite goal, so is this initiative. The procedure cooperates with the presence of a highly trained...
4 Pages 1874 Words
This project aims to define and establish issues presented by substance abuse and relapse. It will then be discussed that an intervention is needed, followed by the estimated financial impact the intervention in question will have on the organization. Substance abuse is the immoderate consumption of a substance, especially alcohol or a drug over a prolonged amount of time (Shriel,...
3 Pages 1443 Words
Abstract Many people know someone who abuses substances or someone who has gone through addiction recovery. Even though many people have had this connection with substance abuse, they donā€™t understand what people go through. It is important to what people who have abused substances or are abusing substances are going through. It is also important to understand what people experience...
2 Pages 1024 Words
Traditional ethics are often based heavily on reason, logic, and individual autonomy, with no stock put into human emotion or relationships as they can often be unstable in their permanency. Care ethics are also based on reason, logic, and autonomy, but allow emotional connections and relationships with other humans to guide decision-making when it comes to right and wrong. A...
1 Page 485 Words
Substance abuse is not an aspect that you can take lightly. It takes vicinity when you use alcohol, prescription remedies, and distinct jail and illegal substances to a wonderful deal or in the wrong way. Substance abuse differs from addiction. Many human beings with Substance abuse troubles are successful in giving up or exchanging their unhealthy behavior. Addiction, on the...
3 Pages 1214 Words
Analysis of behavioural response to substance is a critical point of discussion when formulating a assertion around addiction/substance use disorders. The diagnosis manual, referred to in psychiatry is used to define the different psychiatric diagnoses that are presented within societal groups which is commonly known as the DSM. Advances in neuroscience identified addiction as a chronic brain disease alluding to...
5 Pages 2061 Words
Substance abuse is one of the factors related to female offenderā€™s pathway into the criminal justice system (CJS), it has been correlated with the after-math of childhood abuse and the repeated involvement in crime (Bloom et al, 2003). Vast numbers of women in prison have been arrested for drug offences or have reported to have a drug abuse problem (Henderson,...
7 Pages 3326 Words
Substance use is rapidly becoming one of the most prevalent issues in todayā€™s society. According to a survey by the WHO, 164 million people had an alcohol or drug use disorder in 2016. A major part of the population dealing with these issues are the adolescents. Studies by Belcher and Schinitzky (1998) have shown that substance abuse during adolescence can...
3 Pages 1434 Words
Introduction Substance abuse can be explained as the use of harmful psychoactive substances. It also includes the use of alcohol and other prohibited drugs. The use of psychoactive drugs may lead to dependence syndrome which is a series of physiological, behavioral and cognitive patterns that come about as a result of recurrent substance use. This condition may include consequences such...
7 Pages 3181 Words
The understanding of Trauma in lower and middle countries is said to be a major burden disease, in South Africa as it falls into the middle-income countries. This essay will start by defining trauma as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Secondly, the essay will describe the criterion used to diagnose this disorder. Thirdly, the essay will provide are understanding of...
5 Pages 2178 Words
1.0 Chapter One: 1.1 Introduction: Miss use of drug is a major public problem worldwide. It is estimated that 324 million individual globally, age between 15 to 65 years, have used illicit drugs. Many mental health problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, mood and anxiety disorders, antisocial personality disorder, and suicide attempts, are also associated with drug abuse. Prevalence and...
4 Pages 1761 Words
Introduction The sustainable development goals (SDGs) 3.5 ā€œStrengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcoholā€, targets prevention and treatment of substance abuse worldwide. The overall aim of the SDGs is to achieve a better more sustainable future for all and reducing the rate of substance abuse is a major factor for...
3 Pages 1576 Words
Who are aboriginal people? It is generalised that Australian aboriginal peoples originated from Asia through limited Southeast Asia (now Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Philippines) and have been in Australia for at least 50,000 years. When the British settlement started dating from 1788, the arrival of carriers of a powerful imperialist culture cost the aboriginal people their independence and the...
3 Pages 1343 Words
Substance abuse has become a global issue in recent years. The most prone substance abusers are young boys and girls in high school and partially young college students. Drug abuse among African American teenagers has resulted in dangerous criminal activities, while other drug users have become entirely dependent on drugs. Accordingly, addiction to drugs has also led to numerous school...
3 Pages 1424 Words
Perinatal substance abuse has been a public health epidemic for many years. Throughout several decadesā€™ researchers have spent time studying the effects of commonly abused substances such as nicotine and alcohol. However, the recent legalization of cannabis in several states has prompted researchers to focus their efforts in another direction. Many patients and mothers believe cannabis has no detrimental health...
1 Page 693 Words
Introduction Alcohol and drug abuse is one of the biggest problems in our country. It is not only personal problem that dramatically affects the individualsā€™ lives, but is a major problem that affects society as whole. ā€œAlcohol and drug abuseā€, these phrases we see daily on newspaper and television. But what do they mean or what we understand by it?...
4 Pages 1638 Words
The teen years are a time of rapid growth, exploration, and onset of risk taking. Taking risks with new behaviors gives teens the opportunity to test their skills and abilities and discover who they are. But, some behaviors have risks, such as drug abuse. Abuse is defined as ā€œthe use of a drug to experience psychoactive effects instead of for...
3 Pages 1233 Words
Ibogaine is an indole alkaloid, a powerful neurostimulator and a hallucinogen of plant origin. In the recent past, it has been widely used to treat drug addiction and some mental disorders. Today it is banned in Russia, in the CIS countries and Europe. Effect on the body Ibogaine is part of a group of experimental drugs supposedly eliminating alcohol, tobacco,...
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