Technology In Language Learning

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We are living in a time with unprecedented opportunities to communicate with others in authentic and compelling linguistically and culturally contextualized domains. In fact, language teachers today are faced with so many fascinating options for using technology to enhance language learning that it can be overwhelming. Even for those who are inclined to experiment with emerging technologies, it can be challenging to identify which resources, tools, or Websites may best fit a particular lesson, activity, or goal. Actually, such technology use has become so ubiquitous in our daily lives that the absence in our classroom is quite noticeable.

Many of the most compelling opportunities are situated within the same global social and technology trends that have become commonplace in our daily lives, including social media, artificial intelligence, big data, and augmented reality. Language is one of the significant elements that affect international communication activities. Students utilize different parts of English language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing for their proficiency and communication (Grabe & Stoller, 2002). In addition, Ahmadi (2017) stated that one of the important elements for learning is the method that instructors use in their classes to facilitate the language learning process. These technologies are familiar to many of us, and learning to use them for our lives has become an expected societal norm.

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However, using them for language teaching is often overlooked. Unfortunately, many language teachers are unfamiliar with the extensive body of research and practice produced by professionals in the field of computer‐assisted language learning (CALL). According to Becker (2000), computers are regarded as an important instructional instrument in language classes in which teachers have convenient access, are sufficiently prepared, and have some freedom in the curriculum. Computer technology is regarded by a lot of teachers as a significant tool to provide a high-quality education. Nowadays there is a huge chance to create opportunities for learners to record their oral production for speaking and pronunciation improvement while presenting them with feedback from native speakers, peers, instructors, and others. We can easily gather extensive authentic language samples of specific vocabulary relevant to their lexical development and present it to students in a manner that is compellingly contextualized and familiar. As well as we can easily create opportunities for them to engage in extensive and meaningful target language practice both in and out of the classroom with interlocutors who offer salient, non-threatening feedback.

Also, we can do all this within contexts that are familiar and promising. We can also anticipate an increasing array of options for creating engaging experiences for learners. Learning to use these contemporary CALL technologies is so much easier than previous iterations of technology that were designed for language teaching. What teachers seem to lack is the support and encouragement to use these increasingly familiar tools in the context of teaching. According to Bull and Ma (2001), technology provides offers unlimited resources to language learners. According to Harmer (2007), using computer-based language activities improve cooperative learning in learners. Furthermore, Tomlison (2009) and Genç lter (2015) say that computer-based activities provide learners with rapid information and appropriate materials. They continue that internet materials motivate learners to learn more. In addition, Larsen-Freeman and Anderson (2011) supported the view that technology provides teaching resources and brings learning experience to the learners’ world. Through using technology, many authentic materials can be provided to learners and they can be motivated in learning the language. Technology has always been an important part of teaching and learning environment. It is an essential part of the teachers’ profession through which they facilitate learners’ learning.

When we talk about technology in teaching and learning, the word ‘integration’ is used. With technology being part of our everyday lives, it is time to rethink the idea of integrating technology into the curriculum and aim to embed technology into teaching to support the learning process. That is to say, technology has become an integral part of the learning experience and a significant issue for teachers, from the beginning of preparing learning experiences to the teaching process. (Eady & Lockyer, 2013). According to Pourhosein Gilakjani (2013), the use of technologies has the great potential to change the existing language teaching methods. Pourhosein Gilakjani and Sabouri (2014) emphasized that through using technology, learners can control their own learning process and have access to any information over which their teachers cannot control. Technology has an important role in promoting activities for learners and has a significant effect on teachers’ teaching methods. If teachers do not use technologies in their teaching they will never be able to keep up with these technologies. Thus, it is very important for teachers to have full knowledge of these technologies in teaching language skills (Pourhosein Gilakjani, 2017; Solanki & Shyamlee1, 2012).

Developing learners’ knowledge and skills pertinent to computer technology provides equity of opportunity, regardless of learners’ background. Although learners have been born into a technologically rich world, they may not be skilful users of technology (Bennett, Maton & Kervin, 2008). In addition, just providing access to technology is not adequate. Meaningful development of technology-based knowledge is significant for all learners in order to maximize their learning (OECD, 2010). 1.1 Definition of Technology and Technology Integration Technology has been defined by different researchers very clearly. According to İŞMAN (2012), it is the practical use of knowledge particularly in a specific area and is a way of doing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge.

The usage of technology includes not only machines (computer hardware) and instruments but also involves structured relations with other humans, machines, and the environment (İŞMAN, 2012). According to Hennessy, Ruthven, and Brindley (2005) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), technology integration is defined in how teachers use technology to perform familiar activities more effectively and how this usage can reshape these activities. Dockstader (2008) defined technology integration as the use of technology to improve the educational environment. It supports the classroom teaching through creating opportunities for learners to complete assignments on the computer rather than the normal pencil and paper

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Technology In Language Learning. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 18, 2025, from
“Technology In Language Learning.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
Technology In Language Learning. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 Feb. 2025].
Technology In Language Learning [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2025 Feb 18]. Available from:

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