The Characteristics Of Digital Communication

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The accessibility and utilization of digital technologies has been remarkably upsurging in the recent years, be it in workplaces, educational sectors or even at home. Many businesses have executed the utilization of digital communication ranging from smart phones to I-cloud storage software in terms of improving their workforce as well as their company’s performance. There are salient characteristics of digital communication in workplace that works exceptionally in order to expand effective interaction, collaboration and to create innovative information networks within the organization (Colbert, Yee & George, 2016, p. 2).

According to the Deloitte (2014), the digital workplace framework consists of four major characteristics that allows an organization to understand their current workplace culture and help them strategizing ways to improve their performance. The first characteristic is mainly based on collaboration and connectedness that enables the exchange of information among the workforce. The main focus is to uplift the business communication inside and outside the organization. Second attribute of digital communication includes the integration of digital toolbox that aids the workforce to collaborate and remain connected within and outside the organization such as email, text messaging, Slack, social media platforms etc. While implementing digital communication at workplace, it is critical to formulate a governance guideline in order to avoid possible risks and empower amenability. Lastly, advanced digital workplace aims to simplify the tasks for their employees and tends to be more flexible than traditional workplace environment. Also, undoubtedly, social media and other interactive platforms have significantly allowed the workers to be more active, efficient and organized by enhancing the free flow of interchangeable information (Grissom, 2017).

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We can come across several examples of utilization of digital communication in workplaces till date, among those, Blue Connections is one of the real-life examples. Blue connections is one of the Australia’s highly tech based IT companies who are currently operating their business based on extensive digital environment including variety of technologies such as Lenovo hardware, Microsoft 365 as well as Yoga 2-in-1 hinged device with a 4G card to keep their company fast running and productive all of the time (Blue Connections, 2017, p. 7).

In conclusion, by discussing all key characteristics it is quite understandable that digital communication has become a growing need for workplaces these days in terms of enabling operational effectiveness, expanding their market opportunities by enhancing efficiency and performance.


  1. Blue connections (2017). 5 Key Characteristics of the Modern Workplace, 7. Retrieved from content/uploads/2018/10/Blue_Connections_Lenovo_Modern_Workplace_Whitepape r.pdf
  2. Colbert, A., Yee, N., & George, G. (2016). The digital workforce and the workplace of the
  3. Future. Academy of Management Journal. 59 (3), 5. Retrieved from
  4. Deliotte (2014). The Digital Workplace: Think, Share, Do Transform Your Employee Experience. Retrieved from al_workplace_Deloitte.pdf
  5. Grissom, B. (2017). Top 5 characteristics of the modern digital workplace. Medium. Retrieved from modern-digital-workplace-4d7f6622ee65
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The Characteristics Of Digital Communication. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
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