Video Games essays

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7 Pages 3068 Words
Frostpunk is a city-building survival video game in which you take the role of a leader in an alternative history of the 19th century. The world has been plunged into a volcanic winter, the player is required to manage resources, assign work, and make tough decisions all so that the people survive the cold. The game is centered around the...
MarxismVideo Games
like 400
4 Pages 1969 Words
There is a wide variety of jobs available in the games industry following a degree in game development such as game developer, game programmer, UI and graphic programmer. There is also the ability to go into sound, animation and design making the industry large with multiple jobs available. This paper aims to compare and explore possible jobs in the industry...
JobVideo Games
like 432
2 Pages 1143 Words
With the significant development of technology within a few decades. A great number of teenagers are drawing attention to the Internet gaming. According to the latest survey results of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), by the end of December 2018, the number of Chinese Internet users had reached 829 million, making China the largest Internet user in the world....
TeenagersVideo Games
like 144
2 Pages 1082 Words
Until now, gaming meant looking at a screen for hours. Regardless of how detailed a game's graphics are, people are always aware that they still sit in their living room while killing zombies or shooting enemies on their large flat screen TV. However, playing virtual reality games gives them the opportunity to enter a totally different world. Therefore, the aim...
Video GamesVirtual Reality
like 255
3 Pages 1491 Words
Introduction In this day in age, where faster is better, many people find that gaining certain things like money should not take forever. There are apps like HQ that give you money for playing games or doing surveys and there are new businesses that make a profit from inventing items that do simple tasks like tracking your house keys so...
Gambling AddictionVideo Games
like 286
1 Page 611 Words
Minecraft, a ‘sandbox’ type video game, is arguably one of the greatest hits of all time. It can claim this spot because of its age, its support, and possibilities of what can be done. Now yes, a lot of old games are still very popular to this day. Some titles include the Mario Bros. series and Sonic the Hedgehog. While...
Video Games
like 432
3 Pages 1561 Words
We should understand the current technologies easily in order to function in an increasingly digital world. Everyone can get benefit from attention to positive and healthy online communities, such as the world of Minecraft, an open-world block building game for any age. Researchers believe that certain video games provide significant benefits to children, helping them regulate emotions, build strong social...
Video Games
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