Voter Turnout essays

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4 Pages 1586 Words
A victory for democracy, the 26th amendment, passed in 1971, lowered the minimum voting age from 21 to 18 and extended the right to vote to approximately 11 million Americans. The 1972 election the following year saw a 55% turnout of 18-24 years old, a stark contrast to the mere 38% that voted in 2012. In both cases and every...
2 Pages 1056 Words
Centuries people have fought for the right to vote, the right to vote is guaranteed constitutionally through the Charter of Rights and Freedoms all restrictions were moved in 1982. Yet, there is a decline in voter turnout due to young people. In most eyes, democracy is a privilege which exercises the right to vote. However, voting is not the only...
3 Pages 1410 Words
In the past, white men were only allowed to vote. As the years progress towards the 1900s, voting rights got more attention. Women protested their right to vote and were able to eventually win the fight. Today, voting doesn’t seem that important anymore. Citizens are not exercising their right to vote as voter turnouts aren’t very high during elections. It...
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