War essays

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Was the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified

6 Pages 2676 Words
Can it ever be morally justifiable to use ‘terror tactics’ in warfare? In this paper, I will be evaluating the morality behind the use of ‘terror tactics’ or terrorism, including traditional terrorist acts and the use of terror in circumstances such as interrogations. Throughout modern history, terror has been used in a variety of different circumstances, such as the French...

Truman's Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1163 Words
As the last World War society has ever experienced, instead of causing another war in the future, it created a notorious debate for the historical event. America’s controversial decision to drop two bombs on Japan caused one of the most discussed topics amongst people passionate about WW2 History. Whether the two bombings were justified or not has made others change...

Saving Private Ryan’: Summary Essay

3 Pages 1196 Words
Is war a good thing Or a bad thing? Is it what makes the world or destroys it? Does war bring us together or tear us apart? War is a word that is typically known for being considered a conflict between states, governments, societies, and informal paramilitary groups… however, the idea of how it is represented involves being portrayed or...

Essay about Nuclear Weapon

2 Pages 868 Words
Thesis statement: In the reading titled “Today’s Nuclear Dilemma” by Eric Schlosser, the author is arguing that nuclear weapons pose a dangerous threat worldwide, now more than ever before and thus nuclear weapons need to be abolished. I. Argument/reason: An important reason presented in the reading as to why nuclear weapons need to be abolished is due to expenses. Evidence:...

Essay on Advantages of the North in the Civil War

6 Pages 2759 Words
TECHNOLOGY IN THE CIVIL WAR Tarrell Carter Jr. APUSH January 7, 2020 Before the start of the Civil War, there were many differences between the North and South. The North’s dependence on Industrial factories helps play a major in the future during the Civil War. The South was most dependent on the booming industry of cotton, which will, later on,...

Economic Problems of Russia during First World War

3 Pages 1406 Words
The Brusilov Offensive, which lasted from June to September 1916, was the straw that broke the camel's back for Russia. The war was lost when Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk following the 1917 revolutions. This essay will argue that the 'June Advance' was not necessarily a military failure since it inflicted enormous losses on the Central Powers; however, when...

Misconceptions about the 1970s Vietnam Opioid Epidemic

2 Pages 984 Words
From when President Eisenhower gave his ‘Domino Effect’ speech in 1954, to the fall of Saigon in 1975, the U.S. military had been inserted into Vietnam in order to fight off the communist forces at war with South Vietnam. Although the Vietnam conflict was never considered a real war, nearly 60,000 U.S. soldiers were killed in battle. America’s involvement went...

Essay on Israel and Weapons of Mass Destruction

8 Pages 3563 Words
The State of Israel’s security concerns for its self-preservation since its creation in 1948, in a hostile neighborhood, has strongly influenced its policy and the region’s feelings towards weapons of mass destruction. In this paper we evaluate Israel’s scientific and technical capabilities to develop WMD, as well as the political intent to utilize this for offensive and/or defensive purposes. The...

Essay on England in the Second World War

2 Pages 1132 Words
In the summer of 1940, the German Air Force attempted to win air superiority over Britain (South) and the English Channel by attempting to destroy the Royal Air Force aircraft and the British aircraft industry. This would eventually be known as the Battle of Britain, and victory over the Royal Air Force was perceived by the Germans as an essential...

Comparison of Japan and Switzerland

4 Pages 1892 Words
Japan and Switzerland are two sovereign nation – states that greatly differ between each other from their sovereignty, government, population, and territory. Japan has both a larger territory and population size than Switzerland and their timelines of sovereignty are quite different, but their government systems share some similarities. These two nation states are prime examples of the similarities and differences...

Benito Mussolini and Fascist Italy

4 Pages 1650 Words
Leading up to World War I Italy had formed an alliance with the Central Powers, with the German Empire and the Empire of Austria-Hungary, in the Triple Alliance. Italy would’ve fought on the side of the Central Powers when the war broke out in August 1914, but instead declared neutrality. Italy realized that its alliance with Central Powers will not...

How Did the War Influence American Domestic Policy

3 Pages 1247 Words
Throughout the 1970s the nation was going through the Cold War and beginning the start of an economic crisis. In 1971, the nation was hit with Stagflation due to the rise of unemployment and inflation. Johnson's policy to fund the war and social programs through deficit spending caused high inflation. Also, in 1973, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries...

Audrey Flack's World War II (Vanitas): Art History Analysis

3 Pages 1315 Words
Using Audrey Flack’s ‘World War II (Vanitas)’, I hope to outline the ways in which visual culture and art historical interpretations of images might differ, and the ways in which they might overlap. First, I will evaluate this painting from an Art History perspective, and then I will go on to critique it using my knowledge of Visual and Cultural...

Representation of Holocaust and World War II in The Book Thief

3 Pages 1578 Words
Zusak’s novel ‘The Book Thief’, based on real events, represents the Holocaust by having details that accurately depict the events of that time, the emotions that were forced upon people and reasons for the decisions they made. Having an accurate novel gives the feeling of a genuine representation that feels true to events that occurred. The authenticity and emotion of...

Descriptive Essay on Satire Attack

1 Page 580 Words
Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize the foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society, by using humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule. A writer in a satire uses fictional characters, which stand for real people, to expose and condemn their corruption. A writer may point a satire toward a person, a country, or even...

Essay on Treaty of Versailles

1 Page 481 Words
The Treaty of Versailles leaves Germany greatly weakened in terms of economic and military power, which gives a rise of resentment within the German nation. The Principal Allied and Associated Powers impose harsh restrictions on the German army. Part V of the Treaty of Versailles is dedicated solely to the limitation of German armament. Articles 159-213 constitute the military, naval,...

Treaty of Versailles: DBQ Essay

4 Pages 1905 Words
Subject and Background The Rhineland, located at Germany’s borders with France, Belgium, and the Netherlands is a demilitarized zone as implemented under the Treaty of Versailles as well as its enforcement, the 1925 Treaty of Locarno. Under the power of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, the area was compromised by his sudden attack, challenging the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles....

Reasons Why Atomic Bomb Was Necessary: Essay

5 Pages 2280 Words
Throughout U.S. History, the American government has consistently been a central actor in foreign conflicts and affairs. Over time, the United States has grown to be one of the largest and most powerful nations in the world, and although presidents have tried to lead the US down independent paths, the United States has always dealt with international relations. First, the...

Essay on Who Started the Cold War

8 Pages 3748 Words
After the Second World War, the United States of America (U.SA.) and Soviet Russia (U.S.S.R.) became two great powers of the world. The entire world got divided into two power blocs. This led to the emergence of a Cold War between the western powers of the U.S.A. and the communist bloc of Russia. The term “Cold War” was first used...

Sufferings and Challenges of Australia's First World War Veterans

4 Pages 1878 Words
Allied victory brought an end to World War I, but did not bring an end to the suffering and challenges of Australia’s people. The experiences of Australian soldiers and their families in 1919 support this viewpoint, due to the economic, social and national issues within this time-period and the physical, psychological and emotional struggles of World War I veterans. The...

Main Turning Points of World History

4 Pages 1607 Words
There has been an astronomical amount of turning points in history that have changed the world in huge and small ways. One turning point in world history was the passing of the 19th Amendment because it gave women the right to vote in the US and empowered future generations of women. A second turning point in world history was the...

Importance of Animals in World War I

3 Pages 1379 Words
Animals of all species have played an important role in human combat since they were first domesticated by people of the Mesolithic period. Although an industrial war, World War One still utilized many animals to assist the soldiers on the battle field. Countless species such as horses, donkeys, mules, dogs, cats, parrots, pigeons, elephants and even slugs performed jobs that...

Scandals of the Reconstruction Period

3 Pages 1515 Words
Regardless of the time period, issue, or importance, when it comes to politics, people are bound to make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are quite large, and other times they are rather small and insignificant. But sometimes these mistakes can develop into scandals. During the Reconstruction period after the American Civil War, there were four main scandals that occurred, the Tweed...

Post-War Psychological Impact

2 Pages 886 Words
Alexander C. McFarlane’s ‘The Impact of War on Mental Health: Lest We Forget’ is an article that uses the statistics and examples driven language to describe a sense of psychological trauma of people after the war. This article mainly describes the impact of war on mental health. In war, there are countless soldiers sacrificed, countless victims die of diseases and...

Eurocentricity of Modern Beauty Standarts

3 Pages 1352 Words
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Beauty is subjective, not objective; as everyone defines and sees beauty differently. Now, why does everyone presented in the media look similar? Why is there a beauty standard? How come everyone wants to look like the same few people? What is the rave about double eyelid surgery all about? We need...

Was the Spanish American War Justified? Essay

2 Pages 915 Words
The emergence of war ushered a new age of American supremacy and domination within the field of economic power and strong global influence. The United States rose from a mid-level world power to become the free world's leader as a result of World War II. The United States had to take on new duties as a result of its fast...

Problems and Tactics During Trench Warfare

3 Pages 1288 Words
During 1914 through to 1918, World War One took place in Europe and trenches were recently introduced into the strategy of war. Being quite new as a form of warfare during a world war, the art of trench warfare significantly developed new weapons and ways of attack and defence. Trench warfare was a land-based warfare that consisted of building deep...

The Main Source of Punic Wars

5 Pages 2262 Words
The second Punic war, more famously known as the Hannibalic war, was a turning point for Roman rule it was the dawn of the Roman empire. The Punic wars marked the end of a minor, mostly peaceful, democratic, land-based regional power the Roman republic and the beginning of a great, violent, autocratic, sea-based empire that conquered vast parts of the...

Greek And Romans History

1 Page 539 Words
Introduction Between Rome and Carthage, there is a wide variety of social, cultural, religious, military, etc. However, the ending Punic Wars determined its viability. Rome and Carthage are the most famous cities in the Mediterranean. Rome is a land power, Carthage is a sea power, and it is expanding its energy through trade. After defeating Carthage, Rome proved to be...

Effects of Trade War on Global Politics

2 Pages 953 Words
World War III has started! We have had World War (WW) I and WW II. The word “war” brings to mind machine guns, bombs and a battlefield. However, this is 21st century and rather than arms as the tool of war, trade is. This is because the nature of the world is one that shows that countries are interdependent as...

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