War essays

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Was the Emergence of the Cold War Unavoidable?

2 Pages 758 Words
Introduction The Cold War, a geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States, shaped much of the latter half of the 20th century. It was characterized by ideological conflict, nuclear arms race, and proxy wars. Scholars have long debated whether this prolonged period of tension was an inevitable outcome of post-World War II dynamics or a preventable series...

The Inevitable Path to German Unification

2 Pages 981 Words
Introduction The unification of Germany in 1871 was a pivotal moment in European history, marking the consolidation of numerous fragmented states into a powerful empire. This momentous event raises the question: was German unification inevitable? While historical trajectories often suggest a sense of predestination, the reality is more complex. The unification was the result of multifaceted factors, including economic integration,...

Usefulness of Nuclear Weapons under Sino-soviet Case

3 Pages 1497 Words
Why do states, as individual actors in the international context, want nuclear weapons? This essay is to apply a neo-realism analysis to the sino-soviet case towards the question. Realists reckon power as a means to the end of security. Therefore an argument is drawn here that states pursue nuclear weapons to guarantee state security. Neorealists subscribe to a three ss...

The Treaty of Versailles: Catalyst for Conflict

2 Pages 851 Words
Introduction The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919, was intended to bring an end to World War I by imposing peace terms on the defeated German Empire. While its architects envisioned a treaty that would secure lasting peace, the reality was starkly different. The treaty is often criticized for its punitive measures, which many historians argue sowed the...

To What Extent was Stalin Responsible for the Korean War?

3 Pages 1412 Words
The US Sectary of State, Dean Acheson, considered the events of 1949 to have changed everything, forcing the Truman Administration to review both the goals and tactics of American policy towards the Soviet Union. The NSC 68 exemplified the consistent objectives of US diplomacy, from contrasting Communism with Democracy in areas that were viewed as swing nations, the gradual erosion...

Impersonal Factors in Origins of WWI

2 Pages 1077 Words
World War I resulted from an unsettlement in the international system that began in the 1870s, when the German Empire was created after France lost the Franco-Prussian War. The power that Germany achieved was sustained through a series of alliances (whose goal was to isolate France and neutralize Russia to secure German strength [49]), and through Otto von Bismarckєs Realpolitik...

German Imperial Ambition in WWI Origins

6 Pages 2613 Words
The First World War lasted from July 1914 to November 1918, a war that some historians argue was the fault of Germany’s Imperial ambitions. Others disagree presenting it as the inevitable fault of strained international relations, some arguing that the countries “slipped” into the war. This essay will attempt to evaluate the extent and significance of Germany’s aggressive policies and...

The Role of russia In World War One

2 Pages 791 Words
For decades, Russia had been a smouldering cauldron of discontent, bubbling over occasionally in strikes, riots, and assassinations. However, it was The Great War which was to be the tipping point for three of the most powerful dynasties the world had ever seen; The Hohenzollerns of Germany, the Hapsburgs of Austria-Hungary, and the topic of this presentation the Romanovs who...

Historiophoty in American Civil War History

6 Pages 2516 Words
When employing historiophoty as a methodology to analyse the construction of history through images and films, it is evident that the American Civil War is insubstantially represented. This is due to the powerful influence of various director’s context, motives and personal bias, resulting in antithetical interpretations. Consensus history has constructed the American Civil war in a superficial manner lacking complexity...

The Origins of the Cold War

2 Pages 866 Words
The Cold War was a state of political hostility between the West and the USSR which was formed through a number of economical tensions, geographical tensions and propaganda between the two nations. Over the years, the concept of the origins of The Cold War have been heavily debated amongst historians thus resulting in different schools of thoughts gradually emerging. The...

The Nature of Warfare During World War 1

3 Pages 1234 Words
The Great War, World War 1 began in July 1914 and lasted until November 1918. The war involved two sides “Central Powers” and the “Allies”. With an estimated 9 million combatants and seven million civilians’ deaths because of the Great War. Many factors led up to World War 1, such as nationalism, imperialism, and the assassination in Sarajevo. The Western...

The Major Impact of The Treaty of Versailles on Germany

2 Pages 975 Words
The Treaty of Versailles have become written and signed in 1919 to punish Germany and to finalize the surrender of the warfare; however, the Allied Powers in no manner expected it to spark a warfare even worse than the remaining. international struggle I started out as a conflict for economic and political power which grew in period as more countries...

The Main Impact of The Vietnam War

1 Page 646 Words
The Vietnam war which ran from 1955 to 1975, had a huge and devastating impact on both the north Vietnamese people and the South Vietnamese people. Vietnamese civilians endured the tragedies inflicted on them by a war not of their making. It is estimated that approximately 2 million civilians were killed or wounded during the conflict. Much of the death...

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict A Historiographic Essay

1 Page 475 Words
Conflict between Israel and Palestine: Historical Prose Melissa Thiel (Melissa Thiel) In 1948, due to the Second World War, Israel declared a difficult path for the nation. Religious beliefs and imperialism. Origins and influencing factors The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been at the center of debate between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian historians. These historians have competing explanations in the following areas: the...

The Invisible Soldiers of World War I

4 Pages 1700 Words
In 1914 the world became plunged into a conflict that would be known as the war to end all wars. World War I was a transformative crossroads in African American history. What started as an apparently far off European clash soon turned into a war with progressive ramifications for the social, monetary, and political eventual fate of black people. The...

The Impact of the Cold War on American Culture

3 Pages 1211 Words
The Cold War was, at it’s core, a conflict of good versus evil, showcasing a clear death-match between the forces representing freedom, and the forces representing totalitarianism. Lasting from 1947-1991, the Cold War’s countless costs such as lives, money, pride and national security still take a heavy toll on the world we live in today. There are a multitude of...

The Cold War: Russian and American Competition Over Power

2 Pages 823 Words
Russia and America had competition over power which started the Cold War, both affecting the world socially, politically, and the economy. Both Russia’s and America’s society were affected from their competition of power and advancement in technology. Both nations tried to assert dominance over one another through political means, they showed it through bombs and new technology that was astounding....

The Beginning of The War Over The Treaty of Versailles

1 Page 617 Words
Would World War II have happened if the United States has supported the Treaty of Versailles? Many factors attributed to the world powers once again being drawn into another world war. One of those influences was the “The Treaty of Versailles”. Germany had no choice in drafting the treaty which included loss of territory, severe restrictions regarding limits to a...

Social Effects of the Vietnam War

4 Pages 1775 Words
Introduction: The Vietnam War and Its Impact on America The Vietnam War is one of if not the most devastating war that America had to fight. It was also the longest war in American history until Afghanistan and remains one of the wars who had the most impact on American society. During these 20 years (1955 to 1975), many lives...

Six Day War between Palestine and Israel

2 Pages 743 Words
The 1967 war is referred to as the Six Day war and was a major defining point in the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict. The short-lived 1967 war was the third war in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Prior to the war, tensions amongst the Arab states and Israel worsened and began to intensify and this resulted in a spiral conflict. The war was...

Sino-Soviet Relations During the Cold War

3 Pages 1594 Words
If one was to think of the Cold War, what would first come to mind? For the vast majority of Western people, notions and tales of American and Russian conflict and tension and all related events spring to mind. Yet, Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula were far from the only regions in the Far East to be affected by the...

Similarity Between Fascism and Communism

4 Pages 1665 Words
The year is 1937, and civil war has broken out throughout Spain. There are so many conflicting political ideologies coming from all over the place. On one side of the war, you have the nationalists, including their leader Fransico Franco. He sure is one charismatic guy, similar to a couple of other leaders in Europe, such as Adolf Hitler and...
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Reasons Why Cold War was Not a War

3 Pages 1194 Words
18 years ago, in 1991, it was the year that the Cold war had ended. More than four decades of the geopolitical tension between two superpower nations – the Unites States and the Soviet Union, however, there are still a lot of debates going on whether was it really ended as now there is a new economically form of Cold...

Pros of Vietnam War Essay

2 Pages 1046 Words
There are no winners in war, it negatively affects those involved whether it be soldiers or just innocent civilians. Repetitive abuse on the physical and psychological boundaries can fuel one’s need to find an escape, with a combined effect of war it reveals the worst in one’s self. In the novel, 'Dispatches’ written by Michael Herr, his personal and truthful...

The Dichotomy of the Cold War: A Critical Analysis

2 Pages 756 Words
Introduction The Cold War, a prolonged period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, was an era marked by ideological conflicts, technological advancements, and profound global impact. Spanning from the end of World War II to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, this period shaped the modern world in numerous ways. While the Cold...

Propaganda in Different Wars

4 Pages 1967 Words
To understand how certain events took place in history, it is vital to look at the effect propaganda had and still has on its people. By definition, propaganda is the spreading of information that may be biased to promote or oppose one’s cause. In actuality, propaganda is much more complicated and powerful than this definition can convey. By studying how...

Positive Effects of the Cold War

4 Pages 1638 Words
Cold War Advancement War is not necessarily bad, it also has its good sides. There is such a war in history. It has no flames and no soldiers died. That is the Cold War, a game between the two great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union. The two great powers have raised human technology to unprecedented heights...

Modern Fascism in France

2 Pages 925 Words
Fascism was created by a former socialist named Benito Mussolini who organized a violent, nationalist, anti-socialist movement that he named “Fasci”. Eventually, Fasci, which signified “league,” developed into the National Fascist Party which ruled from 1922 to 1943 when Mussolini was deposed by the Grand Council of Fascism. Overall, fascism is incoherent, however, it features ethnically based ultra-nationalism, mass mobilization...
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Lasting Effects of the Cold War

4 Pages 1975 Words
Ronald Reagan once said,“We seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth,” but that was in 1985 and there is no sign of the complete destruction of nuclear weapons (thereaganvision.org). This is exemplified in the ongoing War on Terror in Iraq and Syria. For quite some time, Americans have been debating whether or...

Korean War and Vietnam War Compare and Contrast

3 Pages 1512 Words
The Cold War The Cold War was the political tension between the USSR and its states known as the Eastern bloc, and the USA and its allies known as the Western bloc in the mid to late 20th century. The reason for it being called the Cold War is due to the lack of direct military actions between the USSR...

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