What is an American Essays

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“Letters from an American Farmer 323-337” is a full description of what it means to be an American. Not only from the title there is much more than the author J. Hector St. De Crevecoeur explains in the text. For example, ‘Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields,...

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2 Pages 1108 Words
“In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession” (Phyllis Schlafly, 2014, Eager Forum). Many people believe that Christopher Columbus was the first person to step on America, but was he really the first person to discover America? How did Africans become African Americans? Why should Americans feel lucky to be American citizens? Many...
1 Page 616 Words
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Throughout the world, there are people all around us. The definition of being an American varies on the person. To me, the definition of being an American is to show your true self and not hide away your personality. Day by day, everyone puts on a “fake face” to mask what or who they really are. Being an American means...
2 Pages 850 Words
The late 1800s was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the most momentous and dynamic time in American history. Industrial cities and towns grew significantly because of the migration of farmers and families who were searching for work in factories and mines. The resettlement of the people would help start a new development and retransformation of the country for generations...
4 Pages 1714 Words
The American Mindset is the way Americans think, interact and act socially. These ways are constructed by the things we do daily that vary anywhere from watching tv in our own homes to looking at billboards on the street. The American dream regards having equal opportunities and availabilities which allow Americans the highest aspirations and goals. As Americans, we are...
3 Pages 1178 Words
In modern society, being an American means to be free and loyal. Being free means to live in the country without prejudices and to have the ability to fairly attain your dreams. On the other hand, “fake it till you make it” is a phrase adopted by Americans, which simply means to imitate certain qualities one wishes to have until...
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