Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection

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I used to think that I was a strong person. In the face of difficulties and challenges, I would overcome the difficulties without fear of hardships and move forward alone, but later I found that I was wrong. Great achievements can never be achieved by one person. We need partners, we need allies to support each other, and we also need to work hard. But how can we use the energy of a team? Dr. Scott's wonderful talk made us realize the importance of understanding and communication for an organization, a team and even an organization.

Through the study of management communication, I have a deeper understanding and understanding of this course. I have not had a good positioning for myself before. Should I start my own business or find a stable job? If you start your own business and start your own company, how to communicate with employees can make the company run more efficiently. Or after work, how to communicate more effectively with leaders and colleagues, so that our community can be better completed, and it will be easier for us to be recognized and accepted by leaders and colleagues. Now I understand my demands, my shortcomings, and the direction I need to strengthen.

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Listening and feedback are the chapters I most desperately want to learn. In daily life, I often have this embarrassment: my friend talks to me about the troubles in life, and even she said a lot, and I can basically understand the general meaning and understand her distress, but I couldn't cut into the point after a large circle, I couldn't give her good comfort, and he couldn't solve her troubles. Since my friends trust me so much, and they come to me when they have a problem, which proves that I am very important in the other person ’s mind, so I have to learn to listen and feedback, even if I can’t help them solve the problem, at least I can pass listen, let them talk about the troubles, share their anxiety, and reduce the sense of helplessness. After finishing this class, I deeply realized that the so-called listening should be listening to each other's voice with our eyes, ears, and heart. I would not be anxious to know the cause and effect of the matter immediately. Substitute yourself into the current situation of the other party, and consider yourself for the other party. While listening, the conversation in the mind unconsciously includes thinking about what to say, how to respond to the other person ’s words. After listening to the other person's talk, blindly comforting will not have any obvious effect. You should ask the other party to find out their own reasons and provide some suggestions for the other party's reference. These opinions are not necessarily useful, but at least after the other side talks, the attitude will improve

I am a person with unwilling willpower, easily attracted by the temptations of life. Maybe I'm not strong enough, and I have time to stick to myself to stay in the comfort zone and not dare to try too much. The teacher's course has taken me into a new field and brought vitality to my life. I am free to do anything that scares me.

So, who am I? I have a vision of the future, a strict treatment of the reality, and a respect for the past. I hope that I can contribute to the whole society with my own strength.

So, what does it mean to be fully enlightened about managing others? First of all, I realized that I don't want to do anything to others. Specifically, whether you feel uncomfortable or bored when you do something that you deserve. This will greatly affect your relationship.

Another thing is to pay careful attention to the body language of the person you are communicating with. Body language often has hints from the other people about you, which is of great significance to whether you can communicate effectively in the future. For example, a person who cannot understand other people's non-verbal communication, fails to understand when the other party is unwilling to communicate and hints at him. It will cause the object of communication to be annoying, and it will form an obstacle to their communication, not only cannot effectively achieve the role of communication, it may also have the opposite effect.

In our lives, we communicate with others for various things. This communication will have various purposes, and our communication is to achieve this purpose or to promote the process of this purpose. However, people do not do it well in life. Sometimes when people communicate, the organization of the language is very confusing, and the purpose is not clear enough, so that the receiver cannot receive the information well, and your intention is clear. In this case, the sender of the information must do a good job of self-communication in advance. What is the purpose of the 'I' communication? What effect should be achieved? How should I communicate to achieve the desired effect? If we can do this well before communication, I think the results after communication will not disappoint you.

Learning to manage communication well will allow us to master more communication methods and better handle interpersonal relationships. In this way, whether in life or in the future, we can better grasp the degree of handling things and lay a solid foundation for our future good development. Finally, I thank my teacher for his guidance and selfless dedication.

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Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/who-am-i-post-course-reflection/
“Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/who-am-i-post-course-reflection/
Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/who-am-i-post-course-reflection/> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Who Am I? Post-Course Reflection [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/who-am-i-post-course-reflection/

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