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The Dark Duality of Romanticism in 'Young Goodman Brown'

1 Page 532 Words
People’s inherent personality traits come from their core values. Within these values exists an innate duality of both light and dark characteristics; this coincides with the ideas of Dark Romanticism, which aim to normalize the darker desires of people’s minds. Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’ embodies Dark Romantic ideals like innate evil and sin, which reveal how human nature is more...

Disadvantages of Jane Austen's Free Indirect Discourse in 'Emma'

5 Pages 2119 Words
Jane Austen, who is considered by some critics to be ‘the best novelist in England’, started writing narratives at an early age. She is famous for her visual representation of society, social status, and typical marriage traditions. Austen can be seen as a feminist during this time because her heroine's strength is different from the norm. Reading ‘Emma’, Austen acknowledges...

Billy Pilgrim's PTSD in Kurt Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse Five'

3 Pages 1385 Words
During times of hot gun shells soldiers experience terrifying activities that are mentally and physically harming to the body. Most cannot begin to comprehend the extreme events that happen due to their lack of military experience. In Kurt Vonnegut's ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’, Billy Pilgrim the main character, serving as a solider of the United States in World War II. Billy is a...

Chris McCandless as a Person to Be Admired

2 Pages 781 Words
Jon Krakauer, an author, wrote a book called ‘Into the Wild’, it portrays Chris McCandless, a young man who went on an adventure into nature, inexperienced and foolishly to find his true identity and dignity. Chris McCandless wants to evade and fled the claustrophobic confines of Society and his family. He has a grudge toward his family, except his sister,...

Human Vermin: Self-Image and Parental Alienation

3 Pages 1198 Words
The masked anxiety in Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’ is a rooted trauma from parental alienation which transforms Gregor’s self-image from human to bug. The behaviors in the narrative are mirror images of the author’s life and are reminiscent of his feelings towards his father. This parental alienation experienced during Kafka’s interactions with his father is further demonstrated by Gregor’s parents in the...

Jane Austen's Use of Juxtapositions in Her Novel 'Emma'

2 Pages 1044 Words
‘Emma’ is a novel that was written by Jane Austen and was published in 1815. Emma Woodhouse, the main character, is a 21-year-old woman who lives with her father Mr. Woodhouse, in the village of High Bury. She comes from a privileged background and lives comfortably in a happy disposition. She constantly acts as a matchmaker for everyone, and ultimately...

Influence of Caribbean Colonialism on the Structure of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Jamaica Kincaid's Novel ‘Lucy’

2 Pages 954 Words
Jamaica Kincaid extensively exploits the relationship between a mother and her daughter through her literature pieces. 'Lucy' is a succinct depiction of this theme and exploits her troubled relationship with her mother. According to Barrio-Vilar (2016), Kincaid’s novel’s 'Lucy' is an allegory that seeks to expose the need for Caribbean countries to question and reject the influence of Western culture,...

The Theme of Racial Inequality for African Americans in Dudley Randall's ‘Ballad of Birmingham’ and Langston Hughes's ‘A Dream Deferred’

2 Pages 741 Words
Dudley Randall and Langston Hughes both lived through racial inequality for African Americans during the Postmodernism era and portrayed it in their poems. Dudley Randall wrote ‘Ballad of Birmingham’ and Langston Hughes wrote ‘A Dream Deferred’. They both use imagery to depict the main message of their poems. Dudley Randall experienced a lot while growing up. His life was filled...

The Epic of Gilgamesh: A Hero’s Journey

5 Pages 2252 Words
Introduction: The Timeless Tale of Gilgamesh ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ significantly studied by global scholars since it’s discovery in the ruins of the Library of Ashurbanipal in 1853 (Dalley, 2008). It is the longest written literature in Akkadian cuneiform that regales about the protagonist, Gilgamesh’s adventures. This epic poem from the ancient Mesopotamian civilization, centres around the infamous king of...

Standard English Vs Singlish

6 Pages 2565 Words
Have you heard of the phrase “same-same, but different”? It is usually used to describe people, situations, or things that are similar in one aspect but different in another. The unique thing about this phrase is that it contains words that contradict themselves but perfectly explain our life experiences. For example, if I was comparing myself against my fellow Chinese-Malay...

Reflecting of the Personalities of Jane Austen's 'Persuasion' Characters through Their Choice of Literature

2 Pages 714 Words
According to the Young Readers Foundation, reading nurtures the mind. It opens doors to knowledge, helps develop critical thinking and writing skills, improves memory, increases empathy, and much more. Many of the characters in Jane Austen’s ‘Persuasion’ read, whether it is the characters reading about themselves, poetry, or prose. For some characters, what they read is not only a reflection...

The Problem of Irreparable Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury in Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'

2 Pages 856 Words
The aftermath of a traumatic brain injury thrusts family and friends into a whirlwind of different emotions and decisions regarding their loved one’s future. Experiencing an overwhelming sense of grief or loss, these family members may find it difficult to remain hopeful when viewing the immediate, drastic changes in the individual. The ambiguity surrounding brain trauma is directly portrayed through...

Chris McCandless: Hero or Fool

1 Page 533 Words
Have you ever regretted any of the decisions you have ever made? Chris was a smart and athletic person. He had parents who he wasn’t in a great relationship with. After he graduated from high school, he wanted to live on his own and have nothing handed to him. He wanted to find out who he really was. Chris McCandless,...

Franz Kafka's Portrayal of the Irrational World in ‘The Metamorphosis'

1 Page 501 Words
In ‘The Metamorphosis’, Kafka portrays the world as an irrational place through an abrupt and unexpected opening to his book. Without explanation, Kafka utilizes ‘In Medias Res’ to immediately place his audience in the middle of the story with Gregor’s transformation into a pest. Through his use of this device, Kafka introduces an impossible situation and bizarre characters, which bring...

The Theme of Innocence in Dudley Randall's ‘Ballad Of Birmingham’ and William Blake's ‘The Lamb’

1 Page 645 Words
For decades poems have been a wonderful piece of format in writing that partakes the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical and are usually metaphorical to help express the idea of commons themes. To begin with both poems like ‘Ballad Of Birmingham’ by Dudley Randall, and ‘The Lamb’ William Blake discuss the image of innocence....

Key Motifs of Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’

1 Page 536 Words
In Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’, we see how the use of motifs is used to demonstrate the devastating effect that the war has. It is revealed throughout the novel using the motifs ‘so it goes’, ‘poo-tee-weet’, and ‘mustard gas and roses’. From early on in the novel all the way to the end, ‘so it goes’ is brought up whenever there...

The Review of Cokie Roberts' 'Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation'

2 Pages 931 Words
‘Founding Mothers’ is a multi-faceted biography that recognizes the undiscussed efforts and contributions of women during the American Revolution. Roberts uses primary sources written by these women in the form of diary journals and letters to analyze the unseen aspects of women’s achievements during the war and give dimension to their lives. Specifically, figures such as Martha Washington, Sarah Pinckney,...

Elizabeth And Darcy Relationship

3 Pages 1555 Words
Reviewed double_ok
During the 19th century and earlier, the practice of entering a marriage solely for the purpose of moving up in social standing and choosing someone based on their financial status was a customary behavior. Women of that time sought a wealthy family to marry into, in order to secure a safe lifestyle after marriage. However, in the 19th century, a...

A Personal View of Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'

1 Page 654 Words
This year, last May, my family and I visited the Czech Republic, specifically the city of Prague. It was an amazing experience, during which we learned very much about it’s past and present history. We admired the beautiful Romanesque architecture, we walked along the famous Charles Bridge, and we were able to watch the amazing astronomical clock and many places...

The Personal Development of the Characters in John Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'

2 Pages 848 Words
Have you ever been through a difficult time that resulted in you growing as a person and your relationships with others changing? John Steinbeck’s ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ follows the Joad family on their journey to California in hopes of finding work after being evicted from their farm. In these desperate times, each character grows to adapt to their ever-changing...

The Problem of Dissonance Between Personal and Public Ideologies in William Faulkner's Novels

5 Pages 2423 Words
In society, there exists a perpetual conflict between what individuals desire and what is required for maintaining homogeneity and order within the group. William Faulkner examines this phenomenon in his literary works, focusing on its influence on motherhood. In the novels ‘The Sound and the Fury’, ‘Absalom, Absalom!’, and ‘Light in August’, Faulkner depicts motherhood as a burden due to...

Portrayal of John Steinbeck's Life Experiences and Views in His Novel 'The Grapes of Wrath'

2 Pages 917 Words
John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California in 1902. He grew up recounting stories that had Salinas tattle inserted in them. His characters in his stories were usually about misconstrued ranchers and farmers. ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ is a story where he discussed the events of how he grew up and the shattered dreams of land ownership in California. His...

Abused and Abandoned Child Named Huckleberry Finn

2 Pages 1032 Words
On the surface, Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ may appear like a simple and straightforward story about a boy and an escaped slave sailing down the Mississippi River. However a deeper look reveals underneath, a subtle confrontation of child abuse, slavery and racism. From the beginning of the novel, Twain makes it clear that Huck is a boy...

McCandless’s Adventure of a Lifetime

2 Pages 910 Words
The adventure of a lifetime ends with a devastating conclusion. Such is the case in ‘Into The Wild’ by Jon Krakauer, which follows the journey of a wanderlust-driven man named Chris McCandless. His travels take him across the United States to reach his ultimate goal of Alaska and finding his true ‘self’. McCandless challenges society by abandoning his old way...

Reflection of American History in Literary Works

4 Pages 1731 Words
From the early beginnings up to 1865 America was being created and shaped into the country it is today. Early civilization started with Native Americans. ‘Iroquois Creation’ by David Cusick was written during the Native American literary period. During this time authors focused on storytelling. The creation story shows speeches, tales and poetry of the Native American oral tradition. In...

The 'Hysterical' Author: Tracing the Gendered Mental Landscape

4 Pages 1849 Words
Female authors throughout different historical, cultural and social contexts have written extensively in response to their contemporary/immediate reality and each has addressed the woman question in her way. Although these responses vary in nature, form, and content, a common factor in all of them has been a reactionary instinct. Female writers react to ideas surrounding women in the gender discourse,...
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