Auto citing
Do not waste your time entering titles, authors, and publications manually. Our online citation tool will cite everything automatically for you!
Bibliography download
You can copy and paste formatted entries from the citation machine. Also, you can download bibliography page directly to your computer and add to the paper.
Edit citations
Click on edit at EduBirdie citation creator to make necessary manual changes in your references and save them again.
1. Avoid plagiarism
The main reason to create citation list is to avoid plagiarism. Copyright violation is a crime and in order to avoid it, one must cite every quotation or paraphrased material.
2. Credible research
Bibliography represents the research done by the author and their knowledge. It allows to check the sources used, their credibility and connection to the written text.
3. Give credit
Providing references is a way of giving credit to other scholars and their works. Who knows, maybe there are your future colleagues among them!
4. Professional look
Accurate citations make the paper look organized and professional. It is a basic skill that is required at any university and highly appreciated by any employer.
Have you encountered the need to create citations before? Most likely, you have. Sometimes giving credit to the original author by citing his work is the only way to use other people's work without plagiarizing.
Citing is more than just reference list formatting. There’s a whole set of rules involved with how to structure your paper and the cover sheet, about how to cover an in-text citation, and many more. We created our online citation generator so you can avoid the hassle of writing citations manually.
Here at Edubirdie, we have a range of styles available for our online citation generator to work with.
Speaking of the most common ones,
American Psychological Association style is generally used in social sciences, education, engineering, etc. It uses parenthetical in-text citations and a "References" list at the end of the paper to link sources.
Chicago style is used primarily in history writing and Humanities, but also in Social Sciences.What makes it special is the fact that Chicago notes utilize footnotes and endnotes to link text to sources.
Modern Language Association is used in humanities (English, art history, philosophy, music, religion, language, linguistics, etc.).MLA style uses parenthetical to create citations in text and a "Works Cited" list at the end of a paper to link sources.
A style famous for Kate Turabian presented by our citation machine is mainly recommended for Literature, Arts, and History. What makes it different is the use of superscript numbered footnotes or endnotes after each source quoted. It is used to add flexibility, identification, and clearer reference to Bibliography entries.
American Medical Association style is a popular academic style used in the medical and social sciences fields. It is based on superscript and Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.). Thus your in-text citations and references list are closely connected because whatever source you mention in text first is going to be the first in a final list as well.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ special style is quite unique developed to work with the most complicated formats. It is used mainly in Engineering. Probably the most famous thing about this style is that here you have to use square brackets with appropriate numbering.
American Sociological Association style is one of the most famous styles used in academic work. By following its general rules students have to put their works into italics.
Unlike the rest of citation styles, Harvard style was created by a zoologist. It varies among universities, particularly its punctuation, and is used mainly in Social Sciences and Humanities.
American Political Science Association provided in Edubirdie’s citation generator is used specifically in Political Science discipline. When citing your books, that will make no difference whether it’s an online or published material, you just mention and author and date combination.
Council of Science Editors style covers many disciplines, but especially Medicine and Life Sciences. There are two types of it, citation-sequence and name-year. The distinguishing feature for this style from our citation maker is that numbers here are placed right after facts mentioned, not after authors’ names.
Can I submit the paper without in-text citations?
Unfortunately, no. Every source listed on the reference page should be cited in the text at least once. Otherwise, it means that the source was not used. Professor will not count is as a source and may even lower your grade.
Should I cite even if I paraphrase from the source?
Paraphrasing is also plagiarism. It means that you take credit for another person’s thoughts and ideas. Cite all the information, data or figures taken from outside sources using bibliography maker.
Can I cite sources in different styles in one paper?
It is suggested to stick to one selected format for one paper. It will make your work look more professional and organized. You can always choose the preferred style and use EduBirdie free bibliography generator for help.
Why fake referencing is bad?
Citing fake sources is regarded as a form of plagiarism. Professors usually check every cited source to make sure the referencing is accurate. It also makes your paper not credible and of no academic value.