Free AMA Citation Generator & Guide For Accurate Referencing

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Tips to use the citation generator

Choose the citation style

Follow your professor's guidelines or consult your university's website.

Doublecheck the source

Ensure correct rules for different sources like websites, articles, books. Edit or manually create citations if required.

Check the citation fields

Verify the automatically filled fields with your source. Make edits as needed.

Generate your citation

Confirm style, source, and fields, then generate your citation. Don't forget to create and download your paper's reference list.

AMA Citation Guide: Best Reference Help

Some students struggle with writing essays while others consider it relatively easy. Formatting essays appropriately, though, is a difficulty for everyone because every citation style has its own rules.

AMA citation, provided by the American Medical Association, is a popular academic style used in medical and social sciences fields.

Medical journal citation generator is of great help to those who are wary of citing sources themselves, but for its assistance to be 100% effective, you should learn some basic stylistic particularities yourself.

Making references in text is essential because it increases the credibility of research and helps eliminate plagiarism. Proper formatting is worth about 10-20% of your grade, so learn what AMA style citation entails with this guide. In medical and healthcare fields, following the AMA citation style is crucial for proper source attribution and academic credibility. If you’re struggling with an AMA-formatted research paper, Edubirdie offers write my research paper service to ensure your citations, terminology, and formatting are correct. Their writers have experience in medical writing and can help you craft a well-researched and properly formatted paper.

AMA In text Citations: All Kinds

AMA 10th edition citation style is based on superscript and Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.). It means that your in-text citations and references list are closely connected because whatever source you mention in text first is going to be the first in a final list as well. Place numbers right after the fact or quote you mention. When referencing and AMA formatting one source more than once, keep repeating the numeral you’ve used for it for the first time.

Page Numbers

AMA style reference doesn’t require page numbers for any sources, even for using direct quotations, but many professors still ask their students to include them. If so, mention page number in parenthesis after the numeral of your reference.

It should look like this:

It is known that 35% of studies “fail because of inadequate testing.”1(p92)

If quote or fact stretches for longer than one page, include “pp” instead of one single “p”.

One Author

AMA citation generator can help in many cases, but unless you’re aware of what numerals mean, you’ll find it hard to apply even readily available references. When you need to cite one author, you can do it in two ways. Introduce this author in the text by the last name and add numeral right after that, like in the example below.

Volterson1 believes that nothing can be done in such cases.

Another option involves using only numerals with no mentions of name, putting them after facts or statistics.

Nothing can be done in such cases1.

Don’t forget that if you’re planning to refer to this work again, repeat numeral — based on example, it’ll be numeral 1.

Two Authors

For two authors mentioned in text, AMA referencing style requires listing both last names and putting numeral after the second one.

Dolins and Small4 helped realize advanced medical benefits.

Three and More Authors

For three and more authors, AMA format creator suggests mentioning only one of them. Then add ‘et al’, which will indicate that there are more contributors who weren’t listed. Note that unlike in other styles, AMA citation builder doesn’t presuppose placing a period after ‘et al’.

Kevons et al5 created another insightful report.

Organization as an Author

If some useful source was created by organization, with no specific authors mentioned, simply put appropriate numeral after cited fact or name organization and put numeral after it.

WHO7 presented two reports on targeted population.

Unknown Author

In case no author is present, use either numeral like in other cases or the title of your source. For example, you want to cite an article with the unknown author as well as introduce it directly in the text? Use its title. Follow AMA referencing style to format it properly, though: neither italics nor quotation marks are needed for titles of short works.

It is largely discussed in Who Made You Boss2 article.

Authors with the Same Last Name

AMA citation generator will unlikely be helpful if you’re planning to reference two authors who share one name. Solution is simple, just add different numerals for them, depending on who you’ve cited first. If it’s also important to introduce them in text, give their names’ initials like this:

L. Orwel4 and D. Orwel5.

Several Works by One Author Published in the Same Year

AMA citation machine is very convenient, which makes students’ academic life much easier. Numerals are the most important aspect of this style, meaning that it doesn’t matter how many works of one author you keep using in an essay. Create a separate numeral for each — it’ll be enough.

Multiple Sources in One Citation

There might be cases when you need to use several sources in one sentence. Give each source its numeral, then list them one by one by separating them with comma.

Many scholars support this notion2,4,7,9.

It’s also possible to put hyphen between numerals of a range of sources that go in sequence. Instead of mentioning 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., follow this example.

It is proved by many medical representatives1-4.

Electronic Sources citation

In-text citations in AMA referencing style don’t differ for published and electronic sources. Add numerals or titles like you would in other instances.

Story/Article From Anthology citation

If only one story from anthology is cited, mention its author’s name/fact/quote and include numeral after it.

Reference List Formatting Rules for AMA

American medical association citation generator can help in references list formatting a lot, but still, knowing how to do that manually will be extremely useful. The first thing to remember is that you need to situate all sources based on numerals you’ve placed in the text. So, a source with numeral 1 will come first in the AMA references list. A source with numeral 2 will come second, and so on.

The word ‘References’ shouldn’t be in bold. Hanging indents are not generally needed, but check what professionals at your uni say; ask your professor for this manual. If nothing is provided, use this guide in the following way. Mention the author’s last name, then his/her first as well as middle names’ initials. Don’t use punctuation there, though commas are needed for separating different authors.

ama citations format example

To cite online web sources use our AMA Website Citation Generator.

Story/Article From Anthology citation

In case you’re using only one story from a book, or maybe a specific chapter for American Medical Association citation, this is how you should format it: story/chapter’s author’s name, the title of short work, editor of the entire collection, this collection’s title, edition, city/state, publishing house, date, pages.

3) Bergon M. Parental influence on mentally unstable children. In: Crowley MK, ed. Relationships between Children and Parents from Medical Point of View. 4th ed. New York, NY: Springer; 2006:101-110.
To cite the whole book use our AMA books citation generator.

YouTube Video Citation

For YouTube videos, either mention a person who created this video or use ‘no author’ format. Remember that if someone just uploaded the video without creating it, they cannot be regarded as its author. Follow example below.

1) LynxE_38. Summer faculty promotion [Video]. YouTube. Published May 23, 2012. Accessed March 17, 2019.

Movies citation

Movies are rarely cited for this style, which is why finding an option to format them through AMA citation generator is possible. So, see an example of how it should be done.

Derikson SM. She Was a Killer Once [DVD]. Philadelphia, PA: Stiles Pictures; 2019.

Key AMA 10th Edition Rules With Examples

There are many technical aspects that should be taken into consideration for AMA citation. Let’s regard five of such rules.

  • AMA format must have four central elements, such as title page, abstract (unless professor asks not to include it), text itself, and references list.
  • Paper text formatted as per AMA citation comprises four parts: introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.
  • Keywords are needed at the end of abstract, comprising between 3-10 elements.
  • Abstracts in AMA can be structured and unstructured. Structured one should be up to 250 words unless specified otherwise and it’s used in original data reports, clinical as well as systemic reviews. Unstructured abstracts help with other types of papers and they should be shorter, up to 150 words. Both kinds require summarizing what research is about.

For example:

“This report covers analyses presented in six different studies on schizophrenia. The objective of the report was… According to the results… Thus, based on research conducted, it is clear that…”
  • Titles of books, journals, and movies are always in italics. In addition, first letters of important words should be capitalized.

See this example:

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (both book and movie). Also, the American Journal of Psychology. Titles of shorter works like articles should be in plain text, with no quotation marks and not necessarily capitalized. For example: Discrimination rates have grown by 10% (article’s title).

About EduBirdie AMA Format Citation Generator

As you can see, AMA citation is not particularly complicated, but for new students, it can be terrifying as there are many rules that differ from more common styles like APA or MLA. That’s why the AMA style citation machine is essential for studies.

EduBirdie is proud to present its own free online AMA citation maker with numerous benefits. It’s well-functioning and up-to-date; it helps cite articles from scientific journals and magazines, books, as well as websites; finally, it’s completely free and doesn’t require registration. EduBirdie will help in your assignments as it’ll assist in realizing what sources should be cited in what ways. It’s also a great option for verifying your own knowledge when citing manually.


✍️ Can I trust EduBirdie AMA Citation Generator?

Our generator is constantly checked for possible errors. All reported malfunctions are dealt with swiftly, so yes, you can trust it. Still, it can differ from university to university, which is why it’s better to get citation manual directly from your professors and compare some entries with those provided by our AMA citation generator.

✍️ When is AMA Used?

This academic style is mostly used in medical field, hence ‘M’ which stands for ‘medical’. Nursing area in particular is known for using this style. Many social sciences also prefer this format, so if you belong to one of these groups, you’ll definitely have to work with AMA referencing style.

✍️ How should AMA in-text citations be formatted?

Rules to remember include using superscript as well as Arabic numerals for every mention of fact that’s not common knowledge. You don’t need years or even pages, just make a system of numerals and point out all information in references list only.

✍️ Are abstracts obligatory in AMA?

In most cases, yes, abstracts are obligatory. AMA citation belongs to a scientific style, meaning that it’s important to present summary of research for interested professionals.

✍️ What if I need to cite source that AMA manual doesn’t have?

Such instances happen occasionally. Luckily, it has clear answers. Just cite all available information, formatting everything based on other common examples. Start with title, website’s name, image description, etc.; be sure to point out some date — for example, when the document was created or when you retrieved it.