Free Chicago Book Citation Generator by EduBirdie

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Tips to use the citation generator

Choose the citation style

Follow your professor's guidelines or consult your university's website.

Doublecheck the source

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Check the citation fields

Verify the automatically filled fields with your source. Make edits as needed.

Generate your citation

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Accurate Rules on Chicago Book Citation

Most college students in the United States have to use Chicago book citation format. Accurate citing usually becomes obligatory as it helps to support ideas and arguments provided in the paper, as well as to avoid plagiarising outside sources. This guide provides rules and examples for help. Empowered by unique Chicago citations generator, getting even most complex papers done timely becomes fast and easy.

Chicago Manual Style guidelines implement two different citation kinds. They are “Notes-Bibliography” and “Author-Date.” Various styles are also applicable for specific disciplines. For example, Author-Date pattern is mostly used in Physics, Natural and Sociology disciplines. “Notes-Bibliography” styling is common for Arts and Humanities.

Thus, when using “Notes-Bibliography” style, a note or footnote appear when source is mentioned in written assignments.

1 First Last name, Book Title (Publication location: Publisher, Publication year), page number.

As for footnotes, they are added at the end of each page where source appears. It is important not to forget of superscript numbering that should correspond with notes used in Bibliography.

Here are the rules for “Author-Date” in-text citation:

One author

Last, First name. Title. Publication location: Publisher, Publication year.

First time in-text citing and second time citing for same source do differ:

….which has helped to establish better relationships (Daller, 2001, 12).
In a 2001 research, Daller (12) has proved that this research method has helped to establish better relationships due to…

Two authors citation

(Call and Torn, 2002, 112)

Three authors citation

(Kim, Torres, and Wang 2007, 31)

Four or more authors citation

(Georgiou et al. 2010, 34)

Organization as author citation

How to cite a book Chicago style without an author? Organization or existing abbreviation should be used as in:

(NATO 1987, 45)

Unknown author citing

Use shortened form of given title as shown below:

(“Rainforests In Danger” 2001, 53)

Unknown page number

(King, 2018, para. 2:19)

Unknown date citing

(Carsten, n.d., 61)

Multi-volume book source citation

(Adams, 2004, 2:64)

Authors with same last name citation

Use author’s first name initials.

(Pall S. 2009 and Pall R. 2018)

Two or more works by same author, same year

Add letter after publication year as in:

(Martin 2011a) and (Martin 2011b)

Books with editors citation

According to Chicago manual, no “ed.” part is required, simply cite as:

(Miller 2006, 36)

Multiple book sources in same citation

(Flint 2011, 21; Sawyer 2016, 81)

Indirect in-text quoting

(quoted in Gilmour 2011, 16)

Chicago style translated book citation

Translator is specified only in References list when using “Author-Date” system, yet for footnotes, one has to mention translator in first citation as in:

Author First, Last Name, Title: Subtitle, trans. First, Last Name (City: Publisher, Year), page range.
1. Jean-Jacques Mondo, Bretton History Revealed: Microhistory Essays, trans. John E. Brown (London: Penguin Books, 2001), 156-162.

In subsequent citing, translator is not mention, yet one has to use it again in Bibliography part.

Bibliography Listing in Chicago Format with Examples

For Chicago style citation book sources, references are always formed alphabetically. If author or editor are unknown, it is necessary to use first word met in title of source cited.

General book referencing in Chicago style

Author Surname, First Name-Initial. Title Of The Book: Subtitle. Publication Place:
Publisher, Year.
Swayze Patrick, Theater and Acting: Psychology of Visuals and Sound. Los Angeles: California, 1986.
  • For citing a full note, use:
1. Author First Name-Initial, Surname, Title Of The Source: Subtitle (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page range.
Patricia, Kaas, Music Culture: African American singing techniques (Jacksonville: Turner Press, 2004), 126.
  • For all following notes:
2. Author Surname, Title, page.
Kaas, Music Culture, 126.

Chicago style book citation with more than one author

Author1, and Author 2. Title: Subtitle. Place where Published: Publisher, Year.
  • For citing a full note, use:
1. Author1 and Author2, Title: Subtitle (Place where Published: Publisher, Year), page.
  • For all following notes:
2. Author Surname and Author Surname, Title, page.

Referencing a chapter in a book

Author Surname, First Name. “Title of Chapter or Article.” In Book Title: Subtitle, edited by Editor First Name Surname, page range of article/chapter. Publication location: Publisher, Year.
Martens, Gus. “Literary devices use.” In Modern Slang Culture: Metaphors and Emotion, edited by William Jones, 34-37. Amsterdam: University Press, 2004.
  • For citing a full note, use:
1. Author First Name Surname, “Title of Chapter or Article,” in Book Title: Subtitle, ed. Editor First Name/Initial Surname (Publication Place: Publisher, Year), page
Steve Jobs, “Apple is the best,” in Technology Today (Amsterdam: University Press, 2004), 34.
  • For all following notes:
2. Author Surname, “Chapter title or Article,” page number.
Stevenson, “I want to break free,” 34.

Translated book in Bibliography

According to in-text example, Bibliography part is like that:

Author. Year. Book Title: Subtitle. Translated by Author’s Name, Last Name. City: Publisher.

As seen below:

Jean-Jacques Mondo. 2001. Bretton History Revealed: Microhistory Essays. Translated by John E. Brown. London: Penguin Books.

Additional Chicago Citing Rules and Page Layout for Book Citing

When citing a book in Chicago style, remember about these important tips that will help to earn the highest grade:

When using large quotes:

  • If quoted material is longer than 40 words, use separate paragraph with no quotation marks.
  • Start quote after text used with 1.27 indent from page’s left margin.
  • Type entire citation with an indent.

Page layout format:

  • 1 inch margins for sides, top, and bottom.
  • Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • Text is double-spaced.
  • No newspaper text justifying.
  • ½ indent at paragraphs start, as well as when using block quote.
  • Second line of Bibliography is indented.
  • Page numbers go to top right corner of each page with paper’s text.

Title and cover page Chicago rules:

  • Always center document’s title.
  • Place it in the middle.
  • Continue with professor, title of course, and date, all centered.
  • No page numbering required by Chicago format.

What parts to include in Chicago format paper:

  • Cover page with student’s information provided.
  • Intro paragraph with strong thesis statement.
  • Body paragraphs with topic sentences and argumentation, supported by reliable sources.
  • Appendix, statistics, and tables, if applicable.
  • Notes and Footnotes.
  • Bibliography.

Bibliography Formatting Rules:

  • Always start final referencing on separate page.
  • Correct word is “Bibliography” and it is centered at top of the page.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12 point font.
  • For entries with no author, sort titles by ABC.
  • Print sources and multimedia elements go in separate lists.

Important things to remember:

  • Citing a book in Chicago style, remember to use first and last name format except for Bibliography, which follows Last, First name pattern.
  • Most college students in the United States often make mistake of reusing reference numbers when using notes. Remember that each time you cite, it has to correspond to new number.
  • Notes part uses first line indent, while Bibliography part uses hanging indent.
  • Bibliography is always sorted alphabetically.
  • Notes are numbered and listed in such order period as sources used.
  • Check twice whether you require 16th edition or latest, which is 17th. There are several differences that may be crucial in terms of punctuation and citing sources with editors.

Free Book Chicago Citation Generator Assistant

Citing 10 to 15 print sources for research paper can easily become time-consuming and confusing with countless pages to look through. Knowing that even the brightest students struggle with book citation Chicago style, we offer Chicago citation generator that allows you to focus on specific sources. Here are its main benefits and differences:

  • Citation generator is absolutely free with 24/7 availability.
  • Choose between automatic and manual book citing.
  • Select Chicago format, book as source, type in title, and generate results.
  • Hassle-free operation with no ads or any forms to fill.
  • It allows to avoid plagiarism and choose diverse source types.

Remember that Chicago citation machine works when one has to provide author-date information, yet for notes and footnotes elements, always refer to rules provided in our Chicago book citation guide. Remember to use hanging indents where required and never underestimate the role of expert writing help that helps to deliver any paper in time and have it checked for logic, grammar, and professional compliance issues.

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