Newspaper MLA Citation Generator for Easy Referencing

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Craft a Perfect MLA 9 Newspaper Citation: General Rules

Crafting a proper bibliography and citing your sources is essential for adding that credibility to anything you say in your paper. Of course, not every paper needs that, but if you use outside sources, it is your obligation to refer back to these sources and let your readers know where the information was taken from.

Citing or quoting newspaper articles is somewhat similar to doing that with other types of sources, but there surely are differences you need to keep in mind if you want your writing to look professional and be credible. MLA 9 is the latest edition of the Modern Language Association format, and right now, we are going to discuss how you can cite newspapers properly.

How to Properly Cite a Newspaper in MLA 9

As said, MLA 9 is the latest edition of the MLA format though some institutions still use the 8th edition. However, this time we are focusing on MLA 9 to provide you with the latest updates on formatting your bibliography. Though citing your newspapers is kind of similar to citing other types of sources, there are certain peculiarities you need to pay attention to. Here’s how the basic newspaper article MLA citation should look like:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of the article.” The Newspaper [New York], 10 Mar. 2020, p. A. 11. Publisher.

That is the basic template you can use whenever you craft a bibliography entry. A quick note here is that if the title of the article ends with an exclamation (!) or question mark (?), you do not need to add a period at the end of the title. To make an in-text citation, you need to know the page in the newspaper you are referring to:

(Last Name 11)

If the article is one page long, you do not need to put a page number after the last name of the author. In case you don’t have the name of the author, you can use the first couple of words from the title of the article with quotation marks: 

(“Title” 11)

The same in-text citation requirements work for direct quotes. The difference is that you need to put your direct quote in quotation marks and give the same in-text citation after the direct quote. Following this template, you can produce the MLA newspaper article citation given you have all the required information about the article. Again, it is critical that you provide your readers with the references to the articles you use in your work and create a proper bibliography.

How Is MLA 9 Different from MLA 8?

There are minor but important differences between how you cite MLA 9 and MLA 8. In MLA 9, you should specify the real names of the authors if you cite a newspaper. It means that no nicknames or “Admin” as an author is allowed. Also, you only need to specify the medium where the source was published. The rest of the rules relating to the use of inclusive language include transitions like “man-made” should be “human-made” or “he and she” are replaced by “them” or “they”.

What Information Do You Need to Cite a Newspaper?

Of course, you need basic information about the content before you can cite it. That is exactly why it is always a good idea to use newspaper columns that contain at least some bits of information about their origin. That way, you can make sure you can give your readers a full description when referencing a newspaper article in your paper. Here’s the list of information you’d need to craft a full bibliography entry for your source:

  • Name of the author or authors 
  • Title of the article
  • Newspaper name
  • Place of origin
  • Date of publishing
  • Page used
  • Container / Medium (online, print, scan, etc)
  • Name of the Publisher 

This is the list of information you are going to need for a full bibliography entry. Of course, you are likely to come across sources with incomplete bibliography information, in which case you would need to go around the missing points. You can reference articles without knowing much about them, including the name of the author and other crucial pieces of information. Nonetheless, you are going to need at least the title of the article and some additional pieces of information to at least show your audience you did not just make this information up. Below, we are going to discuss how you can go around the missing bits of data for the MLA citation newspaper article.

Types of Newspaper Citations

Of course, there are different types of newspapers, and some of those require a specific approach if you want to cite newspaper article MLA in a proper manner. There are minor but important differences in the ways you cite all those types of newspaper articles, but you should not be afraid of those changes. The structure of the bibliography entries remains mostly untouched, but you still need to pay attention to the slight variations between how you cite all those different types of articles.

Newspaper Article from a Library Database

Referencing the newspaper from a library database is probably one of the most complicated types of referencing, so why not address it first? This type of entry to your bibliography would require more additional info put in it, so you should keep your eyes peeled for all the tiny little details. The template for the library database citation looks like this:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.”  Newspaper [City if any], vol. Volume Number, no. Issues Number, Date, p. Page Number. Name of Database.

This is how you craft a proper bibliography entry for this type of source, which is fairly easy. The MLA in-text citation news article, in this case, looks exactly the same as we have shown above: (Last Name 11).

Multivolume and Multi-Issue Newspapers

This one is fairly simple; all you need to do is add the numbers of volumes and issues used in your paper. The bibliography entry would look like this:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.”  Newspaper [City if any], vol. 1-10, no. 1-5, Date, p. Page Number. Name of Database.

Website Newspaper Articles

This one is fairly simple as you need to add a URL and the access date to properly cite this kind of source. A fairly straightforward kind of citation:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Website, Date of Publication, Accessed Day Month Year.

Printed Newspaper Articles

Citing the printed article is exactly like we discussed earlier and the MLA in text citation newspaper would also look the same:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article: Subtitle if Any.” Name of Newspaper, Date of Publication, p. Page Number. 

As you see, this one is quite simple and straightforward so you do not need to bother much.

No Author or Several Authors

  • In case there’s no author, you can just skip the author’s name and start your bibliography entry with the title of the article:
“Title of Article.” Name of Newspaper, Date of Publication, p. Page Number. 
  • In case there are two authors, you give the last name and the first name of the first author followed by the first name and the last name of the second author:
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. “Title of Article: Subtitle if Any.” Name of Newspaper, Date of Publication, p. Page Number.
  • The in-text citation would look like that: (Last Name and Last Name 11).

If there are three or more authors, you just write the last name and the first name of the first author followed by et al.

Last Name, First Name, et al. “Title of Article.” Name of Newspaper, Date of Publication, p. Page Number.

Why Use Online Citation Generator

Sometimes all of those guides might get really confusing and painstaking, especially if you need to deal with different formats all the time. To save yourself some time and effort, the best idea is to use a citation generator that allows you to create any MLA newspaper citation in a matter of seconds. All you need is to put all the relevant information in their respective fields, and the generator would put together a correct citation automatically. This is a great way to avoid redundant hustle and bustle with all the commas, italics, quotation marks, and all the tiny little details that you may miss. That way, you ensure a flawless citation every time.

Popular Questions About

Where can I find the bibliography details regarding the article?

Usually, you can find the title, the name of the author, and the date right at the beginning. The name of the newspaper is at the top of the first page.

Is MLA the simplest citation format?

It arguably is. There are other formatting styles that require much more details and attention to create a proper bibliography entry, but MLA is a more or less forgiving style.

How to use an MLA 9 citation generator?

The interface is really intuitive, so you just need to follow through – just enter all the necessary information, and it will transform it into a proper citation.

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