NLM Citation Generator and Guide For Students

  • APA 7
  • APA 6
  • MLA 9
  • MLA 8
  • Chicago
  • IEEE
  • AMA
  • Turabian
  • ASA
  • APSA
  • Harvard
  • CSE
  • ACS
  • Vancouver
  • NLM
  • ACM
  • ASCE
  • AAA
  • ASM
  • Other
  • Website
  • Book
  • Journal
  • Newspaper
  • Video
  • Book section or chapter
  • Article
  • Encyclopedia
  • Magazine
  • E-book
  • PDF
  • Image
Change citation style:
Auto input Manual input
Auto input: we create a citation for you in one click. Fill in the required information about your source. It might be a title, DOI, ISBN, URL - just pay attention to our tips in the input field.

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Tips to use the citation generator

Choose the citation style

Follow your professor's guidelines or consult your university's website.

Doublecheck the source

Ensure correct rules for different sources like websites, articles, books. Edit or manually create citations if required.

Check the citation fields

Verify the automatically filled fields with your source. Make edits as needed.

Generate your citation

Confirm style, source, and fields, then generate your citation. Don't forget to create and download your paper's reference list.

What is NLM Citation?

Even though the NLM style format is not as popular as APA or MLA styles, it is used widely by the students majoring in Nursing and Healthcare disciplines. NLM stands for National Library of Medicine. The research papers in NLM format are usually encountered as you visit Pubmed or ResearchGate databases. NLM citation format is most commonly used by authors who publish their medical papers. It is mostly simple and quite accessible as one looks through the rules published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Since the majority of references in NLM format will have Pubmed IDs already included, you can always use the NLM citation maker as you compose your bibliography. Medical students writing theses in NLM format often struggle with its strict citation structure and medical terminology requirements. Edubirdie provides expert nursing assignment help to ensure your thesis is well-researched, correctly formatted, and meets academic expectations. You will already have a good reference to start with as you either enter some basic information or check with an already existing citation that is listed at the end of some research article.

What are NLM Citation Rules?

Let us start with the list of regulations that are meant for the basic journal citation for your medical needs:

  • You must list all authors according to “Last Name First, First Initial, and Middle Initial” if you have this information available.
  • Each author must be separated by a comma.
  • A full article title must be listed. Only the first word must be capitalized as well as the use of any proper nouns.
  • When you are turning to some journal title, it must be abbreviated as it is listed by the NLM Catalog of Journals.
  • Year of publication must be put first, followed by month and date. This part of your citing must end with a semicolon.
  • Place volume and issue next. End with a colon. No space is added after the semicolon before.
  • Place your citation’s page number. If you have a range of pages like 1347 through 1351, it must be 1347-51.

NLM Citation Examples


When you need to cite a journal in NLM format, it goes as follows:

Last Name Initial(s). Journal title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Year Month; Journal Volume (Issue): page(s).
Bjorn, SV, Severson AR, Sanders R, Sommers L. Recovery of college athletes: from baseball to rugby. Spine J. 2019 Feb; 13(2):34-39.


When citing a book, NLM citation style guide rules remain mostly the same. It will look this way:

Last Name, Initial(s). Book title. Edition abbreviated. The place of publication: Publisher; Year. page number p.

Notice that pagination in NLM book citing is used in a specific way because you must put the page number that is followed by a p and then a period. Example: 22 p.

Jackson, MA. Introduction to Autistic Spectrum disorders and school education. 3rd ed. Oxford Press: Oxford University Medical Press; 2009. 671 p.

When you have only an editor, use this example:

Jones, KL, editor. ADHD in middle schoolchildren: a clinical reference. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier / Arlington Press Medical; 2018. 138 p.

In text-citations contain only the Last Name of the author with a year followed.

(Last Name Year).
(Summers 2005).

Why Use Our NLM Format Generator?

When you must deal with a plethora of medical resources, it is way too easy to make a typo or provide incorrect information. While it will put you at plagiarism risk, it also poses responsibility problems since we are dealing with medicine where all types of mistakes must be eliminated. This is where our NLM citation machine will help you to keep things accurate as it will automatically catch things like ISBN, DOI, or even titles as you type them in.

NLM reference generator can be used as much as necessary as it is safe, fast, and does not store your information anywhere. Keep your assignments plagiarism-free and enjoy both automatic and manual modes as you cite!