Ultimate Vancouver Citation Generator

  • APA 7
  • APA 6
  • MLA 9
  • MLA 8
  • Chicago
  • IEEE
  • AMA
  • Turabian
  • ASA
  • APSA
  • Harvard
  • CSE
  • ACS
  • Vancouver
  • NLM
  • ACM
  • ASCE
  • AAA
  • ASM
  • Other
  • Website
  • Book
  • Journal
  • Newspaper
  • Video
  • Book section or chapter
  • Article
  • Encyclopedia
  • Magazine
  • E-book
  • PDF
  • Image
Change citation style:
Auto input Manual input
Auto input: we create a citation for you in one click. Fill in the required information about your source. It might be a title, DOI, ISBN, URL - just pay attention to our tips in the input field.

Are you sure you want to delete all the citations in this list?

Tips to use the citation generator

Choose the citation style

Follow your professor's guidelines or consult your university's website.

Doublecheck the source

Ensure correct rules for different sources like websites, articles, books. Edit or manually create citations if required.

Check the citation fields

Verify the automatically filled fields with your source. Make edits as needed.

Generate your citation

Confirm style, source, and fields, then generate your citation. Don't forget to create and download your paper's reference list.

What is Vancouver Referencing Style?

The Vancouver reference style might be not as popular as Chicago, MLA, or APA academic writing formats, yet it is a widely used referencing system for bibliographic citation for Nursing & Healthcare university students. While it may be used in Chemistry, Biotechnologies, and Biology as well, this citation style has been originally based on the rules composed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Speaking of modern times, the set of rules is currently offered by the US National Library of Medicine. It is vital to understand how Vancouver citing works because as you start with your assignment, you must acknowledge the sources used in your writing. For example, when you present a statement of evidence such as a quote or an idea that is not yours, you must acknowledge your sources and provide due credit even if you are turning to a specific theory.

What is Vancouver Style Citation Generator?

Just when you were about to give up with your Bibliography and in-text citations, here comes our Vancouver style citation generator that lets you keep things accurate and plagiarism-free. For example, when you have over fifteen Vancouver style citations, it will instantly become time-consuming, which is why you need automation that will help you format and structure your references by entering the DOI or ISBN information. Likewise, you can enter the name of the medical journal or author’s name to seek your reference data automatically to see whether our system finds your source. Research papers in the Vancouver citation style require precise numerical referencing, which can be tricky to manage. If you’re unsure how to format your references or structure your paper, Edubirdie offer research paper writing service, ensuring your work follows Vancouver’s academic requirements.

Most importantly, you do not have to take risks with spelling and format because our Vancouver style citation machine will pick correct information without extra spaces or grammar mistakes. By doing so, you will keep safe from plagiarism because incorrect source data is also a type of academic misconduct, which is why our Vancouver reference tool will help you achieve success both manually and automatically, depending on what you already have available! It must be noted that our Vancouver citation generator does not store your information anywhere, which will keep your data safe as you check and format your sources.

How to Cite In Vancouver Style?

The Vancouver citation style uses a citation-sequences number system:

  • Your authors are always referenced with the help of a number that helps to represent the reference. It lets the reader find your citation under the corresponding number in the reference list.
  • Remember that this number always remains static. It means that you must use the same number every time you wish to cite a particular source regardless of how often it is met in your assignment.
  • You can also insert numbers as superscripts 1 or use them in parentheses like (1). For example, if you would like to cite two or more authors together using Vancouver style citation, you can separate them with a comma between your numbers.

How to cite in vancouvers style

Additional Vancouver Citing Rules:

  • Your in-text numbers must match your references list.
  • Your bibliography is also sorted according to numbers, not alphabetically.
  • When you have more than six authors, you must cite the first six individuals by et.al. or use “and others”.
  • The authors must be cited by the last name, followed by initials (Smith J.).

Notice that we have not used a comma between the last name or any punctuation.

Helpful Examples of Vancouver Format Citation

Here are some actual examples to help you along:

In-text Vancouver citing

Young et al. believe that neural bonds found in previous laboratory tests were “insufficient to provide reliable data” (34, p.1903).

This number (34) should correspond to each entry in your References list.

References citation:

Number. Last Name Initial et al. Title: Subtitle. Journal’s Name. Year;Volume(Issue): pages.
  34. Fung J, Lai C, Young J, Wong D, Yuen J, Seto W et al. Stability of hepatitis B surface antigen over time: Implications for studies using stored sera. Journal of Medical Virology. 2011;83(11):1900-1904.

When you have a book in print, do as follows:

Your in-text citation will have a subsequent number in parenthesis like:

The research shows that “learning and memory functions of the younger group that was tested showed no significant differences” (2).

The References Vancouver format citation page example: 

2. Gluck M, Mercado E, Myers C. Learning and memory. New York: Worth; 2008.

As you can see, it follows this template:

Reference number, Last Name Initial, Last Name Initial. Title. Place of Publishing: Publisher; Year.


What Are The Basic Rules and Requirements in Vancouver Style?

The most important is to use the same citation number when you mention a particular source. Always match your numbered references by providing full information on your References page. Remember to sort your sources in the order of how your citations appear (123, not ABC). As for examples, you can use our Vancouver reference generator and check our examples above.

How Do I Create a Vancouver Style Reference With an EduBirdie Citation Generator?

How to Cite a Website in Vancouver Style?