Are People Destroyers or Protectors of Nature?
Human beings are the protectors of the earth. We have the technology and understanding to
let every species of animal, plant, and natural resources thrive. We can save entire species
from extinction, and plant trees faster then they could have ever reproduce by themselves. So
if we can do all that, why is the planet dying? I think the reason is simple, as a society we are
terrible at our one true job.
Now I wouldn’t immediately say that more people are intentionally destroying nature
then protecting it, because that would be a little unfair. It doesn’t matter if my friend is
protecting the environment and my neighbour is not. Ultimately we are all on the same earth,
so it’s really are us as a society protecting nature or destroying it? I would say that 99% of
people on this earth are contributing to the destruction of nature whether they like it or not.
If I were to go to the grocery store and buy some carrots, I would be helping the
destruction of nature. For that carrot to be bought by me, it would have been shipped most
likely by a gas powered truck or plane putting co2 emissions into the atmosphere. The farm
that the carrot was grown on may have lead to the deforestation of the surrounding land. The
farm could have also used pesticides on the crops that poisoned the surrounding animal life. It
goes on and on for pretty much everything we do in modern society.
Humans are still capable of protecting the environment and the millions of other species that
call earth home. Take the fastest bird in the world for example. The Peregrine falcon was
endangered in America around the 1950s, with it’s population taking a dive due to poison in
their food supply. However, because of human led conservation e orts like captive breeding
and release, the population has come back up once again. Although, the main reason that the
Peregrine falcon made a comeback was because public and government opinion changed
leading to the ban of the poisonous pesticide that was originally the cause of their decline.
Throughout most human history we have been destroying nature, and that has created
a society that only functions at the cost of the environment. But it’s stories like the Peregrine
falcon’s that give me hope that the destructive ideology is changing. Conservation e orts and
attention to the environment have increased drastically in the past years. More and more
people are realizing that nature needs help, but only once the baseline function of how society
works changes, it’s not going to be enough.
Humans have every possibility to be the protectors of the earth. We have so much
power and control over how the environment behaves and we know what we have to protect it.
The problem is that we are so interconnected, that even if you make e orts in being
environmental, you are still in some part leading to the destruction of the environment. In the
end, we are still pumping billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and reducing
biodiversity at an alarming rate. We can’t keep working around the natural world, we need to
work with it because it’s the only way that we can create sustainable life on earth. It’s only then
when the entire human race can function alongside the natural world instead of against it,
would I consider there to be more people protecting earth then destroying it.