Purdue UniversityCourse:
CHM 34200 | Inorganic ChemistryAcademic year:
P(OPh) 3 > Р(ОС Н 3 ) 3 > PBu 3 > PPh 3 > C 5 H 10 NH. The close similarity between the carbonyl chernical shifts for the cyclooctene (С 8 Н 14 ) and piperidine (С 5 Н 10 NН) de rivatives is indicative of extensive donation of electron densi ty from the olefin to the transition metal. The shielding of the carbonyl resonance in 77-(С 5 H 5 )Mn(CO)iCS) relative to 7Т-(С 5 Н 5 )Мn(СО) 3 is indicative of а decrease in electron density at the transition metal in the CS complex which rnight arise from an increased 1Т acidity of the CS ligand. The reduced range of carbonyl chernical shifts for 1r-(C 5H 5 )Fe(CO) 2 L + relative to 1r-(C 5H 5 )Mn(CO) 2 L derivatives is in agreement with а decrease in transition metal ➔ carbon yl 1Т back-donation in the positively charged complex. The data in ТаЫе II suggest that PPh 3 cannot compete with t,vo strong 1r-acceptor СО ligands toward а weak 1r-donor F е + complex as well as it can to,vard the stronger 1r-donor Mn ° complex. Demarco, Doddrell, and Wenkert 49 have observed а de shielding of the С(2) carbon resonance iп thiocamphor of 54.3 ppm relative to the С(2) carbon resonance in camphor. They have argued that this deshielding is inconsistent with either the relative electronegativities or dipole moments for C=S and С=О but is iп agreemeпt with the known de crease in the energy of the n ➔ 1r* transition upon replace ment of С=О with C=S 50 •51 and with the expressioп for the 52 paramagnetic screeпing tensor derived Ьу Karplus and Pople. Кalinowski and Kessler 53 have noted а fairly constant de shielding of thiocarbonyls Ьу 25-30 ppm relative to their carbonyl analogs in R 2 C=X derivatives (Х = О, S), which they suggest is due to the change in ЛЕ. In 1r-(C 5 H 5 )Mn (CO) 2 (CS) the thiocarbonyl resonance is over 218 ppm downfield from the carbonyl resonance. While а portion of this chernical shift difference is to Ье expected from changes in дБ, the magnitude of this effect is reminiscent of the 135ppm difference betweeп the chernical shifts of the carbene and carbonyl resoпances iп (CO) 5 CrC(OCH 3 )CH 3.39 The observed thiocarbonyl chernical shift rnight therefore Ье best understood in terms of а -8+C=S 8 - resonance structure which is stabilized Ьу transition metal-thiocarbonyl 1Т back donation. This hypothesis is in agreemeпt with studies of the Raman spectra of thiocarbonyl complexes which suggest а significant dipole momeпt for the thiocarbonyl ligand. 54 Acknowledgment. We wish to thank Dr. I. S. Butler and Dr. R. J. Angelici for their gracious gifts of samples of 1Т· (C 5 H 5 )Mn(CO)z(CS) and 1r-(C 5 H 5 )Fe(CO) 2 (CS)PF 6 and the Ethyl Corp. for providing а generous sample of 11-(C 5 H 5 )Mn (CO) 3 . The Variaп Associates XL-100-FT spectrometer was oЬtaiпed in part with an instrument grant from the National Science Foundation, GP-28262. Registry No. п-(C,H 5 )Cr(CO) 3 Na, 12203-12-2; п-(C,H,)Mn (CO) 2 (CS), 51804-24-1; п-(С,Н,)Мn(СО),, 12079-65-1; п-(С,Н,) Мn(СO) 2 [P(OPl1) 3 ], 12278-56-7; п-(С ,H,)Mn(CO) 2 [Р(ОСН,) 3 ], 34922-82-2; п-(C,H,)Mn(CO) 2 (PBu,), 12277-85-9; п-(C,H 5 )Mn (CO) 2 (PPh,), 12100-41-3; п-(С,Н,)Мn(СО) 2 (С,Н 14 ), 12088-20-9; п-(С,Н 5 )Мn(СО) 2 (NHC,H 10 ), 38497-86-8; п-(C,H,)Fe(CO),PF 6, 34 738-62-0; п-(С,Н,)Fе(СО), (CS)PF 6, 34 738-61-9; п-(С,Н,)Fе (СО) 2 (PPh,)PF 6, 12100-39-9; п-(С ,H,)Fe(CO) 2 (NH,)PF" 5222544-2; "С, 14 762-74-4. (49) Р. V. Demarco, D. Doddrell, and Е. Wenkert, Chem. Сот (44) Е. О. Fischer, L. Knauss, R. L. Keiter, and J. G. Verkade, J. Organometal. Chem., 37, С7 (1972). (45) С. G. Swain and Е. С. Lupton, Jr., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 90, 4328 (1968). (46) J. А. Рор\е and D. Р. Santry, Mol. Phys., 8, 1 (1964); С. J. Jameson and Н. S. Gutowsky, J. Chem. Phys., 51, 2790 (1969). (47) D. М. Grant and W. М. Litchman, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 87, 3994 (1965). (48) G. М. Bodner and L. J. Todd, unpuЫished results. тип., 1418 (1969). (50) J. J. Worman, G. L. Роо\, and W. Р. Jensen, J. Chem. Educ., 47, 709 (1970). (51) R. N. Nurmukhametov, L. А. Mi\eshina, D. N. Shigorin, and G. Т. Khachaturova, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 43, 24 (1969). (52) М. Karplus and J. А. Pople,J. Chem. Phys., 38, 2803 (1963). (53) Н.- О. Kalinowski and Н. Kess\er, Angew. Chem, lnt. Ed. Engl., 13, 84 (1974). (54) С. F. Shaw, Ш, and 1. S. Butler, personal communication of unpuЫished data.
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