Sell your study notes for money

Help fellow students by uploading your notes and earning money.

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One note, one dollar

Upload notes for money, with each note earning you $1. It's that simple.

Support your peers

Sell your notes online and help fellow students excel in their studies, creating a supportive learning community.

Substantial rewards

Unlock the potential to earn as much as $50 by selling your notes online and contributing to our educational repository.

Easily convert your study notes into rewards

Quickly navigate through our straightforward 3-step submission process

  • 1

    Select your study notes

    Choose your materials: Gather the study notes you wish to sell. We accept a variety of materials, including assignments, answer keys, lecture notes, and more.

  • 2

    Send your notes via email

    Once you've selected the notes you want to sell, send them to us via email. In your email, please include the following details for each set of notes:

    • University name
    • Course name
    • Type of material
    • Year of study
    • Document names: Should match the titles of your study notes
    • Your PayPal information
    • Your country: To help us understand your academic context
  • 3

    Moderation and payment

    After submitting your notes, our moderation team will review them to ensure they meet our quality standards and are appropriately categorized. Once approved, a moderator will contact you regarding payment. We strive to make this process as quick and seamless as possible, so you can start earning from your notes right away.

By uploading documents, you confirm you own the copyrights to the papers and agree with the policy.

Questions and answers:

What type of documents do you accept?

We welcome a variety of academic materials including lecture notes, exercises, essays, and other documents. Accepted formats are PDF, DocX, PNG, and JPG. We advise against uploading scanned or handwritten documents due to potential quality issues that can hinder readability. High-quality images are acceptable, but please refrain from uploading photos of lecture slides, book excerpts, screenshots of online content, or any copyrighted materials to ensure the integrity and usefulness of our platform.

What happens to the documents you reject?

All submitted documents undergo a moderation process. If your materials do not pass this process due to reasons such as low quality, generated content, or copyright issues, they will be deleted. We aim to maintain a high standard of content for our users. If you have questions about specific rejections, feel free to reach out to us via email for clarification.

How do I upload a document?

Uploading your study materials to Edubirdie is straightforward. Simply send your documents via email, and after a review by our moderation team, your document will be published on the site. We strive to make this process as seamless as possible while ensuring the quality of materials shared within our community.

How long will it take for my document to be published?

The moderation process typically takes up to 48 hours. This period allows us to conduct a thorough review, ensuring that your document is original and meets our quality standards. In some cases, the review may take longer if a more in-depth analysis is required. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to maintain the quality of our platform.

What reward will I receive?

For each note shared and approved, you will receive $1. This reward system is our way of thanking you for contributing valuable materials to our community and supporting your fellow students.

How long does it take to receive the payment?

After submitting your notes, our moderation team will review them to ensure they meet our quality standards and are appropriately categorized. Once approved, a moderator will contact you regarding payment. We strive to make this process as quick and seamless as possible, so you can start earning from your notes right away. Please note that we exclusively use PayPal for payments due to its reliability and security. If your document is rejected for not meeting our criteria, unfortunately, no reward will be issued, and the document will be removed from our platform.

Would you like to ask any questions?

Feel free to connect with us.

Ready to turn your notes into rewards?

Join the community of contributors and start earning with your study materials today.

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