Cryptographic Systems
There are several ways to secure a network. Networks can be secured through device
hardening, authentication, authorization, and accounting access control lists (ACLs), firewall
features, and intrusion prevention system (IPS) implementations. This combined feature protects
infrastructure and end devices in the on-premises network. But how is network traffic protected
when traversing the public Internet? The answer is through cryptographic methods.
The principles of cryptology can be used to explain how modern protocols and
algorithms are used to secure communications. Cryptology is the science of creating and
cracking secret codes. The development and use of code is called cryptography, and code
breaking is called cryptanalysis. Cryptography has been used for centuries to protect confidential
documents. For example, Julius Caesar used a simple alphabetical cipher to encrypt messages to
his generals in the field. His general would have knowledge of the passkey needed to decrypt the
Secure communication
the integrity,
authentication, and confidentiality of network traffic as it traverses the public Internet.
Cryptology is a combination of two focus areas:
Cryptography - Associated with the creation and use of encryption methods.
Cryptanalysis - Concerned with the breaking or breaking of cryptographic
encryption methods.
Cryptographic hashes play an important role in securing network traffic. For example,
integrity is provided using the MD5 algorithm or SHA algorithm, authenticity is provided using
HMAC, and confidentiality is provided using various encryption algorithms.
Encryption can be implemented using two types of algorithms:
Symmetric algorithms – A variety of symmetric encryption algorithms can be
used including DES, 3DES, AES, or SEAL. Each option varies with respect to the degree of protection and ease of its application. DH is a hashing algorithm used to
support DES, 3DES, and AES.
Asymmetric algorithms - Asymmetric encryption algorithms can use digital
signatures to provide authentication and confidentiality. Asymmetric encryption is
usually implemented using PKI.