Answer Key
University of California, San DiegoCourse:
DSC 10 | Principles of Data ScienceAcademic year:
Kaiden Murphy
for paragraphs, and for images. It is important to properly
structure your content using HTML tags to improve the readability and layout of your
Step 4: Adding CSS Styles
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to add style and design to webpages created using
HTML. CSS allows for a more visually appealing and user-friendly website. To add CSS
to your webpage, you can either create a separate CSS file and link it to your HTML
document or add inline styles directly to your HTML tags. To learn more about CSS and
its capabilities, I recommend the CSS Tutorial on W3Schools
( Step 5: Incorporating JavaScript
JavaScript is a scripting language that adds interactivity and dynamic features to
webpages. It can be used to validate forms, create animations, and much more. To
incorporate JavaScript into your webpage, similar to CSS, you can either create a
separate JavaScript file and link it to your HTML document or add inline JavaScript code
directly to your HTML tags. The W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial
( is a great resource for learning the basics of
Question 5
Creating a website with Django involves several steps, from setting up your development
environment to deploying your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get
started: Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment Install Python: Ensure you have
Python installed on your machine. Django requires Python 3.6 or later. You can
download it from Install Django: You can install Django using pip, Python’s
package installer. bash Copy code pip install django Set Up a Virtual Environment: It’s a
good practice to create a virtual environment for your project to manage dependencies.
bash Copy code python -m venv myenv source myenv/bin/activate # On Windows, use
`myenv\Scripts\activate` Step 2: Create a Django Project Create a New Django Project:
Use the Django command-line utility to create a project. bash Copy code django-admin
startproject mywebsite Navigate to Your Project Directory: bash Copy code cd
mywebsite Run the Development Server: To make sure everything is set up correctly, run
the Django development server. bash Copy code python runserver Visit in your web browser to see your new Django site. Step 3: Create a
Django App Create a New App: Apps in Django are modules that handle specific
functionalities. bash Copy code python startapp myapp Add the App to Your
Project: Open mywebsite/ and add your app to the INSTALLED_APPS list.
python Copy code INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'myapp', ] Step 4: Define Models Create
Models: In myapp/, define the data models that map to your database schema.
python Copy code from django.db import models class MyModel(models.Model): name
= models.CharField(max_length=100) description = models.TextField() def
__str__(self): return Apply Migrations: After defining your models, create and
apply migrations to update the database schema. bash Copy code python
makemigrations python migrate Step 5: Create Views and Templates Create
Views: In myapp/, define the views to handle requests and return responses.
python Copy code from django.shortcuts import render from .models import MyModel
def index(request): items = MyModel.objects.all() return render(request, 'index.html',
{'items': items}) Create Templates: In myapp/templates/, create your HTML templates. For example, create an index.html file: html Copy code My Website My Items {% for
item in items %} {{ }}: {{ item.description }} {% endfor %} Map URLs to
Views: In myapp/, map URLs to your views. python Copy code from django.urls
import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path('', views.index, name='index'), ]
Then, include these URLs in the main project’s python Copy code from
django.contrib import admin from django.urls import include, path urlpatterns = [
path('admin/',, path('', include('myapp.urls')), ] Step 6: Test Your Website
Run the Server: Run the Django development server to test your application. bash Copy
code python runserver Visit Your Site: Open in your
browser to see your website in action. Step 7: Deploy Your Website Choose a Hosting
Provider: Consider using services like Heroku, DigitalOcean, or AWS for deployment.
Prepare for Deployment: Ensure your project is ready for deployment by: Configuring
settings for production (e.g., setting DEBUG = False). Setting up a production-ready
database (e.g., PostgreSQL). Collecting static files using python collectstatic.
Deploy: Follow the specific instructions of your hosting provider to deploy your Django
application. Additional Tips Use Git for Version Control: Track your project’s history
and collaborate with others by using Git. Explore Django Admin: Django comes with a
powerful admin interface that you can customize for content management. This guide
covers the basics, but Django has many advanced features, including user authentication,
form handling, and RESTful APIs, that you can explore as you build more complex
Creating a website with Django involves several steps, from setting up your development
environment to deploying your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get
Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment
The first step in creating a website with Django is to set up your development
environment. This includes installing Python, Django, and creating a virtual environment.
- Install Python: Make sure you have Python 3.6 or later installed on your machine. You
can download it from
- Install Django: Once you have Python installed, you can use pip, Python’s package
installer, to install Django. Simply run the command "pip install django" in your terminal.
- Set Up a Virtual Environment: It's best practice to create a virtual environment for your
Django project. This allows you to manage dependencies and keep your project's
packages separate from other projects. To create a virtual environment, run the command "python -m venv myenv" in your terminal and then activate it using the command "source
myenv/bin/activate" (on Windows, use "myenv\Scripts\activate").
Step 2: Create a Django Project
Once your development environment is set up, you can create your Django project.
- Create a New Django Project: Use the Django command-line utility to create a project.
In your terminal, run the command "django-admin startproject mywebsite". This will
create a directory named "mywebsite" with all the necessary files for a basic Django
- Navigate to Your Project Directory: Use the "cd" command to navigate to your project
directory ("mywebsite").
- Run the Development Server: To make sure everything is set up correctly, run the
Django development server. In your terminal, run the command "python
runserver". This will start the server on your local machine. Open
in your web browser to see your new Django site.
Step 3: Create a Django App
Apps in Django are modules that handle specific functionalities. You can create multiple
apps in a single project to manage different aspects of your website.
- Create a New App: To create a new app, run the command "python startapp
myapp" in your terminal. This will create a directory named "myapp" with all the
necessary files for a basic Django app.
- Add the App to Your Project: In your project's "" file, add your app to the
INSTALLED_APPS list. This will allow Django to recognize and use your new app.
Step 4: Define Models
Models in Django are used to define the data models that will map to your database
schema. This is an important step in setting up the structure of your website.
- Create Models: In your app's "" file, define the models using Python classes.
For example, you can create a "MyModel" class with fields for "name" and "description".
- Apply Migrations: After defining your models, you need to create and apply migrations
to update the database schema. To do this, run the commands "python
makemigrations" and "python migrate" in your terminal. This will create the necessary migration files and update your database.
Step 5: Create Views and Templates
Views in Django are used to handle requests and return responses. Templates are used to
create the HTML pages that will be served to users. These are essential components of
any website built with Django.
- Create Views: In your app's "" file, define the views for your app. These will
be functions that handle different requests and return data or render templates.
- Create Templates: In your app's "templates" directory, create HTML templates for your
website. For example, you can create an "index.html" file with a basic layout and use
Django's template language to display data.
- Map URLs to Views: In your app's "" file, map URLs to your views. This will
allow users to access different pages on your website.
Step 6: Test Your Website
Once you have created models, views, and templates, it's important to test your website to
make sure everything is working correctly.
- Run the Server: Run the Django development server using the command "python runserver".
- Visit Your Site: Open in your browser to see your website in
action. Test different pages and functionalities to make sure everything is functioning as
Step 7: Deploy Your Website
When you are ready to make your website live, you will need to deploy it using a hosting
service. Here are some tips to help you with this process:
- Choose a Hosting Provider: There are many hosting providers available, such as
Heroku, DigitalOcean, and AWS. Consider factors like cost, flexibility, and support when
choosing a provider.
- Prepare for Deployment: Before deploying your website, make sure it is ready for
production. This may include
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