Application 08 Dimensional analysisIconversion 08 units Irom one system to anotherMeasurementX =nua constantn,w,=nausu,=M°, L6, T°n2 = n, u,IusF=>kgms 242=M2 L2 6 T's Eg = converb IN= 10 dyneSI-SCGShi=1h2 =1 (kg) g (mm) [F)=(ML'T-2)a=1,5=1,c=-2(s)-2SI = =kg,L,=m,T,=SM,F(1000g) (100 cm CGS-giL2=CMITOESgM2n2=10s2) check the correctness as an equation/principle 08 homogenity 08 dimensionEg:- - V2-u2= 2as= =M°L°T' = MALEICT 2CApply principle 03homogenity,a=01 , 6+c=01-2c=1a=0, 5=1/2' C=-1/23) Derive soomula'sEg: Derive an equation SodT = K g l K=252the time period 08 a simple pendulumdepends on m,l & gT=25L L'TamalegeIT=kmalege