Best Plagiarism Checkers in 2024

When you are studying, you have to constantly do my assignment of varying complexity. The problem is, even if you rely on relevant research, you might get into trouble for using too many ideas that are not your own, particularly if you fail to cite them properly. Checking your work for plagiarism is essential, and for this reason, EduBirdie decided to help. We’ve devised a list of top six anti-plagiarism systems by comparing their various advantages and disadvantages, which can help you submit a flawless paper. Look through it, find your best plagiarism checker, and never worry about copied or badly paraphrased claims again! 

Plagiarism checker Overall score
1. EduBirdie
2. CopyLeaks
3. Plagiarisma
4. Quetext
5. Grammarly
6. Dupli Checker

Choosing Best Plagiarism Checker: A Comprehensive Evaluation Guide

On the Internet, you can find countless offers of a plag check. On the one hand, it’s great to have different options and be able to choose the system that fits your needs perfectly. On the other hand, the accuracy of many of these checkers leaves a lot to be desired. But how can you check it without getting into trouble with your professors?

Even one accusation of plagiarism can lead to you being reported to a Board. You must be 100% confident in your top plagiarism checker to avoid it. Take a look at the thorough analysis below and make an informed choice! Based on reviews and publicity, we’ve picked 6 most popular checkers so that you learn how do plagiarism checkers work and can try before settling on one.


This checker positions itself as a trusted student assistant capable of ensuring that their papers are completely plagiarism-free. It promises quality, accuracy, and relevancy of results. 


  • It’s completely free. There are no special packages to buy if you want to increase the word limit or get more options—everyone is equal here and receives exactly the same service.
  • It doesn’t require registration. Again, you won’t have to create an account for more options. Just go to the site and start using the checker without wasting time on anything else.
  • There is no limit, so you can post as many pages for checking as you’d prefer. This rare option makes this checker stand out.
  • It’s highly flexible and functional. It will count the words in your document for you, and you can drop files directly into the check window. Unlike most checkers, it supports many formats, including PDF, .txt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, and others.
  • The checking process happens quickly, taking between 10 and 20 seconds.
  • It’s user-friendly. Selected color combinations work well, and all the things you need to see right away are emphasized properly.
  • It covers students, writers, and copywriters.
  • You can select your type of paper so the system can be even more accurate, searching primarily in the corresponding categories.
  • If something is wrong with your paper, you can pay for college papers and let professionals edit and polish it.
  • Checking accuracy is high, alternating between 85-90%. EduBirdie caught the fact that our text was plagiarized.


  • Sometimes, the service can be overcrowded, meaning you won’t be able to use it. On the one hand, this shows that a huge number of people choose EduBirdie because we haven’t seen anything like this with any other checkers. On the other hand, you might have to wait before using its services. It’s worth mentioning that such a situation happened only once, though, even though we accessed it several times throughout the day.
  • A system might miss some phrases if they sound too general.
  • If you are confused about your paper type when filling out the search form, you might get flawed results.

Overall, based on all categories, EduBirdie differs from other checkers in a positive way. We can give it 4.8 because it’s proven to be accurate, quick, and reliable. Since it doesn’t require money or registration, it can be used by students and people of any background, including those who can’t pay for something as mundane and necessary as plag checking. We recommend it to everyone who needs to test their works for plagiarism.


This is a professional plagiarism checker that is built on AI technologies. It provides a multi-layered check and offers many other useful services for a wide variety of people. It promises a uniquely high percentage of accuracy for every checked page.  


  • It offers a huge variety of services, from plagiarism checking to documents comparison, MS and Google add-ons, API for developers, and so on.
  • It serves many client segments, including students, business developers, and other interested parties.
  • You can check 10 pages for free on a monthly basis.
  • The layout and overall design of CopyLeaks site are professional, increasing its trustworthiness.
  • It’s very functional and flexible, so you can decide what you want to check and in which way.
  • The support system is present, so you can contact them in case you have any questions about this checker’s usage.
  • It’s very thorough in actual plagiarism checking. Even the smallest moments are usually caught, so its accuracy level reaches about 85-95%.


  • To be able to use any of the services of this checker, including plagiarism scanning, you need to create an account.
  • The limit of 10 pages (with one page being counted as having 250 words, which is less than generally accepted) runs out quickly, particularly if you are a student who has to compose essays all the time and needs a limitless service.
  • For checking of more pages, you will have to pay by purchasing an additional CopyLeaks credit plan.
  • The interface of the site isn’t very user-friendly. While the design looks prestigious, too much information is offered at once, which might be a bit overwhelming.
  • Due to many photos and big chunks of text, the page loads rather slowly, which can cause problems to those who are browsing from a mobile or have a slow Internet connection.

All in all, we can evaluate CopyLeaks positively rather than negatively. It gets a 4 based on a 5-point scale and we recommend it for businesses and professionals who want a quality checker that they are ready to pay for. Students who are usually on a budget and produce many papers are advised to choose another system.


Plagiarisma is a rather flexible checker that advertises its services to students and their professors both. It claims to be thorough, accurate, and fast. In addition, it presents itself as a worthy alternative to such giants as Turnitin and Copyscape 


  • It’s free and doesn’t require you to register if you’re satisfied with the provided word limit.
  • It’s functional because you can post and insert your text into a check window or attach a file from your PC.
  • Add-ons are available, which can be useful if you’re interested in checking your texts often without having to open this checker’s page over and over again.
  • Several groups of people can use it, such as students and article rewriters.
  • It’s efficient in detecting plagiarism. Plagiarisma correctly identified the same new text taken from a popular site as plagiarized content. It did miss some phrases, but overall, its level of accuracy and relevancy takes about 85%.


  • It has a limit of 2000 characters, which is about 350 words. Naturally, this is not enough for most people.
  • If you want to exceed your limit, you have to register.
  • The site isn’t very user-friendly because many colorful elements are present in close proximity to one another. You might be confused when trying to determine what to do.
  • The written ad text is full of mistakes, including the word “plagiarism.” This contributes to the feeling of doubt about this checker.
  • Even checking a one-page piece of text takes about 40 seconds, which is longer than the majority of similar checkers.

Following our evaluation scale of 5 maximum points, we give Plagiarisma 3.5. We recommend it for students who don’t mind creating an account and checking semi-length papers because they will indeed get great and accurate results. However, this isn't the best option for those who want to work quickly without being halted by such technical aspects as small limits and registration.


This checker presents itself as an assistant with plagiarism and correct citations. Its system is based on honesty, which is used in interactions with potential clients. It also boasts of being incredibly functional and innovative. 


  • It requires no registration or money if the offered word limit and lack of any benefits satisfy you.
  • A high level of user-friendliness. Everything looks and feels comfortable and intuitive, so you’ll face no issues when checking your text for plagiarism.
  • A great amount of functionality and editing opportunities. You can not only test essays for plagiarism with this checker but also exclude sources that shouldn’t take part in checking process, download detailed PDF report, work with up to 5 papers at the same time, and so on.
  • This checker can benefit many groups of individuals, including students and teachers, copywriters, and writers in general.
  • Accuracy of plagiarism checking is high, reaching up to 95%. Quetext has rightfully recognized our test text as plagiarized, showing exact sources where it was taken from.


  • The word limit for free and unregistered checking is very small, covering only 1 page. It’s not enough for students in most cases.
  • You have to create an account and buy a Pro package to access this service's benefits and use it properly, checking many papers. The price is 9.99$ monthly, which is not high yet still discouraging for many students.
  • Without paying, you can count only on a brief superficial checking with no report and no “exclude sources” function.
  • The checking process works rather slowly, taking up to several minutes.

So, based on everything, we would give Quetext 3.5. It’s not expensive, it’s thorough and has many useful functions, but unfortunately, they all can be accessed only if you’ve created an account and paid a monthly fee. Unless you know this, you might mistakenly paste a big chunk of text and receive positive results, even if only a small part has been checked. There will be no warning, so keep it in mind when trying. We recommend it to those who don’t mind paying for check services they use every month.

Dupli Checker

This checker boasts of offering several useful services at once. It not only checks the presence of plagiarism but also allows you to see any possible grammar mistakes you might have made. In addition, you can use a PDF converter that will deal with your files quickly and efficiently. So, what is the real situation with it? 


  • It offers several services at once that any student will find invaluable.
  • It’s completely free and doesn’t require registration, so you won’t have to waste any time or money.
  • It covers a vast audience, from students to those operating within SEO checks and other interested businesses and individuals.
  • It’s rather user-friendly, with an interface being intuitive enough for you to figure out how to check your text for plagiarism or grammar.
  • It’s highly functional, letting you paste your text into a window for plagiarism checking or attach a file for it to be checked.


  • It has a limit of 1000 words, meaning that there would be no point in using it for many people of the potential audience. If you’ve been assigned a short essay, it’s great. But usually, texts are much longer than 1000 words, meaning that this limit will be a serious obstacle.
  • Its accuracy in catching plagiarism is rather low, standing at about 50-60%. One of the tests we conducted involved pasting a piece of a text published on one of the popular sites about a month ago into a checkbox, and Dupli Checker thought it was completely unique. It deals with plagiarism detected within academic sources in a more satisfying manner, though.
  • Its ad texts are filled with evident grammar mistakes, creating doubts about its trustworthiness.

So, Dupli Checker can be of great assistance with short academic texts. From the scale of 1 to 5, it gets a firm 3. We recommend it if you’re looking for quick help with texts up to 1000 words, where all the sources you used are academic. For other tasks, it’s not the best choice.  


Grammarly is a well-known service provider with numerous users who are satisfied with its offerings. Its plagiarism checker is just one part of its range of offerings. It claims to be one of the most accurate checkers suitable for all people, including professionals, and its excellent reputation attracts more and more new parties to it.


  • User-friendly. The layout is simple and unobtrusive, mentioning all the important things without cramming them all up in one place. The design looks professional, which adds credibility to the overall impression of Grammarly’s plag checker.
  • Very functional. You can pick among different options when checking your text, and each will work very fast, in a matter of seconds, without forcing you to wait at all.
  • A detailed report is available once the checking process is completed. There, you can see everything that is wrong with your text, including not only plagiarism but also grammar issues, spelling, style intricacies, sentence structure, punctuation, and so on.
  • This checker can be used by all kinds of people, including students, professors, writers, rewriters, and others.
  • Grammarly is very thorough in its checking of plagiarism, with its accuracy equaling 95%.


  • You have to create an account and pay to use its services. The package plan isn’t cheap, with a minimum monthly payment of $29.95. Not everyone can afford it.
  • It’s misleading. During the test, Grammarly showed 17 issues with the submitted text. After registration, it stated that there were no issues at all. After page reloading, 17 issues emerged again, with an offer to buy a plan. While these issues might be valid, Grammarly's approach isn’t trustworthy and creates suspicions.
  • While its reports often highlight truly relevant issues, some are extremely subjective.

Despite its outstanding reputation, Grammarly surprised us in several unpleasant ways, particularly with how it got us to sign up. Still, this doesn’t cancel out the fact that it’s efficient in plag checking, so we give it a 3 and recommend it to those who don’t mind paying and want to receive excellent accuracy for their money.        

Making a Decision About Which Plag Checker to Use

As you can see, all six checkers have advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are more efficient than others. We’ve made our conclusions based strictly on our personal testing. The final decision is up to you, of course, so you’re free to check your paper with all six of checkers before deciding on the best plagiarism software.

But we with certainty can recommend plagiarism checker by Edubirdie!

Have the best of luck in writing your papers! 

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