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Get a readability analysis based on the world's most respected and trusted formulas.
Strengthen your writing by reducing sentences that are too long or short.
Reduce the number of words with too many syllables that are hard to read and say.
Get a comprehensive report that includes your essay’s average score and similarity percentage that include a list of sources.
Make your content more unique with the AI-based paraphrasing tool.
Transform plagiarized content into quotes with the built-in citation generator.
Exclude unnecessary sources that are below the threshold set by your university.
Fix grammar mistakes and detect writing errors, including spelling and punctuation.
Instantly correct mistakes by clicking on suggestions and see how your average score will improve.
Read explanations of errors so you can improve your writing skills for the next paper.
Automatically generate in-text citations to reduce plagiarism.
Access study guides about different citation styles and sources.
Create a bibliography list according to the rules of your formatting.
Get a readability analysis based on the world's most respected and trusted formulas.
Strengthen your writing by reducing sentences that are too long or short.
Reduce the number of words with too many syllables that are hard to read and say.
Get a comprehensive report that includes your essay’s average score and similarity percentage that include a list of sources.
Make your content more unique with the AI-based paraphrasing tool.
Transform plagiarized content into quotes with the built-in citation generator.
Exclude unnecessary sources that are below the threshold set by your university.
We Can Turn Your Paper Into a Perfect One
Editing Help
EduBirdie is your one-stop-shop for editing and proofreading!
We have an expansive database of editors who can help hone and perfect your
academic paper, eliminating all grammar and syntax mistakes along the way.
Writing essays is time-consuming and arduous for students in all fields.
What’s more, rewriting old essays to improve grades can feel like an even
greater time suck. So, let us rewrite your old essays to perfection!
Why Choose Us?
Only Real Editors200+ ProfessionalsHigh Quality
Ultimate Content Checker to Cover All Your Writing Needs
Ever wanted a tool to check your college paper in terms of grammar, spelling, and plagiarism all at once? Yes, we have thought about it too! We are happy to present you with a handy solution for your grammar and all your citations. No need to jump between browser tabs and waste your precious time anymore.
Our paper similarity checker will handle your plagiarism and grammar challenges. It will detect every plagiarism checker issue you may encounter and provide you with a stellar paper, an "all-in-one" approach every student dreams of!
Just submit your paper and take your time to test it out. Our expert plagiarism checker tool will provide the best detection quality for your grammar structure and plagiarism issues simultaneously. If when checking for plagiarism you find that your paper is non-unique, you can not hesitate and ask for help from our writing service EduBirdie, whose experts will help you as soon as possible with this problem. Inspect vocabulary aspects, major mistakes and use a similarity index to polish your paper to make it shine.
What is Plagiarism Checker and What Are The Consequences One Can Face?
In simple terms, plagiarism is intentional or unintentional copying of entire or partial content that has been composed by another individual or a group of people. Presenting it as your unique idea or failing to mention the author(s) is considered plagiarism. Of course, it can be unintentional when a person does not know how to quote correctly or give due credit, using someone's idea.
Speaking of consequences, even minor paraphrasing can result in lower grades when the similarity level is high and no source is provided. If you copy half of someone's work, you are also at a high risk of being expelled from your college or university. The same relates to fake references, which can be considered a fraud. If you are working on your dissertation, even your professional reputation can be destroyed if a plagiarism checker is not used.
It is vital to master the concepts of academic honesty and integrity and always have your content checked in terms of plagiarism.
Types of Plagiarism Include:
Complete Plagiarism. It is the most serious offense when the entire content has been plagiarized. It has the worst consequences as well.
Source-based Plagiarism. It happens when you fail to specify your sources correctly. It is also the case when our plagiarism detection tool will assist you to stay safe.
Direct Plagiarism. It stands for providing the direct quote without giving credit to the author. Use quotation marks and state the source.
Self or Auto Plagiarism. It is most typical for publishers and research writers when they copy the bits from their past works. It is still argued as to whether it is a serious offense.
Paraphrasing Plagiarism. Simply replacing words with synonyms is the most frequent cause among college students. Use our grammar checker and plagiarism detection mechanism to address both issues and learn how to paraphrase right.
Inaccurate Authorship. It happens when students provide inaccurate or wrong references with missing or non-existent credentials. It is also considered a serious plagiarism offense.
Mosaic Plagiarism. Also known as patching. Basically, it means using small parts of different papers to create a new one. It might be hard to detect, and this issue is often related to student's honesty. Our similarity essay checker will identify the similarity percentage as a sum of things.
Accidental Plagiarism. It happens when a learner misses some point and uses paraphrasing without checking, editing, or proofreading the final paper.
All of these issues can be handled by our online plagiarism checker. It will assist you not only in getting your citations right but will also help with the grammar. A simple way to paraphrase things and improve readability with no errors in your assignment.
Grammar Checker For Essays, Why Does it Matter?
It is vital to keep your grammar in control; it is a huge part of the final grade. Your college professor will always turn to your grammar and check it. Grammar speaks of your accuracy and being able to express your ideas correctly. More than half of grammar mistakes happen because of editing and proofreading when an average student starts adding or deleting some parts that sound weak or wrong. It leads to missed articles or repetitions and brings in various sentences that sound out of place. Spelling and punctuation mistakes usually happen when a person has to provide citations or complex sources for analysis. It is a reason why our free essay spelling and grammar tool is so important. Free essay plagiarism checker will help you highlight each critical issue and learn how to spell as you check content for plagiarism.
Grammar checker includes basic English grammar, which is essential to keep the sequence of tenses and avoid passive voice. If your sentence sounds too wordy or unclear, our essay analyzer will also alert you about the changes that can be made. Adding the plagiarism detection tool as you edit is especially good because you waste no education time in terms of post-editing or having to check the originality index elsewhere!
Getting your grammar fixed with our free plagiarism checker online will help you improve your grades. It is your way to meet the requirements of the most common academic writing styles. Do not ever ignore this part. Grammar only gets more crucial as you progress with your studies. Our free online plagiarism tool improves your writing mechanics as you can use it not only as a student but as a professional researcher!
How to Avoid Plagiarism and Grammar Mistakes in Essay Writing?
You should start with providing relevant quotes and references for any idea that is not yours. It can be done with quotation marks and sources. If you have any direct quotes, they should be supported with references. It is vital to make it accurate and provide as much information as possible to help the college professor or your target audience find it. Remember that it has to be obtained either online or in print. If you add or omit some information from the quote, it is considered plagiarism. If your source has ISBN or DOI addition, you can safely use it as a way to cite your sources and avoid plagiarism.
Still, your college paper must have a healthy balance of sources (citations) and the ideas you represent. If your paper is not original or has a high similarity level, it will get you in trouble with the final grading. Turning to our helpful advanced, professional essay plagiarism checker lets you handle all the existing risks at once!
Our Essay Checker Is Your Ultimate Solution
When you say something like “check my paper for plagiarism,” you do not always realize you will encounter various editing issues. It will frequently lead to minor grammar mistakes as you make corrections. That is why we thought about a professional copyright checker tool to address your grammar right away and get rid of various challenges every college student has to go through.
✅ 700K+ Checks
Used by students around the world
💻 Reliable Software
Detect plagiarism fast
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Sources specified
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Always online
Here are the main benefits:
Our online plagiarism detector and grammar checker for essay works the same way as the ones used by schools. They have the same algorithms that will help you check your paper for originality. The only difference is in the databases checked.
The grammar tool helps to identify each element that requires attention.
It also implements anti-deceiving methods that will see the typos and the wrong characters encountered in your text.
Your text will be checked via various search engines to detect the deep similarity index.
Online plagiarism checker will generate a detailed report and will highlight every bit that requires your attention regardless if it is an article, book evaluation, or college paper that must be fixed.
Checking your grammar, spelling, and style will provide you with the highlighted parts that you can edit and check for plagiarism again after the essay spelling checker has done its job.
Unlike TurnItIn, you can submit your paper as often as you require because it is not stored anywhere and lets you scan each paragraph for similarity and avoid cheating in any form.
You can use an essay similarity checker for your paper not only in English but also in German, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, and even Portuguese.
Our grammar and plagiarism checker will also help you correct your use of appropriate tenses and will improve your writing style.
Just bring your paper to excellence by checking your document as much as you need!
Check My Essay so I can Become an Excellent Student
Definitely! The trick is in checking your college essay for plagiarism and editing it at the same time by dealing with grammar issues. It is exactly what helps your work shine as the strict college professor or any other reviewer looks through it. Do not think twice. Our plagiarism scanner is your time-saver and academic ground!
What is Considered Plagiarism?
Patchwriting - rephrasing another author’s words and using them without attribution in your essay.
Invented Sources - creating non-existent sources and citing them.
Paraphrasing - rewriting the text in other words and not citing it.
Self-plagiarism - refurbishing or reusing your own work completed in the past.
Fake citations - citing information but with incorrect sources.
Misleading Citations - omitting citations and claiming credit for another person’s work.
Incremental plagiarism - poorly paraphrased content, although correctly cited.
Uncredited Paraphrasing - text not adequately translated into your own words, with presence or absence of citations.
Direct plagiarism - deliberate copying another author’s words or idea into an assignment without providing any type of acknowledgment.
Accidental plagiarism - not knowing or forgetting to cite material from outside sources.
You do not need to worry about plagiarism issues, if you ask for a writing help from our professionals.
The development of technologies and the Internet has given access to information. Unfortunately, one of the side effects is an increase in plagiarism. Turni...
If you were assigned to summarize an article, there is no wonder why you are not quite sure how to avoid plagiarizing in this case, as you will have to provi...
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