19th Century Short Stories – The Woman’s Rose
The Woman’s Rose:
➔ ‘But no one has my rose’ –> Rose seems to be of great importance
to her. Valued. However reason is unknown as of the start of the
➔ ‘Twelve years, comes back to me’ –> Rose even after so long,
provides consolation and comfort to her. Suggestive of importance
and value.
➔ ‘Spring cannot fail us’ –> The idea of the fact that even during dark
times, there will always be hope present. ‘Spring’ is suggestive of
hope and a new beginning. Literally; always be spring after winter.
Metaphorically; There will always be hope after tough times.
➔ ‘She reigned alone’ –> Gives the girl a seemingly royal and
powerful status. As ‘reigned’ is often associated with such.
➔ ‘I despised them’ –> She likes the attention, however is not serious
about it. Seemingly shallow and demeaning behavior, putting the
men down.
➔ ‘They had deserted her for me’ –> Ironical that she empathizes
with the girl; feels guilty, and sorry for her. As she was here and
had all the attention at first.
➔ ‘She and I never spoke to each other’ –> The narrator and the girl
has no communication at all; setting up the idea of
➔ ‘Dressed in pure white’ –> suggests purity, innocence.
➔ ‘my old black dress’ –> stark contrast to her.
➔ ‘How nice dark hair is’ –> She has no sign of hatred in her voice;
➔ ‘You are so beautiful to me’ –> She acknowledges her beauty; the
conversation between them is incredibly genuine. No doubt in
each others words. Realizes her misunderstanding. ➔ ‘Magnanimity’ –> Idea of comfort, restoring faith. Links back to the
rose, symbolizing reconciliation. She was mistaken, but
understands now.