Diagnostic Procedure
STUDENT NAME _____________________________________
Type and Screen
PROCEDURE NAME ____________________________________________________________________
Description of Procedure
Blood typing is a laboratory test that identifies blood group antigens (substances that stimulate
an immune response) belonging to the ABO blood group system.
Blood typing and screening are most
commonly performed to ensure that a person
who needs a transfusion will receive blood
that matches (is compatible with) his or her
own, and the clinically significant antibodies
are identified if present. People must receive
blood of the same blood type; otherwise,
severe tranfusion reaction may result
Interpretation of Findings
Blood typing will determing if a person is A,
B, AB or O and if he or she is Rh negative or
Potential Complications
-Discomfort-Bruising-Excessive bleeding at
the site where the needle punctured the
skin-Dizziness/fainting-Risk for infection
Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post)
Explain procedure to pt., clean skin over
vein, and insert needle into that vein. The
blood is drawn through the needle into an
attached vacuum tube.Collection of sample
takes only a few minutes
Client Education
Must be done 3 days or less before
transfusion, no need to change diet,
medications/activities priorTell their HCP if
they have received a blood transfusion or a
plasma substitute in the last 3 months, or
had a radiology procedure using IV contrast
Nursing Interventions
Bruising and bleeding is reduced if pressure
is applied with a finger to the puncture site
until the bleeding stops Disconfort can be
treated with warm packs to the puncture site,
maintain clean site