Lecture Note
Santa Fe CollegeCourse:
ETS 2527C | Electromechanical Components and MechanismsAcademic year:
Jabin F.
∝ p0 * ωt Given: p0 = 2qd, d = 1 (length of dipole) Calculations: P1 ∝ q1^2 * μ1 * ω1^4 P2 ∝ q2^2 * μ2 * ω2^4 P1 / P2 = (q1^2 * μ1 * ω1^4) / (q2^2 * μ2 * ω2^4) P1 / P2 = (9^2 * μ1 * (5ω)^4) / ((15)^2 * μ2 * (15ω)^4) P1 / P2 = 1/150 Section 2 Calculation: P1 / P2 = 1/150 Conclusion: P2 = 150 * P1 Reference: Question 28, Page-97 Equation: Intensity ∝ (μ0 / 6πc) * (p0^2 / r^2) Calculation: Intensity ∝ (2^2) * (2^2) = 16 times Section 1 Reference: Question 33, Page-97 Diagram: A square loop carrying a current I. Equations: I = I0 * e^(-iωt)
= (μ0 / 6πc) * <(ṗ)^2> p = qd ṗ = qḋ = iωd <(ṗ)^2> = ω^2 * d^2 * I0^2 / 2
= (μ0 * ω^2 * I0^2 * d^2) / (12πc)
/ (d^2) = (μ0 * ω^2 * I0^2) / (12πc) Section 2 Conclusion: μb = ε0 * c^2
Electric Field Study Notes
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