Lecture Notes: Analyzing the Impact of Water Influx on Sandstone Reservoirs
I. Introduction
Importance of analyzing the influence of intensive water production on the stability of
weakly cemented sandstone reservoirs in the Senomanian formations.
Exploring the mechanism of capillary forces and the reduction of clay cement strength
when interacting with water.
Drawing parallels with the Urengoy field's operational experience, a regional analog
to the Medvezhe field, regarding water and sand production challenges.
Highlighting the primary goal of identifying the structure and nature of complications
arising from active water influx and the removal of significant condensate volumes.
II. Diagnostic Methodology for Well Conditions
Emphasizing the significance of reliable and comprehensive initial data for effective
Describing the diagnostic methodology used during well operation and maintenance
in the context of active water production.
Defining diagnostic criteria for assessing well conditions before and after
maintenance work.
Establishing threshold values for selected criteria based on theoretical
considerations, industry standards, and operational data.
III. Selected Diagnostic Criteria
Presenting the chosen diagnostic criteria:
Liquid saturation ratio.
Proportion of mechanical impurities.
Chemical composition of fluids, including trace elements.
Granulometric or particle size distribution of mechanical impurities.
Filtration and capacitive properties of the productive formation.
Quality of cementing in the production casing.
Technical condition of the well structure.
IV. Conclusion
Stressing the importance of a systematic diagnostic approach for assessing well
conditions in the presence of water and sand production.
Recognizing the value of selected diagnostic criteria in providing a comprehensive
understanding of well integrity and performance.